Powell Island oor Spaans

Powell Island

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Isla Powell


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Among the fatalities were five of the 20 boys who joined Baden-Powell on Brownsea Island back in 1907.
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In 1618, a privateering vessel under the command of a notorious pirate by the name of Powell ran aground on the main island, and Powell was banished to the island (which at that time was uninhabited) by the colonial governor.
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So how the hell had Jason Powell gotten to Long Island that night?
De mi parte, solamente me falta un voto para la mayoríaLiterature Literature
Even taking the boat to Powell River on Vancouver Island, to get his phone replaced, had left him wasted.
El Consejo nos ha decepcionado: hasta ahora no ha tomado decisión alguna, se comporta como un buey que tuviera que poner huevos.Literature Literature
Mount was visiting friends on the Island, I believe the Powells.
Ahora...... un EVP, o Estado Vegetativo Persistente...... es declarado cuando un paciente fracasa...... en emerger de un estado vegetativo en # díasLiterature Literature
From 1 August until 8 August 1907, Robert Baden-Powell held an experimental camp on the island, to test out his Scouting ideas.
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Caught up with Powell and climbed with him up onto the rocky shore of the island.
Su marido me dijo que la cuidaraLiterature Literature
Adam Clayton Powell had once summered nearby, but no longer came to this part of the Island.
¡ Abel ahora puede ir contra cualquiera!¿ Dónde va a detenerse?Literature Literature
Faced, as we were, with policing a complicated and troubled island, a second-rate doctor like Otto Powell with an affection for the bottle was not our first priority.
Los conductores de vehículos que transporten materias y objetos de la clase # deberán seguir un curso de formación especializada que abarque al menos lostemas definidos en el marginal # del Apéndice BOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When they witnessed, the amiable islanders seldom refused to listen, and by 1964 Powell and Nyoma were conducting 12 Bible studies, including one with the Iroij Lap Lap (High King) of Majuro.
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The first of August 2007 will mark the 100th anniversary of the opening on Brownsea Island, England, of the first Scout camp organized by Lord Baden-Powell.
Vamos, Henri.¡ Vamos!vatican.va vatican.va
To test his ideas while writing Scouting for Boys, Baden-Powell conceived of an experimental camp, creating a program to take place on Brownsea Island during the summer of 1907.
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They were discovered in December 1821 by Captain George Powell, a British sealer in the sloop James Monroe, though it is possible they are the "Seal Islands" seen by Nathaniel Palmer a year earlier.
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The island's British influence stretches back almost 400 years to 1625, when Captain John Powell claimed it in the name of King James I. The first British colonists arrived two years later, founding a settlement of 80 civilians and 10 African slaves.
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The Scouting movement began in 1907 with an experimental camp held by Lord Robert Baden-Powell on Brownsea Island.
Le voy a decirParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Last Friday, Secretary of State Powell announced that the Group of Eight ( # ) Foreign Ministers had agreed to advance an initiative at the Sea Island Summit to increase the world's capacity to deal with post-conflict situations, especially in Africa
Odio la guerra, no me gustan las batallas, cuando veo sangre francesa derramada siento un escalofríoMultiUn MultiUn
Last Friday, Secretary of State Powell announced that the Group of Eight (G-8) Foreign Ministers had agreed to advance an initiative at the Sea Island Summit to increase the world’s capacity to deal with post-conflict situations, especially in Africa.
Escúchenme, no pueden ignorarmeUN-2 UN-2
View more information about 1130 Powell or other properties in Singer Island
Así que, tienen salir por aquí, cerca de la frontera con CamerúnParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
American foreign policy experts, who occupied top posts in previous governments and in international organizations led by Peter Hakim, president of `Inter-American Dialogue', admitted that the US policy towards Cuba which comprises the Report attempts to generate violence and social destabilization on the island, as they revealed in a letter sent to the Secretary of State, Colin Powell, which was published on the # th of September in a report by correspondents of the Mexican newspaper La Jornada in Washington and New York
Ahora creo que hay una segunda etapa...... en ese proceso adicional pasando por la psiquis occidental.Pero ocurre en un nivel...... mucho más fundacional...... porque mucha más gente hizo esa clase de...... conexiones...... y han tenido esa clase de experiencias...... que los han integrado a un nivel mucho más profundoMultiUn MultiUn
It’s perfect to start screening movies,” said Linda Nieves-Powell, who came from Staten Island to see the premiere after finding out about it on Facebook.
Estaba bastante oscuro... pero jugué muy bienParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Blubber Bay ferry port in Texada Island connects you with Powell River in Canada with a choice of up to 8 ferry crossings per day.
Siento historias de tormenta, viniendo al desiertoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Richard Holmes Laurie used Powell's observations to create a map of the island, and subsequently, the island was named after him.
¡ No pises las flores de mi madre!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
So, as an experiment, in 1907 Baden- Powell ran a camp for 20 boys on Brownsea Island in Dorset.
Curso dado a las resoluciones del ParlamentoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
During her time on the reality TV series, Love Island, Gradon began a relationship with barman Tom Powell.
Es que me ha pillado en un dilema moral.- PatsParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
All rights reserved. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Navy offered a ``pretty good solution'' with its plan to end training on Puerto Rico's Vieques Island, Secretary of State Colin Powell said Sunday on ABC's ``This Week.''.
Me parece muy bienParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
38 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.