Nearly God oor Spaans

Nearly God

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Nearly God

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Now the ancestral heroes were nearly gods.
Pues bien, los héroes ancestrales eran casi dioses.Literature Literature
She also worked with him on his subsequent albums Nearly God and Pre-Millennium Tension (both 1996).
Continuó colaborando con Tricky en su álbum Pre-Millennium Tension (1996) y con el proyecto conocido como Nearly God (1996).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There were moments during fever when I believed I could nearly see God’s imprimatur again, but only nearly.
Por momentos, durante las fiebres, casi creí oír las estampas de Dios, pero solo casi.Literature Literature
Nearly six God-damned years later and what do I have to show for it?
Hace casi seis malditos años y ¿qué me queda?Literature Literature
You were nearly fourteen (God forgive me).
Tenías cerca de catorce años (Dios me perdone).Literature Literature
At one point, he had nearly understood God.
En cierto momento, casi había llegado a entender a Dios.Literature Literature
Like her father, Huakal paid homage to this ancient and nearly forgotten god.
Al igual que el padre de Erix, Huakal era creyente de este viejo y casi olvidado dios.Literature Literature
Not only can I heal myself, but in time, I can become nearly a god!
No sólo puedo curarme yo mismo, sino que, a su debido tiempo, seré casi un dios.Literature Literature
Well it isn’t every day we fish a nearly naked god out of the sea, now is it?
—Bueno, no es que todos los días pesquemos un dios medio desnudo en el mar, ¿verdad?Literature Literature
In Russia he is a star, a king, nearly a god.
En Rusia, él es una estrella, un rey, casi un dios.Literature Literature
Gaviel could reshape Matthew’s soul into that of a hero, a savior, nearly a god o n Earth.
Gaviel podría remodelar el alma de Matthew y hacer de él un héroe, un salvador, casi un dios sobre la tierra.Literature Literature
In short, he thought him nearly a god, as did many of his generation.
En suma, le consideraba casi un dios, como muchos de su generación.Literature Literature
Weston, the oldest Taggert child, was nearly a god he was so good-looking.
Weston, el hermano mayor de los Taggert, era casi un dios de la belleza.Literature Literature
Literary critic Northrop Frye once observed that in our primitive days, our literary heroes were -- well, nearly gods, and as civilization advanced, they came down the mountain of the gods, so to speak, and became more human, more flawed, less heroic.
El crítico literario Northrop Frye alguna vez observó que en nuestros tiempos primitivos, nuestros héroes literarios eran, bueno, casi dioses y al avanzar la civilización, los dioses bajaron del monte de los dioses, por decirlo así, y se volvieron más humanos, más imperfectos, menos heroicos.QED QED
She’d acted as if the man were nearly a god, for crying out loud, and then there was the matter of the ring....
Se había comportado como si aquel hombre fuera casi un dios, por decirlo así, y luego estaba el asunto del anillo...Literature Literature
“It’s nearly twelve for God’s sake.
—¡Son casi las doce, por Dios!Literature Literature
The round of pre-nuptial visits was nearly over, thank God.
El circuito de visitas prenupciales casi había acabado, gracias a Dios.Literature Literature
“looks like Man has beat God nearly everytime they have tangled,” he said.
- parece que el Hombre le ha ganado a Dios casi todas las veces que se han enzarzado -dijoLiterature Literature
Now he has himself approached very near to realizing this ideal, he has nearly become a god himself.
Ahora se ha acercado tanto al logro de ese ideal que casi ha devenido un dios él mismo.Literature Literature
He was nearly drowned, but God saved him by some miracle.
El mayor estuvo a punto de perecer ahogado, pero Dios le ha salvado obrando un milagro.Literature Literature
" in nothing do men more nearly approach the gods. Than in giving health to men. "
En nada se acercan los hombres más a los dioses que al dar salud a los hombres.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A building is collapsed onto the Thunder God, nearly killing him.
Un edificio se derrumbó sobre el Dios del Trueno, casi matándolo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They had nearly murdered the God’s own Prophet.
Casi habían matado al propio Profeta de Dios.Literature Literature
“I’ll take you straight to the show,” Olive said, checking her watch, “which is nearly over, thank God.”
—Te voy a llevar directa a la función —comentó Olive consultando su reloj—, que ya casi ha terminado, gracias a Dios.Literature Literature
I said, ‘We seem to have talked about pretty nearly everything except God.
Dije: —Al parecer hemos hablado de todo, menos de Dios.Literature Literature
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