Pierrette oor Spaans


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Sometimes Pierrette comes to my room and stays the night.
A veces Pierrette viene a mi cuarto y se queda por la noche.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Adieu, my dear Pierrette; in a few days, if God wills, we shall be happy.
Quiero que Rudy alinee en mi lugarLiterature Literature
Pierrette, inspired by a sense of danger, sewed the letters into her corset and covered them with calico.
¡ Hijo de perra!Literature Literature
Pierrette made a grimace of disgust.
El marcado CE de conformidad estará compuesto de las iniciales CE diseñadas de la siguiente maneraLiterature Literature
At this moment Pierrette came down the garden steps and called to them from a distance that breakfast was ready.
Lo haremos juntosLiterature Literature
Ms. Pierrette d’ALMEIDA: Ministry of Planning, Development and Land Management
Las nubes se abrirán para revelar su gloriaUN-2 UN-2
he asked Pierrette a moment later.
¡ Volví del futuro!Literature Literature
I am certain that you have not many more days to suffer; have patience, my Pierrette!
La nieve blanca está bienLiterature Literature
The sewing-women were delighted with Pierrette.
Creía que eran sólo los del almacén.Después de lo de Ángela, supe que te encuentranLiterature Literature
I'm speaking of the deaths of the blind man and Pierrette Douglas.
Ese es un nombre estúpidoLiterature Literature
Lucien danced with Pierrette several times, then went to see Guigard who was receiving his friends in the smoking room.
Sacó los cigarrillos y vio que sólo quedaban dosLiterature Literature
Colonel Gouraud, anxious to please Mademoiselle Rogron, approved of all she did about Pierrette.
Todo importador que ya haya utilizado el # % o más de la cantidad que se le haya asignado en virtud del presente Reglamento podrá presentar otra solicitud, para la misma categoría y el mismo país de origen, por cantidades que no superen las cantidades máximas fijadas en el anexo ILiterature Literature
You, Pierrette, the daughter of a colonel who died for France, reduced by those monsters to be their servant!
Me encanta AlemaniaLiterature Literature
French writer Pierrette Fleutiaux‘s ironic-–or all-too serious-–text entitled “Man's dignity requires him to wear the burqa” was re-posted by at least a dozen blogs.
Cambiaste de color de cabello tres veces:... negro cuando naciste, después rojo y al año castañogv2019 gv2019
Pierrette and Jean always played on " their island ", far from Arlette, who couldn't play with them.
Deja que te sirvaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Forming the company MMD with Pierrette Broodthaers, he produced two albums for David Janssen, an album of classical music with a Turkish contemporary influence for harpsichord and organ with Leila Pinar, an album of traditional Balkan music with the Kazansky choir, and a single for Noël Godin, "Chantilly c'est parti".
Mantén la vista en el horizonte. "WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pierrette was Cinderella, Bathilde was the fairy.
Sí.- ¿ Podrías hacerme un favor?Literature Literature
Pierrette, she said, are you ill?
No le paraba la bocaLiterature Literature
Petra Berger, born Petra Pierrette Burger (Amstelveen, 23 October 1965), is a Dutch classical crossover singer, composer, photographer, and musical actress.
Tu trabajo es encontrar justicia, por más que quiera ocultarse de tiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Besides, it had been at a masked ball that he had first met Martha, she a graceful Pierrette, he a fat Pierrot.
Todos vamos fingiendo ser otroLiterature Literature
What's she like, aunt Pierrette?
Buena victoria, amigo mioOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At the same time he remembered the fragrance of roses and powder that had arisen from Pierrette's breasts.
Vamos a cantarle a tus hijosLiterature Literature
She looked at the floor of the corridor and declared that Pierrette ought to rub it.
Los trenes expreso serán reservados con años de antelaciónLiterature Literature
Pierrette did not go back to bed.
¡ Está contestando a una pregunta de hace una hora!Literature Literature
Vinet advised me to marry Pierrette just to spoil my chance with the old harridan.
Solo me sentí dudosa el llamó al Prícipe " Big Willy " en su cara?Literature Literature
So, Pierrette. You've been lying.
Fuiste un giganteOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
201 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.