Philomela oor Spaans


A female given name, particularly ( mythology) the sister of Procne who is raped and mutilated by her brother-in-law Tereus and supposedly transformed into a swallow by the gods.

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Philomela (princess of Athens)
Hera, queen of gods, protect this child, my sister, Philomela.
Hera, reina de los dioses, protege a esta niña, mi hermana Filomela.
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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Hera, queen of gods, protect this child, my sister, Philomela.
Hera, reina de los dioses, protege a esta niña, mi hermana Filomela.

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Philomela lifted off the peculiar straw hat as if unveiling her true personality.
Filomela se levantó el curioso sombrero de paja, como si con ello descubriera su verdadera identidad.Literature Literature
Philomela must already have been up to see the stadium.
* * * Filomela ya debía de haber subido otras veces a ver el estadio.Literature Literature
He copied Aulus’ low voice: ‘Marcus Didius, that woman Philomela sent to tell you she has further information.
Copió la voz de Aulo: —Marco Didio, esa tal Filomela te mandó aviso de que tiene más información.Literature Literature
Philomela remained silent as if she wanted to extract maximum suspense.
Filomela permaneció en silencio, como si quisiera sacar el máximo suspense al momento.Literature Literature
Philomela will be leaving for Athens soon,’ Procne told her husband the next morning.
Filomela se marchará pronto a Atenas –le dijo Procne a su marido al día siguiente–.Literature Literature
The first was Mother Philomela saying, There are never just two choices.
Philomela diciendo: «Nunca hay sólo dos opciones.Literature Literature
Why did it sound stupid from Mother Philomela’s mouth when it had felt so profound while she was walking?
¿Por qué sonaba estúpido en boca de la madre Philomela cuando lo había sentido tan profundo mientras caminaba?Literature Literature
Doubtless Philomela, cruelly forced to silence, felt as they did.
Estoy seguro de que Filomela, tan cruelmente obligada al silencio, sentía lo mismo que ellas.Literature Literature
She then took flight with Philomela, heading southward.
A continuación escapó con Filomela de camino al sur.Literature Literature
The old king mourned for his daughter, but Philomela knew nothing about it.
El anciano rey lloró a su hija, pero Filomela no supo nada.Literature Literature
The scenes of Philomela transformed into a nightingale, and of Tereus transformed into a hoopoe have a similar sense.
Las escenas de Filomela transformada en ruiseñor y de Tereo transformado en abubilla tienen un significado análogo.Literature Literature
Mother Philomela left the bucket under an overhang and shut the door again.
La madre Philomela dejó el balde bajo un alero y cerró otra vez la puerta—.Literature Literature
He, however, barely catches sight of Philomela before he is violently enamoured of her.
Pero apenas divisa a Filomela cuando ya se inflama de reprobable amor por ella.Literature Literature
Philomela was skilled at music, but Prokne’s weaving was the finest in all the land.”
Filomela tenía habilidad para la música, pero los tejidos de Procne eran los más hermosos de toda la comarca.Literature Literature
The Phokians say that even as a bird Philomela is frightened of Tereus and keeps away from his territory.
Dicen los focidios que incluso Filomela, cuando era pájaro, tenía miedo de Tereo y de su patria.Literature Literature
Reg was shouting obscenities, Philomela was brandishing her poker, and Rowan was screaming incoherently.
Reg profería obscenidades, Philomela blandía el atizador y Rowan gritaba incoherencias.Literature Literature
Philomela pushed the dish towards him with a smile.
Filomela le empujó el plato con una sonrisa.Literature Literature
You have called me Philomela the Nightingale, but I was born the daughter of Asclepius and named Hygieia.
Me habéis llamado vos Filomela, el Ruiseñor, mas yo nací hija de Asclepio y de nombre Higia.Literature Literature
* * * Filomela ya debía de haber subido otras veces a ver el estadio.Literature Literature
Fearful that his wife and the world might discover the hateful crime, Tereus tore out Philomela’s tongue.
Temeroso de que su mujer y el mundo descubriesen el detestable crimen, Tereo le cortó la lengua a Filomela.Literature Literature
Philomela Komninou, Associate Professor from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece, made the case for increased funding for human resources and mobility within FP7.
Philomela Komninou, Profesora de la Universidad de Aristóteles en Tesalónica, Grecia, defendió el aumento de los fondos destinados a recursos humanos y movilidad en el VII PM.cordis cordis
The following day, I went back to Mount Lykabettus, looking for dreamy-eyed Philomela.
Al día siguiente, volví al monte Licabeto en busca de Filomela, la de la mirada distraída.Literature Literature
“Almost isn’t good enough,” said Philomela.
—Casi no es suficiente —replicó Philomela—.Literature Literature
Pandion granted him the favour, and sent Philomela and guards along with her.
Pandion le concedió el favor y envió a Filomena y guardias junto a ella.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pablo Picasso’s Struggle between Tereus and his sister-in-law Philomela (1930), from The Metamorphoses of Ovid.
Lucha entre Tereo y su cuñada Filomela, de Picasso(1930), grabado de las Metamorfosis de Ovidio.Literature Literature
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