Robert Walpole oor Spaans

Robert Walpole

Englishman and Whig statesman who (under George I) was effectively the first British prime minister (1676-1745)

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Robert Walpole

But someone was in the way of this prosperous future - and that someone was Robert Walpole.
Pero alguien se interponía en este futuro próspero: y ese alguien era Robert Walpole.
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Sir Robert Walpole
Robert Walpole


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The older Robert Walpole became, for instance, the more vulgar he was.
Cuanto mayor se hacía ese Robert Walpole, por ejemplo, más vulgar se hacía también.Literature Literature
Robert Walpole never supported the South Sea Company,” said Pendarves.
Robert Walpole nunca apoyó a la Compañía del Mar del Sur –dijo Pendarves.Literature Literature
Where was Sir Robert Walpole then?
¿Dónde estaba entonces, Sir Robert Walpole?Literature Literature
Robert Walpole and Tommy Carlyle were both in the pit, though not together.
Robert Walpole y Tommy Carlyle estaban en la platea aunque no juntos.Literature Literature
“I warn you, Robert Walpole is here,” Adam said.
—Te advierto de antemano de que ha venido Robert Walpole — dijo Adam.Literature Literature
1721 – Sir Robert Walpole becomes the first British prime minister.
1721 Robert Walpole se convierte en el primer primer ministro de Gran Bretaña.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1742, Robert Walpole lost his position of power in the British House of Commons.
En 1742, Robert Walpole perdió su posición de poder en la Cámara de los Comunes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Robert Walpole, who had some personal animosity to John Gay, attended the play and enjoyed it.
Robert Walpole, que sentía una especial animosidad hacia John Gay, acudió a ver la obra y la disfrutó.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One of the King’s ministers, Robert Walpole, had been burned in effigy in August.
Uno de los ministros del rey, Robert Walpole, había sido quemado en efigie en agosto.Literature Literature
James’s Park private, and asked her prime minister, Robert Walpole, how much that would cost.
James’s Park y le preguntó a su primer ministro, Robert Walpole, cuánto costaría hacerlo.Literature Literature
In the pit, Robert Walpole heard the laughter and stood up.
En la platea, Robert Walpole oyó una carcajada y se puso de pie.Literature Literature
Sir Robert Walpole condemned the scheme from the start and warned the public about over-investing.
Sir Robert Walpole condenó el plan desde el principio, y previno al público para que no invirtiera demasiado.Literature Literature
At eight, Robert Walpole opened the door to the library.
A las ocho, Robert Walpole abrió la puerta de la biblioteca.Literature Literature
His brilliance in that direction had caused Robert Walpole some misgivings.
Su brillantez en ese sentido había causado ciertos recelos en Robert Walpole.Literature Literature
“Lady Diana Alderley, Robert Walpole, first lord of the treasury.”
—Lady Diana Alderley, Robert Walpole, primer lord del Tesoro.Literature Literature
The son of prime minister ROBERT WALPOLE, he had an undistinguished career in Parliament.
Hijo del primer ministro ROBERT WALPOLE, Horace desarrolló una carrera poco destacada en el parlamento.Literature Literature
Were you not that most wicked and scurrilous travesty of Sir Robert Walpole, named Robin of Bagshot?
¿No era usted aquella aberrante y canallesca réplica de Sir Robert Walpole que se hacía llamar Robin de Bagshot?Literature Literature
If someone wanted to kill Robert Walpole, why hadn’t they done it sooner?
Si alguien quería matar a Robert Walpole, ¿por qué no lo había hecho antes?Literature Literature
Robert Walpole, Lord Townshend, Newcastle, this is Laurence Slane.”
Robert Walpole, Lord Townshend, Newcastle, éste es Laurence Slane.Literature Literature
I remind you that all of London expects Robert Walpole’s resignation from the ministry at any hour.
Y le recuerdo igualmente que todo Londres espera que, en cualquier momento, Robert Walpole dimita de su ministerio.Literature Literature
What did Sir Robert Walpole say?""
¿Qué fué lo que dijo sir Robert Walpole?Literature Literature
ROBERT WALPOLE was the first party leader to head the government as PRIME MINISTER (1721–42).
ROBERT WALPOLE fue el primer líder de partido que encabezó el gobierno como PRIMER MINISTRO (1721– 42).Literature Literature
Hal’s godfather was Robert Walpole.”
El padrino de Hal era Robert Walpole.Literature Literature
Parallels between Wild and Robert Walpole were instantly drawn, especially by the Tory authors of the day.
Los paralelismos entre Wild y Robert Walpole fueron trazados inmediatamente, especialmente por los autores tory de la época.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Robert Walpole, who was to be his best man, was beside him.
Robert Walpole, que iba a ser su padrino de boda, se encontraba a su ladoLiterature Literature
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