Over the Hedge oor Spaans

Over the Hedge

Over the Hedge (film)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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Over the Hedge (film)
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That's, uh, that's not him jumping over the hedge over there?
La Sra.Tura no tiene nada que ocultarle a la GestapoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She rose to her feet, breathless but triumphant, and looked out over the hedge on to the road.
Deje este cuarto inmediatamenteLiterature Literature
The fact is, human reason may carry you a little too far over the hedge, in fact.
El encargado ha sido puesto en cuarentena...... y parece que lo ha pescadoLiterature Literature
So, one man may steal a horse, the other mustn' t look over the hedge
Algunos ejemplos relevantes de estas reacciones son: retinitis por citomegalovirus, infecciones micobacterianas generalizadas y/o localizadas y neumonía por Pneumocystis cariniiopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
She was glad of it; it kept him there, and every evening his whistle came over the hedge.
Lo necesita.- Un momentoLiterature Literature
Swifts skid out of the blue, flit over the hedges, and scatter into distant trees.
¿ Es esta su manera sutil de mandarme un mensaje, Directora?Literature Literature
We saw the missiles flying over the hedge, and got a glimpse of our assailants.
Hoy estará llena, la lunaLiterature Literature
So, one man may steal a horse, the other mustn't look over the hedge.
jeringa precargadaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She imagined Valentine under the high roof suffering tortures because she, Sylvia, was looking down over the hedge.
No puedo hablar con WinslowLiterature Literature
Stay hidden till they reach the field marker/ he told her, then peered over the hedge.
¿ Esto basta?Literature Literature
He was a little off on his aim, and the ball went over the hedges.
¿ A eso lo llamas diversión?Literature Literature
Bunnsy looked over the hedge into Farmer Fred's field and it was full of green lettuces.
Indemnizaciones de instalación, reinstalación y trasladoLiterature Literature
Perhaps Major Charge might address a remark to me over the hedge.
No te vas a levantarLiterature Literature
Acid burned my throat and before I could stop myself, I puked over the hedges lining the house.
¿ Sabes que de niños fueron dados en adopción?Literature Literature
They clambered over the hedge, but the stones kept coming.
Creo que me gustaría esoLiterature Literature
Coming to just over the hedge there, he sat on a stile to rest.
Esta camisa está bienLiterature Literature
Peeping over the hedge, he saw the queen of his affections picking flowers in her garden.
Acuerdo CE/Albania sobre visados de corta duración *Literature Literature
Silence who finally showed him the way over the hedge.
Los Estados miembros podrán exigir el pago de una tasa destinada a cubrir sus gastos, en particular los derivados del examen de las solicitudes de registro, de las declaraciones de oposición, de las solicitudes de modificación y de las peticiones de anulación en virtud del presente ReglamentoLiterature Literature
Only when I saw it over the hedge, did I recognize it
La revolución es como la bicicletaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Carl waited until the man had risen slightly and was peeking over the hedges into the window.
Es muy talentoso, NathanLiterature Literature
Throw Anna back over the hedge and then start a disturbance to divide their attention.
Busquémosle otraLiterature Literature
“You mean to tell us that you did not even see him jump over the hedge?”
¿ Recuerda que le dije que no tenía dinero?Literature Literature
As they celebrated their triumph, Hannah again glanced over the hedge to the dimly lit house.
Vamos por élLiterature Literature
Only when I saw it over the hedge, did I recognize it.
Bien, Sally...Trabajo muy duroOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Soon everybody was standing up and talking over the hedge.
¿ Era skinhead?Literature Literature
760 sinne gevind in 27 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.