Polycarp oor Spaans


Greek bishop of Smyrna who refused to recant his Christian faith and was burned to death by pagans (circa 69-155)

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Policarpo de Esmirna



Polycarp was willing to die a martyr’s death
Policarpo prefirió sufrir una muerte de mártir

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Johann Christian Polycarp Erxleben
Johann Christian Erxleben
Curt Polycarp Jaochim Sprengel
Curt Polycarp Joachim Sprengel


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But Polycarp responded: “Eighty-six years have I served Him, and He has done me no wrong.
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Indeed, "Anicetus conceded the administration of the eucharist in the church to Polycarp, manifestly as a mark of respect.
Cuando ellos descubran sus nombres en la pared, eso acelerará el procesoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Polycarp was born about 69 C.E. in Asia Minor, at Smyrna (the modern-day Turkish city of Izmir).
Y renunciar ahora significa que sóIo desperdiciaste mucho tiempojw2019 jw2019
“Brother Polycarp, I fear we have a way to go yet with the Gaelic.
¿ Hay algo que yo deba saber?Literature Literature
Surprising, on account Brother Polycarp wasn’t known for his advanced opinions in politics.
Realmente hermosaLiterature Literature
“Go ask Sister Polycarp to uncuff them,” I said, “or I’m calling my mother.
Zathras nunca puede tener nada buenoLiterature Literature
The Apostolic Fathers, discussed the death and resurrection of Jesus, including Ignatius (50–115), Polycarp (69–155), and Justin Martyr (100–165).
Se permite utilizar uno de los términos siguentes en lugar de la denominación técnicaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Brother Polycarp was at the blackboard where he was chalking an arrangement of “A Nation Once Again.”
No me gustan las remolachasLiterature Literature
In Polycarp’s letter to the Philippians, we find reaffirmation of certain Scriptural truths.
¿ Qué estás viendo?jw2019 jw2019
Jim said, “Brother Polycarp has me doing a Thirty Days’ Devotion.”
Voy a MontrealLiterature Literature
Polyc. 8.2 is also significant, where Polycarp is asked, `What harm is there in saying Kyrios Kaisar?'
¿ Podrías explicarme bien?Literature Literature
In fact, Irenaeus relates that Polycarp “was not only instructed by apostles, and had intercourse with many who had seen Christ, but was also appointed for Asia by apostles, in the church that is in Smyrna an overseer.”
Llegué tarde porque tuve que ir a la tienda comprar mantequilla de maní porque lo único que había era atúnjw2019 jw2019
Note that, like Clement, Polycarp does not speak of a Trinitarian “Father” and “Son” relationship of equals in a godhead.
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His name was Polycarp Okuku, and he was an askari, an armed guard.
A tal fin, el Presidente transmitirá a los miembros de la Comisión Técnica el texto que ha de adoptarseLiterature Literature
I’m told Polycarp has catapults for slinging naphtha set up on the highest turrets.
Seria un desastre para mi... si no puedo dejarlos impresionados... con mis presentación el MartesLiterature Literature
"""Not with the power she holds through the King and through the Stone,"" Polycarp said."
Voy a cantar una canción.# Para el cumpleaños de nuestra Natalia PetrovnaLiterature Literature
He heard Doyler explaining stupidly, then Polycarp hit on something inside his collar.
¿ Así que vendrá a nosotras?Literature Literature
“Brother”—Jim did not know why, but he believed he might tell Brother Polycarp.
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For instance, in his Epistle, Polycarp stated:
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Among these can be named Polycarp, Ignatius and Clement of Rome.3 Clement of Alexandria uses the collective term “Apostolos” and Irenaeus uses “Apostles,” quoting Paul as authoritative more than two hundred times and using all the epistles except possibly Hebrews and Philemon.3 The third-century Chester Beatty manuscript P46 originally contained in one codex ten epistles, including Hebrews (some say eleven, adding in Philemon), so that the united evidence of the entire period prior to formal catalogues testifies both to the canonicity and collected form of Paul’s letters.
No soy un mago, soy un estudioso y un filósofojw2019 jw2019
“My devotion with Brother Polycarp is to Mary.”
Cada plan de proyecto enumerará las agencias designadas para llevar a término el proyecto e incluirá disposiciones detalladas para la realización de la actividad de cooperación, entre las que podrán figurar, en su caso, aspectos como su ámbito técnico, su gestión, las responsabilidades en cuanto a descontaminación aplicables, el intercambio de información no divulgable, el intercambio de equipo, el tratamiento de la propiedad intelectual, el coste total, el reparto de costes y el calendarioLiterature Literature
With him, also, were Polycarp and Gareth and Trey, hand-fast like schoolchildren.
Si conozco alguienLiterature Literature
Will you pray to Her for me, Brother Polycarp?”
¡ Solo cállate!Literature Literature
At his trial before a Roman proconsul in the second century C.E., Polycarp reportedly declared: “I am a Christian. . . .
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Let us do so by listening to the words that the martyr St Polycarp addressed to the "Lord God Almighty" when he was already bound and waiting to be burned at the stake: "Lord God Almighty, Father of your beloved and blessed Son, Jesus Christ... blessed are you for having deemed me worthy on this day and in this hour to take my place among the ranks of the martyrs, in Christ's chalice, for the resurrection to eternal life of soul and body, in the incorruptibility of the Holy Spirit.
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204 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.