Kalasasaya oor Spaans


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Magnetic stone — another mystery of Kalasasaya.
La Piedra Magnética es otro enigma de Kalasasaya.
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Magnetic stone — another mystery of Kalasasaya.
Queda derogada la Decisión #/#/CE, EuratomCommon crawl Common crawl
In this ceremony the amauta is situated at the door of the Kalasasaya Temple and presents the wajta (offering) to the Pachamama (Mother Earth, germinates) and to Inti Tata (Father Sun, fertilizes); all this takes place at the Puerta del Sol (Door of the Sun). Thousands of visitors await the arrival of the sun’s first rays with their palms lifted upwards in order to receive energy from the Father Sun.
Gracias, igualmenteCommon crawl Common crawl
Visit the ruins of Akapana pyramid, the Kalasasaya and the Underground Temple of Kontiki, aqueducts and the famous Gate of the Sun, which is carved with symmetrical figures.
Y lo hicieron, lo que es grandioso.Pero, ¿ que debieron entregar a cambio?Common crawl Common crawl
“But does Kalasasaya mean traveler, or not?”
¿ Te he despertado?Literature Literature
Sector Kalasasaya was created, as is thought, in contrast to the subterranean kingdom.
Templo de Kalasasaya with its stone steps and main entrance has become a witness not only of the distant past, but also of astonishing by its significance newest history: it is through this ancient entrance that the presently ruling Evo Morales, first Indian leader of the country for the last 500 years, passed and then addressed the nation.
Como si te interesaraCommon crawl Common crawl
Kalasasaya and Gateway of the Sun: Author’s interviews, Couture, Vranich; Kolata 1993:143–49.
No se emplearán para los colectores y bocas contraincendios materiales que el calor inutilice fácilmente, a no ser que estén convenientemente protegidosLiterature Literature
Kalasasaya is a window on the Earth that is opened to the sky.
Los hombres sufren en sus manosCommon crawl Common crawl
The small Semi-Subterranean temple, to the east of Kalasasaya, also had stelae representing men with beards.
Un discotequero muertoLiterature Literature
Later we walk around Tiwanaku and its major archaeological and ceremonial sites: The Pirámide Akapana, the Templete Semisubterraneo, the Templo de Kalasasaya, The Puerta del Son and Puerta de la Lunas, lithic sculpted figures.
Cariño, podemos hacerloCommon crawl Common crawl
It has since been restored by archaeologists and erected in this corner of the Kalasasaya.
Sí, lo consiguió.-¿ Y McLyntock qué?Literature Literature
The geophysical data collected from these surveys and excavations have revealed the presence of numerous man-made structures in the area between the Pumapunku and Kalasasaya complexes.
De conformidad con el artículo #, apartados # y #, del Reglamento de base, la comparación del valor normal medio ponderado, tal y como se determinó en la investigación original, con la media ponderada de los precios de exportación durante el período de investigación de la presente investigación, según lo establecido por los datos de Eurostat, expresado como porcentaje del precio cif en la frontera de la Comunidad no despachado de aduana, puso de relieve la existencia de un margen de dumping considerable (el #,# %WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Kalasasaya is not a fortress but a celestial observatory, perhaps the oldest in the world.
destilados (petróleo), proceso de tratamiento con hidrógeno del destilado ligero, bajo punto de ebulliciónLiterature Literature
Had the Kalasasaya been a fortress then?
Y yo sé que él te necesita a tiLiterature Literature
Fish-garbed figures There were two massive pieces of statuary inside the Kalasasaya.
Vi a mi pueblo arder en llamasLiterature Literature
It is recommendable to visit here: the amazing and mysterious Sun Gate (La Puerta del Sol), the precious Moon Gate (La Puerta de la Luna), the impressive Kalasasaya underground temple and the wonderful Monolitos (Monoliths).
Mención eventual de una radiación ionizante por razones de índole médicaCommon crawl Common crawl
“Let’s get out of here,” I ordered, taking the first steps toward the stairs, heading toward Kalasasaya.
Antes de que me arrojes a tu hermana... creo que debería corregir una impresión equivocadaLiterature Literature
Thus in the Kalasasaya was verified with remarkable precision the changes of seasons and the sun oriented year of 365 days.
¿ Qué tan rápido podemos sacar esas imágenes de la red?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
"....A huge structure just east of it, called Kalasasaya, was delineated by a series of vertical pillars, which is what the name meant ("The Standing Pillars"), revealing a somewhat rectangular enclosure measuring 450 by 400 feet.
en Bélgica: Registre du commerce/HandelsregisterParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
If you prefer, you can arrange for a tour which leaves La Paz for the ruins of Tiawanaku between 4-4:30am, so that you will reach the Kalasasaya esplanade before the sun’s rays inaugurate the New Year.
¿ Te refieres a esto?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In chapter 3, we marveled at the incredible megalithic stonework of Tiwanaku in Bolivia, which, based on the alignment of the Kalasasaya temple, has been dated to at least 4050 BC.
Y sin comprender por qué, experimenté una extraña tristezaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
That is why to Kalasasaya also it is known as the Temple of the "standing stones".
Además, las empresas brasileñas que cooperaron producen una amplia gama de productos, coincidente en gran medida con los de la República Popular China y VietnamParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It takes a lot of effort, however, for the visitor to appreciate and understand it fully. Tiwanaku is more an exercise in observation and documentation than in simple contemplation. This is because all that remains of the city’s majestic ensemble of temples and palaces are the ruins or partially reconstructed remains of seven great buildings − the Akapana Pyramid, the temple of Kantatayita, the temple of Kalasasaya, the Putuni Palace, the Kheri Kala Palace, the Puma Punku Pyramid, and the small semi-subterranean temple.
No puedo anular lo que ya he hecho, pero...... he conseguido admitirlo, y a decir verdadParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The main attractions are the Temple of Kalasasaya, the Pyramid of Akapana and the Sun Gate Intipunku.
El facilitador presidirá las reuniones del colegio, coordinará las acciones de este y velará por un intercambio eficaz de información entre los miembros del colegioParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
For example, the opening of the known monolithic door under the name of Door of the Sun, which one found, lying and broken, in the enclosure of Kalasasaya, Christian and principal church building of Tiahuanaco and which was not completed in 1290 at the time of the catch of the city by Araucans de Kari.
realmente necesito hablarteParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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