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A snake that swallows the sun or the moon causing eclipses. He is depicted in art as a dragon with no body riding a chariot drawn by eight black horses. Rahu is also one of the navagrahas (nine planets) in Vedic astrology.

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Rahue River
Río Rahue


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The number 4 is ruled by Rahu, which is always changing—never fixed, always retrograde, never direct.
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Rahu/snake in marriage house/deadlock.
El Reglamento (CE) no #/# del Consejo, de # de diciembre de #, por el que se establecen, para #, las posibilidades de pesca y las condiciones correspondientes para determinadas poblaciones y grupos de poblaciones de peces, aplicables en aguas comunitarias y, en el caso de los buques comunitarios, en las demás aguas donde sea necesario establecer limitaciones de capturas, fija las cuotas para el añoLiterature Literature
Rahu was soon damaged enough to be driven into dormancy for a long period of time, but has now awoken.
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Rahu the intensifier had worked upon Kaam the passion and her body pulsated with its need.
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The design depicts a tree with branches disguising the words TARTU RAHU (Tartu Peace Treaty).
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In the middle course, the Vergara River joins the Biobío near Nacimiento, draining a substantial part of southern river basin after receiving the waters of the Malleco, Renaico and Rahue Rivers, which constitute a northwest-oriented and parallel drainage network to the Biobío of a great part of the northern Andean portion of the Araucanía Region.
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Rahu and Ketu, the two nodes of the Moon, reflect the basic bipolar nature of man.
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Eliza and Isabella, two other members of the Z Syndicate, also wanted to control Rahu.
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Number 3 and Number 4 The number 4, ruled by Rahu (the north node of Moon), is not a friend to the number 3.
El flujo de inversión directa desde los países europeos mantiene una tendencia ascendente, de modo que, en la actualidad, constituye el mayor volumen de recursos para la inversión que entra en la regiónLiterature Literature
Because of the backward movement of Rahu, they become restless and impatient.
Tras cosechar los frutos de sus audaces reformas y de sus esfuerzos de estabilización ya desde mediados de los años noventa, la economía de Estonia sufrió temporalmente un retroceso tras la crisis rusa de #, registrando un menor crecimiento enLiterature Literature
Rahu, the head, has already been discussed on page 75.
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Rahu gives its natives an angle of vision through which they also see the unseen side of all truth in existence.
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Year Number 4 (ruled by Rahu) will bring Success, with difficulties.
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In the recording, Hero's father explains that he left to form the Z-Syndicate in an attempt to inform the people of Rahu's impending attack.
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The other members soon lost sight of his vision and betrayed him in an attempt to the seize control of the Syndicate and Rahu.
En las conclusiones citadas, el Consejo consideró que, dentro del próximo marco financiero de la UE, y considerando las necesidades de todos los PTU, los futuros compromisos financieros deberán orientarse hacia su nivel actual teniendo en cuenta al mismo tiempo otras circunstancias predominantes y un equilibrio justo entre los intereses de ambas partes, en particular las necesidades de desarrollo de Groenlandia y las necesidades de la Comunidad de acceso continuado, de forma sostenible, a las poblaciones de peces presentes en aguas groenlandesas, así como las contribuciones financieras procedentes de terceras partesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The use of hessonite powder can save them from problems created by Rahu.
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Eventually, Rahu came to possess a child's toy.
Porque, su majestad, no cometí ningunoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He originally joined the Z Syndicate to stop Rahu, but was forced to work with Oboro, who wanted to control Rahu for his own means.
Nuestro ûItimo rey...... cuya imagen se apareciô, fue retado a combate...... por Fortinbrâs de Noruega...... a quien impulsaba la envidiaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hero and the rest of the police force leave the safety of the dome to defeat Rahu again, along with the organization known as the Z-Syndicate, who are trying to control the entity for their own ends.
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Apart from all of its good and bad points, Rahu is a great energy force that gives its natives a distinctive character.
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The favorable aspect of Rahu gives talents for painting, writing, and editing.
TEXTOS APROBADOSLiterature Literature
Rahu, the north node of the Moon, is also called the magnetic north pole of the Moon.
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Among Vedic astrologers, it is called Rahu.
Los importadores presentarán sus solicitudes de certificados A durante los cinco primeros días hábiles siguientes al # de febrero para el primer subperíodo (de junio a agosto), al # de mayo para el segundo subperíodo (de septiembre a noviembre), al # de agosto para el tercer subperíodo (de diciembre a febrero) y al # de noviembre para el cuarto subperíodo (de marzo a mayoLiterature Literature
Rahu, ruler of number 4, is described as similar to Saturn in nature.
El PresidenteLiterature Literature
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