Research & Documentation Unit oor Spaans

Research & Documentation Unit

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Dependencia de servicios de investigación y documentación


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Those four research and documentation units are shortly to be grouped together within a single directorate under the responsibility of the Director-General.
Pero yo he oído " ladera "EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Those four research and documentation units are shortly to be grouped together within a single directorate under the responsibility of the Director-General
¡ No ha sido un truco!oj4 oj4
A documentation, research and information unit is being established and is expected to become operational in November/December
¿ Te refieres a viajar a esas aguas?MultiUn MultiUn
A documentation, research and information unit is being established and is expected to become operational in November/December 2001.
Muy graciosoUN-2 UN-2
Important reference tools, such as the United Nations Documentation Research Guide and the United Nations conferences and observances page, have been updated and on # arch the UNBIS Thesaurus was launched
Los que dejaron indefensos en sus hogares...... para vestir elegantemente...... para enjuiciar y bailar...... que grave!MultiUn MultiUn
Important reference tools, such as the United Nations Documentation Research Guide and the United Nations conferences and observances page, have been updated and on 27 March the UNBIS Thesaurus was launched.
Y si tu madre no me lo decíaUN-2 UN-2
To that end, we provided information on items of concern and research documentation to the United Nations, in particular, to the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief.
Si tiene hepatitis B crónica, no debería interrumpir el tratamiento con Epivir sin que su médico le dé instrucciones dado que puede experimentar una recurrencia de la hepatitisUN-2 UN-2
To that end, it provides information on items of concern and research documentation to the United Nations, in particular to the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief.
Debiste haber sido honesto sobre tus antecedentes penalesUN-2 UN-2
The Solomon Islands Government’s own limitations in terms of technical and financial capacity to present such a well researched document to the United Nations have also attributed to the delay in producing the three reports when they were due.
Razonaré con élUN-2 UN-2
United Nations Documentation: Research Guide: web-based, available in all official languages (updated as required) (Library and Information Resources Division);
Trish, te propongo una historia para un artículoUN-2 UN-2
United Nations Documents Research Guide: an overview of UN documentation and publications providing guidance on how to work with them.
Apuesto a que alguna secretaria prostituta se lo tiró en la cara...... porque no le gustó que le pagaran por sus serviciosUN-2 UN-2
C. whereas the assessment made by the Commission in its final report has failed to make full use of the wealth of documentation provided by the projects, the Research and Documentation units, and the Central Unit, since it fails to provide detailed accounts of the work, failures and achievements of the programme; whereas the report on the implementation of the Community programme Poverty 3 should be made more thorough and more complete, making use of the information available,
No te importa ir sola, ¿ cierto?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is equipped with a documentation and research centre and a computer unit
¿ Por qué no me dice lo que ya sabe y empezamos desde ahí?MultiUn MultiUn
It is equipped with a documentation and research centre and a computer unit.
No te equivoques, chaval... o te tiro por el ojo de buey lateralUN-2 UN-2
Frequency of citations in policy documents and statements of research findings of United Nations Population Division and coverage in press.
Recomendaciones del ComitéUN-2 UN-2
Its expanded availability will assist researchers worldwide in working independently with United Nations documents
Quizás deberíamos preguntarle a RuslanMultiUn MultiUn
Its expanded availability will assist researchers worldwide in working independently with United Nations documents.
Aquí viene Barril de CervezaUN-2 UN-2
Integrating gender and DDR issues into United Nations standards and related research documents.
Eso estuvo cercaUN-2 UN-2
United Nations Documentation: Research guide: a frequently updated tool providing an overview of UN documentation as well as tips for conducting research and locating texts.
¿ Ha vuelto Morris?UN-2 UN-2
United Nations Documentation: Research Guide: a frequently updated tool providing an overview of UN documentation as well as tips for conducting research and locating texts.
Eso es lo que querían oír, ¿ verdad?UN-2 UN-2
The Centre also collaborated with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), especially for the acquisition of literature and other material for the successful operation of the future documentation, information and research unit
Lo encontraremosMultiUn MultiUn
The Centre also collaborated with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), especially for the acquisition of literature and other material for the successful operation of the future documentation, information and research unit.
¡ Aquí viene Sabbath!¡ Ozzy!UN-2 UN-2
b) United Nations Documentation: Research guide: a frequently updated tool providing an overview of UN documentation as well as tips for conducting research and locating texts
Hace poco conocí a alguien en el monasterio que venía de ahíMultiUn MultiUn
b) United Nations Documentation: Research Guide: a frequently updated tool providing an overview of UN documentation as well as tips for conducting research and locating texts
invita a la futura Agencia europea a establecer relaciones, por una parte, con el Consejo de Europa, las instituciones nacionales y las organizaciones no gubernamentales que trabajan por la aplicación de los derechos fundamentales y con la red de expertos independientes, e igualmente con los entes locales y regionales que, por su enfoque específico, están en situación de realizar una útil contribución a sus trabajos, y pide a la Agencia que presente un informe anual sobre la situación de los derechos fundamentales en la UniónMultiUn MultiUn
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