Little by Little oor Spaans

Little by Little

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

Little by Little

Little by Little (Oasis song)
Little by Little (Oasis)
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little by little

A small amount at a time.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

poco a poco

a small amount at a time
The deficit has been diminishing little by little.
El déficit ha ido disminuyendo poco a poco.


Making progress, but slowly.
Que progresa pero lentamente.
Little by little, It's getting dangerous.
Gradualmente se vuelve más peligroso.

a poquito

As a result, I would say that, although progress is slow, little by little this philosophy is starting to spread.
En consecuencia, no digo que mucho pero, poquito a poquito, esta filosofía se está extendiendo.

En 6 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

de a poco · paulatinamente · poco a poquito · poco a ~ · poquito a poquito · progresivamente

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Little by little, through force of will, he learned to use his right hand.
Poco a poco, a fuerza de voluntad, aprendió a servirse de la mano derecha.Literature Literature
Little by little the pain will subside, the sadness will wane, and the anger will start to dissipate.
Poco a poco, el dolor irá pasando, la tristeza irá menguando y la rabia irá desapareciendo.Literature Literature
It is not easy, but little by little we learn to be better.
No es fácil, pero poco a poco aprendemos a ser mejores.Literature Literature
Little by little the people of Mountfern came to accept that this would be Kate Ryan’s life.
Poco a poco, el pueblo de Mountfern terminó por aceptar que ésa sería la vida de Kate Ryan.Literature Literature
Little by little, his laughter turned into weak hiccups.
Poco a poco, la risa se convirtió en leves hipidos llorosos.Literature Literature
Little by little, it begins to make sense.
Poco a poco, esto empieza a tener sentido.Literature Literature
Little by little, Sigfrid has been restoring the whole office, patching in this decoration and that.
Poco a poco, Sigfrid ha ido redecorando todo el consultorio, añadiendo un objeto y otro.Literature Literature
Little by little the sensation and movements became increasingly smooth and harmonious.
Poco a poco, las sensaciones y movimientos fueron haciéndose cada vez más suaves y armoniosos.Literature Literature
Little by little, they have become strong; they have been pigeonholed.
Poco a poco se han hecho fuertes, se han encastillado.Literature Literature
I stayed in the shelter of the poop until little by little my hearing came back to me.
Me quedé al resguardo de la popa hasta que poco a poco recuperé el oído.Literature Literature
Little by little the territory will be cleared, and there will then be a greater ease of action.
Poco a poco se irá esclareciendo el territorio y se podrá contar entonces con una mayor comodidad para poder actuar.Literature Literature
And then, little by little, a new question takes the field of consciousness.
Después, poco a poco, una nueva cuestión ocupa el campo de la conciencia.Literature Literature
Two more months passed ... Little by little Courtial gained confidence in me.
Pasaron dos meses más... Poco a poco Courtial me fue cogiendo mucha confianza.Literature Literature
You eat us away little by little—not with malice, but with kindness.
Nos van royendo poco a poco... no con malicia, sino con bondad.Literature Literature
Then little by little the full impact of the letter swept over her.
Entonces, poco a poco, recibió todo el impacto de la carta.Literature Literature
He picked up the bread and ate it little by little, letting it soften before he chewed it.
Cogió el pan y se lo comió poco a poco, dejándoselo en la boca antes de masticarlo.Literature Literature
As we began to build, the movement grew little by little.
Como empezamos a construir, poco a poco iba creciendo.UN-2 UN-2
But as she recovered little by little, Crystal finally believed.
Pero a medida que se recuperaba poco a poco, Crystal finalmente lo creyó.Literature Literature
They did it little by little, never too much so they drove him away, but cynically and systematically.
Lo hacían poco a poco, nunca en exceso para no ahuyentarlo, pero de manera cínica y sistemática.Literature Literature
Then, little by little, you find yourself needing him more and more.
Entonces, poco a poco, te encuentras necesitándole más y más.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Little by little Zweig came into contact with Rainer Maria Rilke, Hermann Bahr and Arthur Schnitzler.
Zweig fue estableciendo contacto poco a poco con Rainer Maria Rilke, Hermann Bahr y Arthur Schnitzler.Literature Literature
But little by little, my parasites and hers felt a certain liking for each other.
Pero poco a poco nació cierta simpatía entre mis parásitos y los suyos.Literature Literature
We progressed little by little, at our own rhythm.
Progresábamos poco a poco, a nuestra marcha.Common crawl Common crawl
Spino, however, isolates himself little by little from society as if trying to suppress a metaphysical sign.
Spino, en cambio, se va segregando de la sociedad en un esfuerzo de anulación de signo metafísico.Literature Literature
I run my fingers over this invisible object, and little by little curiosity gets the better of me.
Paso los dedos por encima de este objeto invisible y poco a poco me vence la curiosidad.Literature Literature
21537 sinne gevind in 124 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.