Kristopher oor Spaans


A male given name of modern usage, a rare spelling variant of Christopher.

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But Kristopher is at his hotel, if you would like to speak to him.
Pero Kristopher está en el hotel si quieren hablar con él.

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Department of Defense photo by Airman Kristopher Wilson, U.S.
Departamento de Defensa, foto de Airman Kristopher Wilson, U.S.Literature Literature
“Music isn’t just a pastime or diversion to Kristopher, it is his life.
La música no es simplemente un pasatiempo o diversión para Kristopher, es su vida.Literature Literature
“Of course not,” I lied frantically, still trying desperately to keep my secret—Kristopher’s secret.
—Por supuesto que no —mentí frenéticamente, tratando desesperadamente de mantener mi secreto, el secreto de Kristopher—.Literature Literature
But Kristopher was already shaking his head.
Pero Kristopher ya estaba negando con la cabeza.Literature Literature
I decided what I needed to relax was the soft, clear sounds of Kristopher’s violin.
Decidí que lo que necesitaba para relajarme eran los sonidos suaves y claros del violín de Kristopher.Literature Literature
No, not my hand—Kristopher’s, whispered a voice in my brain.
No, no es mi mano... La mano de Kristopher, susurraba una voz en mi cerebro.Literature Literature
Have you spoken to Damian's brother, Kristopher?
¿Han hablado con el hermano de Damian, Kristopher?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Kristopher frowned and tried to withdraw his hands.
Kristopher frunció el ceño e intentó retirar sus manos.Literature Literature
I looked up at Haley’s II a moment longer, wondering if Kristopher could see it as well.
Miré al Haley II por un largo momento, preguntándome si Kristopher podía verlo también.Literature Literature
I hoped I was as far ahead academically as Kristopher’s tutors seemed to think.
Esperaba estar más que adelantada académicamente como los tutores de Kristopher parecían pensar.Literature Literature
“And if you’re not Kristopher Jameson then who are you?”
Y si no eres Kristopher Jameson, ¿quién eres entonces?Literature Literature
“Kristina Jameson, Kristopher’s twin sister,” I said softly.
—Kristina Jameson, la hermana gemela de Kristopher —dije suavemente.Literature Literature
Blinski, was saying had already been covered at length by Kristopher’s mathematics tutor.
Blinski, estaba diciendo, ya había sido cubierto ampliamente por el tutor de matemáticas de Kristopher.Literature Literature
I had seen Kristopher put one on many times but had never really questioned how he did it.
Yo había visto a Kristopher poner uno en varias ocasiones, pero nunca me había preguntado realmente como lo hizo.Literature Literature
Kristopher never acted like this—even in the privacy of our home he was always the perfect gentleman.
Kristopher nunca había actuado así, incluso en la intimidad de nuestro hogar siempre fue un perfecto caballero.Literature Literature
Clutching hands like children lost in the woods, Kristopher and I nodded.
Agarrándonos las manos como niños perdidos en el bosque, Kristopher y yo asentimos.Literature Literature
I had been planning to risk going home, back when Kristopher was still there.
Había estado planeando arriesgarme a volver a casa, cuando ni Kristopher todavía estaba allí.Literature Literature
I would be forced to leave the school, my father would be notified, and both Kristopher and I would be exposed.
Estaría forzada a dejar la escuela, mi padre sería notificado, y tanto Kristopher como yo seríamos expuestos.Literature Literature
Running to the closet, I got out a towel and a pair of Kristopher’s old pajamas I had brought with me.
—Corriendo hacia el armario, tomé una toalla y un par de viejas pijamas de Kristopher que había traído conmigo—.Literature Literature
Kristopher Lee Bryant (born January 4, 1992) is an American professional baseball third baseman for the Chicago Cubs of Major League Baseball (MLB).
Kristopher Lee Bryant (nacido el 4 de enero de 1992) es un tercera base estadounidense de béisbol profesional que juega para los Chicago Cubs de las Grandes Ligas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kristopher had actually shed a few tears as he cut it—he loved my long hair and was sorry to see it go.
Kristopher había derramado unas cuantas lágrimas cuando lo cortó—adoraba mi pelo y lamentaba ver cómo se iba.Literature Literature
Kristopher looked aghast at the idea.
Kristopher parecía horrorizado ante la idea.Literature Literature
I felt giddy with excitement at the idea of seeing Kristopher again.
—Me sentí mareada de emoción ante la idea de ver a Kristopher nuevamente.Literature Literature
“You,” he roared, pointing to Kristopher, “Will report to the Academy in two days time.
—Tú —rugió, señalando a Kristopher—, te presentarás en la Academia dentro de dos días.Literature Literature
“But Father—” Kristopher began.
—Pero padre —comenzó Kristopher.Literature Literature
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