PFF oor Spaans


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

flujo fotosintético de fotones


marco de formulación del proyecto

UN term

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


An expression of annoyance or disappointment

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

Geen vertalings nie


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Later, in view of the numerous possible applications that were discovered in the course of the original investigation, such as furniture or home decoration, it was explicitly recalled, in recital 6 of the original Regulation, that all PFF were covered by the product definition, regardless of their final use.
Es un escándalo que a Hungría y Turquía se les ofrezcan menos plazas en el Parlamento Europeo que a países con menor población.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Subsequent to the final disclosure, the applicant insisted that tape grade has a measurably lower tensile strength than PFF, as the tensile strength of tape grade is # % lower than the tensile strength of PFF with identical yarn counts
No, no hay nada de malooj4 oj4
Pff, please.
Has estado ofendiéndome y yo he tenido la cortesía de no decirte que puedo tirar esta puerta cuando quieraOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It is stressed that PFF dyed in a black or greyish colour after weaving look exactly like Tape grade and that these different types are not distinguishable to the naked eye.
Es una manera de saberloEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Comparison between ‘tape’ grade and other types of PFF
Es muy raro, no, como tu cuerpo lo haceEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Pinter sneers at me, says “Pff . . .”
Asunto T-#/#: Sentencia del Tribunal de Primera Instancia de # de enero de #- Henkel/OAMI (Marca comunitaria- Marca figurativa- Pastilla rectangular roja y blanca con un punto azul ovalado- motivo absoluto de denegación- Artículo #, apartado #, letra b), del Reglamento (CE) no #/#- Falta de carácter distintivoLiterature Literature
This shows that interested parties understood that the investigation was never restricted to PFF used for apparel applications
No entendiste en esos # años lo que esperaba de tioj4 oj4
Following the Commission decision of 1 April 2004, administrative expenditure is now being met from the PFF budget.
la aplicación de los instrumentos internacionales relativos a la seguridad del transporte de mercancías peligrosas, especialmente el Convenio SOLAS y el Convenio de Chicago, con el fin de demostrar que se llevan a cabo efectivamente controles eficaces del transporte marítimo y aéreo de mercancías peligrosasnot-set not-set
According to verified information collected during the investigation, there is no clear price difference between ‘tape’ grade and a black piece-dyed PFF: the higher cost of raw material used for ‘tape’ grade seems to be compensated by the absence of cost for dyeing or printing.
Britt, estás libreEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As a consequence, the solvent resistance cannot be considered as a genuine characteristic of ‘tape’ grade as compared to other PFF, and this claim had to be rejected.
No, lo pido a un cateringEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In this context, it is also important to note that, as shown in recitals (9) and (10) of the original Regulation, subsequent to the publication of the provisional Regulation, several interested parties raised claims against the imposition of measures on PFF for non-apparel applications (e.g. furniture, home decoration, umbrellas).
El único motor que pueden usar para volver ahora mismo... es el del módulo de servicioEurLex-2 EurLex-2
These reports even confirmed that the PFF dyed in the mass would also resist the discolouring test with solvent.
En la sección GIEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Moreover, apart from a clarification on the product scope regarding the inclusion of ‘dyed white’ PFF, there is no other difference between the product concerned as defined in Commission Regulation (EC) No 426/2005 (7) (the provisional Regulation) and the definitive Regulation of the original investigation (i.e. the original Regulation).
Tras el texto correspondiente a la rúbrica BÉLGICA se insertan las rúbricas siguientes con sus textos correspondientesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Pff, are you kidding?
en #, Italia exportó #,# kg de azúcar por una restitución de #,# euros, equivalente a una ayuda de #,# euros por kg de azúcar exportadoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
(31) The applicant claimed that Tape grade could be further distinguished from other types of PFF as its lower tensile strength allows it to be torn by hand.
Igual a ese.YoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As regards the claim concerning the difference in the raw material used, it is already acknowledged in recital 29 that the raw material used for ‘tape’ grade is slightly different from other pre-dyed yarns used to weave PFF, as it contains a small proportion on carbon.
Si veo a Luis Chama, le dire que lo buscanEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(53) It should also be noted that the technical characteristics of Tape grade allow it to be used as upholstery of seats, which make it interchangeable with other types of PFF used for such application and subject to the anti-dumping measures.
No me lo van a aceptarEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The applicant further claimed that silver coated fabrics do not fall within the scope of the anti-dumping measures imposed on PFF and therefore should not be compared with ‘tape’ grade in the framework of this product scope review.
Despedimos a demasiados obrerosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As a matter of fact, all producers of Tape grade visited during the investigation produce both Tape grade and other types of PFF.
Y los talibanes se aprovechan...- De lo que está pasandoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
An aliquot of the protein-free filtrate (PFF) is then taken for analysis.
El me recuerdaLiterature Literature
To this end, powers to investigate and report such crimes and monitor the related criminal proceedings were transferred from the Fiscal Prosecutor’s Office (PFF) to the UIF.
El término fibras artificiales discontinuas utilizado en la lista incluye los cables de filamentos, las fibras discontinuas o los desperdicios de fibras discontinuas, sintéticos o artificiales, de las partidas # aUN-2 UN-2
In recital 8 of the original Regulation it is mentioned that the product concerned should be distinguished from woven PFF of yarns of different colours, for which pre-dyed yarn is woven into cloth, and the design is created by weaving the pattern.
Creo que hemos alcanzado un buen acuerdo sobre el texto y no propongo que se apoye ninguna otra enmienda en la votación de mañana.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Membership of the EU, participation in the PFF and association with the WEU will give those countries which have remained outside military alliances greater experience of participating in a co-operation with mutual obligations.
Buenas noches, entoncesEuroparl8 Europarl8
(16) It is recalled that PFF are produced by weaving yarns of polyester into a fabric and applying a finishing to this fabric.
Su amigo tiene la bragueta abierta.- ¿ Ocurre algo malo?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Subsequent to the final disclosure, the applicant claimed that common production facilities were no basis for a finding that PFF woven from pre-dyed yarns should be considered as a single product
superficie recolectada total de hortalizas, melones y fresas (cuadrooj4 oj4
205 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.