Peyton Place oor Spaans

Peyton Place

Peyton Place (film)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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Peyton Place (film)
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The residents of Chestnut Street regarded themselves as the backbone of Peyton Place.
Los residentes de Chestnut Street se consideraban a sí mismos como la columna vertebral de Peyton Place.Literature Literature
I don't think that she ever felt the same about Peyton Place after that was over with.”
Creo que no volvió a sentir lo mismo que antes acerca de Peyton Place una vez hubo terminado.Literature Literature
The Peyton Place hospital was small, well equipped and Dr.
El hospital de Peyton Place era pequeño, estaba bien equipado y constituía el orgullo del doctor Swain.Literature Literature
The gymnasium of the Peyton Place High School was decorated with pink and green crepe paper.
El gimnasio de la escuela superior de Peyton Place estaba decorado con papel de China rosa y verde.Literature Literature
“Make Peyton Place into a police state?”
¿Convertir Peyton Place en un estado policial?Literature Literature
Peyton Place,” were the letters she had seen.
«Peyton Place» eran las letras que había visto.Literature Literature
... Hearing about you and girls reminds me of reading Peyton Place when I was twelve.
Al oírte hablar de ti y de las chicas me viene a las mientes la lectura de Peyton Place de mis doce años.Literature Literature
On the hills beyond Peyton Place, the fires raged, unchecked and uncontrollable.
En las colinas que rodeaban Peyton Place, los incendios proseguían, voraces e incontrolables.Literature Literature
In Peyton Place, the main street was Elm.
En Peyton Place, la calle principal era Elm.Literature Literature
And for the second time in less than twenty-four hours, Peyton Place was rocked to its foundations.
Y por segunda vez en menos de veinticuatro horas, Peyton Place se tambaleó hasta sus cimientos.Literature Literature
I want you to rise above Peyton Place.
Quiero que estés por encima de Peyton Place.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Peyton Place did, in fact, cover its first returning hero with a surfeit of love and sentimentality.
Peyton Place recibió a su primer héroe de la guerra con una indigestión de amor y sentimentalismo.Literature Literature
Grace wouldn’t say that Peyton Place was the most autobiographical of her novels.
Grace no habría dicho que «Peyton Place» es su novela más autobiográfica, sino «Sin Adán en el Edén».Literature Literature
Apparently, it was a regular Peyton Place.
Aparentemente, se hablaba de sexo sin pudor.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Peyton Place was the only activity on the lot.
Peyton Place era la única actividad que se llevaba a cabo en el recinto.Literature Literature
Your parents were around when Peyton Place came out.
Tus padres estaban aquí cuando salió Peyton Place.Literature Literature
“One minute you're in Peyton Place and the next you're somewhere else.
En un momento dado estás en Peyton Place y al siguiente estás en otro sitio.Literature Literature
She is the only friend I have in Peyton Place.”
Es la única amiga que tengo en Peyton Place.Literature Literature
Not, however, in Peyton Place.
Sin embargo, en Peyton Place no es así.Literature Literature
“I wonder what Peyton Place would say about us if they knew,” murmured Allison.
- Me pregunto que diría Peyton Place sobre nosotras si lo supiera -murmuró AllisonLiterature Literature
I'll go personally and tell every father in Peyton Place what you did, Lucas.
Iré a hablar personalmente con todos los padres de Peyton Place y les contaré lo que ha hecho, Lucas.Literature Literature
What chance would we have in Peyton Place?
¿Qué oportunidades tendríamos en Peyton PlaceLiterature Literature
“If you try to borrow anything racy like Peyton Place or Kings Row, I’ll find out.”
Si intentas sacar algo subido de tono como Peyton Place o Kings Row, me enteraré.Literature Literature
Much later, as they returned to Peyton Place, she did not even glance at the dimly lit hospital.
Más tarde, cuando regresaron a Peyton Place, ni siquiera echó una ojeada al hospital.Literature Literature
“Too big for a man alone,” said Peyton Place.
—Demasiado grande para un hombre solo —se decía en Peyton Place.Literature Literature
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