Judy Garland oor Spaans

Judy Garland

United States singer and film actress (1922-1969)

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Judy Garland

It was at a little girl's birthday party given at the home of Judy Garland.
Fue en la fiesta de cumpleaños de una niña dado en la casa de Judy Garland.
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Where Judy Garland fits in is anyone’s guess.”
Dónde pueda encajar aquí Judy Garland es cosa de cada uno».Literature Literature
I wasn’t forced into this business by stage parents the way Judy Garland was.
No me obligaron a entrar en esta profesión unos progenitores dedicados al espectáculo, como ocurrió con Judy Garland.Literature Literature
Her hair was banged around the way Judy Garland’s used to be.
Llevaba el pelo desgreñado como Judy Garland.Literature Literature
He told me Woodman and Fearaven were at Judy Garland’s house and nothing had happened.
Me dijo que Woodman y Fearaven se encontraban en casa de Judy Garland y que hasta ahora nada había pasado.Literature Literature
It must have been important to keep him from seeing Judy Garland.
Tenía que ser algo realmente importante para que le impidiera ir a ver a Judy Garland.Literature Literature
He was looking at Judy Garland, but the body warmth was going to Cassie James.
Él miraba a Judy Garland, pero su corazón estaba con Cassie James.Literature Literature
The guys who were watching Judy Garland had no radio in their car.
Los dos gorilas que vigilaban a Judy no tenían radio en el auto.Literature Literature
"""Didn't you ever watch those old black-and-white movies with Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney?"""
– ¿Nunca has visto esas viejas películas en blanco y negro con Judy Garland y Mickey Rooney?Literature Literature
‘He is only the shortest genetic step from Judy Garland,’ said Asad, removing clingfilm from another bowl.
—Es lo más parecido genéticamente a Judy Garland —dijo Asad, que estaba retirando el papel film a un cuenco.Literature Literature
She was once nicknamed The Judy Garland of Japan.
Fue apodada la Judy Garland del Japón.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He collided into Dean Martin, upsetting his drink, and kicked Judy Garland smartly in the ankle.
Empujó a Dean Martin, haciéndole caer la bebida, y golpeó con el pie el tobillo de Judy Garland.Literature Literature
You also act as Judy Garland’s bodyguard until this is taken care of.”
Servirá, pues, como guardaespaldas de Judy Garland hasta que se solucione este asunto.Literature Literature
Cassie James does not like Judy Garland.
A Cassie James no le gusta Judy Garland.Literature Literature
In her childhood she had seen the Judy Garland movie Meet Me in St.
De niña había visto la película de Judy Garland Cita en Sí.Literature Literature
“The studios killed Judy Garland.
A Judy Garland la mataron los estudios de cine.Literature Literature
Bukowski going for Judy Garland when it was too late for everybody.
Bukowski yendo a por Judy Garland cuando era ya demasiado tarde para todos.Literature Literature
There I am with Miss Judy Garland.
Aquí estoy con la Srta. Judy Garland.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Another Judy Garland picture,” the man said, nodding toward the theater.
—Otra película de Judy Garland —dijo el hombre, señalando el cine con un gesto—.Literature Literature
I wanted a surprise knock or a chance to sneak in and get Judy Garland out.
Quería dar un golpe sorpresa, o introducirme sin ser visto y hacer salir a Judy Garland.Literature Literature
The American singer Judy Garland was singing “You Made Me Love You.”
La cantante estadounidense Judy Garland cantaba «You Made Me Love You».Literature Literature
Our last night on Earth will be you, me, and Judy Garland.
La última noche en la Tierra será tú, yo, y Judy Garland.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That’s what Judy Garland would do, she claimed.
Afirmó que eso era lo que Judy Garland haría.Literature Literature
What's more boring than a queen doing a Judy Garland imitation?
¿Qué es más aburrido que una reinona imitando a Judy Garland?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
My attention turned back to Judy Garland, who was watching my face.
Mi atención volvió a Judy Garland, que me estaba contemplando.Literature Literature
It was impossible not to think of Judy Garland, heels clicking, red shoes sparkling.
Era imposible no pensar en Judy Garland, taconeando, con los zapatos brillantes.Literature Literature
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