SHQ oor Spaans


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
We’re not sure yet how it got down there, but SHQ is theorizing that it’s a flushed pet.
Ejecución de la acción requerida por la descripciónLiterature Literature
The budget of the Société d’habitation du Québec (SHQ), including funding for CMHC programs, is over $600 million per year, primarily for social housing assistance.
Todo se fue al demonioUN-2 UN-2
The portion of the budget of the Société d’habitation du Québec (SHQ) that goes to low‐income households rose from 94 percent to 99.9 percent, and in total figures rose from $462.4 million to $499 million.
Aun cuando esta circunstancia reviste especial importancia en los actuales momentos de crisis económica, también resulta fundamental en épocas de bienestar económico como un medio para fomentar la cohesión socialUN-2 UN-2
The strategies developed by the Société d'habitation du Québec (SHQ) for these populations are as follows
los gastos correspondientes al tratamiento selectivo de residuos, a su almacenamiento y a su evacuaciónMultiUn MultiUn
Though the mahdi is not mentioned in the QUR#0N and is questioned by SUNNITE theologians, he is important in SHq!
Su líder actual no es otro queLiterature Literature
· Home Adaptation Program: since October 1991, the SHQ has been responsible for this program, which was formerly administered by the Office des personnes handicapées du Québec (OPHQ).
¿ Qué te parece esto?UN-2 UN-2
The strategies developed by the Société d’habitation du Québec (SHQ) for these populations are as follows:
Si volvemos por aquí, sabremos que ya pasamos antes por este caminoUN-2 UN-2
The budget of the Société d'habitation du Québec (SHQ), including funding for CMHC programs, is over $ # million per year, primarily for social housing assistance
Comprenderás que sin él no puedo dejarte entrar, este es un edificio públicoMultiUn MultiUn
The SHQ's actions are generally undertaken in partnership with municipalities and housing authorities or jointly with community agencies like housing cooperatives or non-profit organizations (NPOs
Se fugarán por las buenas o por las malasMultiUn MultiUn
Indeed, for most of its interventions, the SHQ relies upon the financial or other involvement of the local or community environment, or the private sector
Sociedad o sociedades de clasificación, así como cualquier otra organización, si procede, que haya(n) expedido los certificados de clasificación del buque, si los hubiereMultiUn MultiUn
The SHQ’s programs are almost entirely intended for low income households or households encountering specific situations, such as the homeless, or people with a mental disability or illness, persons with disabilities, persons with decreasing independence, or women and children who are victims of family violence.
Quería darle las gracias...... por la cintaUN-2 UN-2
To carry out this preventive strategy, SHQ works jointly with public, community and charitable organizations, and uses housing products and services that are adapted to the unique characteristics of individuals with special problems
Para distinguir entre los LMR mencionados en el considerando # y los LMR mencionados en el considerando #, conviene dividir el anexo # en varias partesMultiUn MultiUn
In an effort to provide a viable solution for the complex problem of homelessness, the Société d’habitation du Québec (SHQ), in addition to focussing on permanent housing, has adopted a more direct and preventive approach, by creating rooming houses with “community support.”
Agentes Hotchner y Reid, FBI.- ¿ Qué desean?UN-2 UN-2
If you have adjusted your workflow to heavy files, you will be able to work with RAW without any problems, but anyone in search of convenience will book excellent results with the JPEG SHQ setting.
Quizás quieras un poco de whiskyCommon crawl Common crawl
The portion of the budget of the Société d'habitation du Québec (SHQ) that goes to low-income households rose from # percent to # percent, and in total figures rose from $ # million to $ # million
Este crédito se destina a cubrir los costes de las prestaciones externas que conllevan las operaciones de archivo, incluida la selección, la clasificación y la nueva clasificación en los depósitos, los costes de las prestaciones de archivo, la adquisición y la explotación de fondos de archivo en soportes de sustitución (microfilms, discos, cintas, etc.), así como la compra, el alquiler y el mantenimiento de materiales especiales (electrónicos, informáticos, eléctricos) y los gastos de publicación en todo tipo de formato (folletos, CD-ROM, etcMultiUn MultiUn
SHQ has developed interdepartmental initiatives with the goal of harmonizing its housing strategies with those implemented by the health and social services system
Iba a visitarte más tardeMultiUn MultiUn
In 1999, SHQ produced a quantitative profile of women’s housing situation, which was distributed in the spring of 2000.
Porque no puedo ser lo que él quiereUN-2 UN-2
The SHQ's programs are almost entirely intended for low income households or households encountering specific situations, such as the homeless, or people with a mental disability or illness, persons with disabilities, persons with decreasing independence, or women and children who are victims of family violence
Es fundamental prever la comunicación adecuada de los principales hechos y consideraciones a las partes que así lo soliciten y dicha comunicación será efectuada, teniendo en cuenta el procedimiento decisorio de la Comunidad, en unos plazos que permitan a las partes defender sus interesesMultiUn MultiUn
· Continued to provide SHQ support for social housing organizations and managers in relation to the implementation of training and information tools to facilitate the process of including and integrating immigrant households.
Tu respondes y yo preguntoUN-2 UN-2
The SHQ’s actions are generally undertaken in partnership with municipalities and housing authorities or jointly with community agencies like housing cooperatives or non-profit organizations (NPOs).
Prepárense para darles la verdadera bienvenida al estilo Nueva YorkUN-2 UN-2
Through its various interventions, the SHQ dealt with 248,850 households in 2004, mainly low-income households.
Sé a que terefieres, es verdadUN-2 UN-2
Indeed, for most of its interventions, the SHQ relies upon the financial or other involvement of the local or community environment, or the private sector.
Gaby, sabes lo que dijiste sobre nuestra amistad antes??UN-2 UN-2
In # produced a quantitative profile of the housing situation of immigrant households in Québec, which was distributed during # articipated in the revision of the Guide à l'intention des nouveaux arrivants- Comment se loger au Québec to assist newcomers in finding house, which was produced in cooperation with the ministère des Relations avec les citoyens et de l'Immigration, the City of Montreal and other public and private partners; In # continued the community action program relating to a low-rental family housing complex in Montréal-Nord that was experiencing critical situations associated with impoverishment and inter-ethnic relations; Continued to provide SHQ support for social housing organizations and managers in relation to the implementation of training and information tools to facilitate the process of including and integrating immigrant households
Marge, lo que yo entiendo de nuestra conversación telefónica es que tienes un muy pobre proveedor de serviciosMultiUn MultiUn
The SHQ pays this financial assistance to organizations that manage the low-cost housing units, in the form of an operating deficit grant, and in some instances, an interest rebate grant
Me gustaría que vieras que eres uno de nosotrosMultiUn MultiUn
To carry out this preventive strategy, SHQ works jointly with public, community and charitable organizations, and uses housing products and services that are adapted to the unique characteristics of individuals with special problems.
Ya es casi la hora de los regalosUN-2 UN-2
51 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.