Sempronia oor Spaans


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And there's no need to be sarcastic, Aunt Sempronia.
«Y no hay ninguna necesidad de ser sarcástica, tía Sempronia.Literature Literature
Ethan’s shoulders lift, and to Livia he says, ‘If it pleases, my lady, I would like Sempronia to remain by my side.
Ethan alza los hombros y le dice a Livia: —Si no os importa, me gustaría que Sempronia se quedara conmigo.Literature Literature
“Actually,” Sempronia went on, “I think he just worships her from afar, writes love lyrics to her, that sort of thing.
De hecho —prosiguió Sempronia—, creo que él sólo la adora de lejos, le escribe poesías de amor y esas cosas.Literature Literature
The look turned to horror as he took in Aunt Sempronia’s finery and Mrs Baker’s respectability.
Su gesto se convirtió en uno de pánico cuando captó la finura de tía Sempronia y la respetabilidad de la señora Baker.Literature Literature
Gordianus is hired by the consul Decimus Junius Brutus, who fears that his wife Sempronia is plotting with her lover to have him killed.
El cónsul Décimo Junio Bruto contrata a Gordiano, pues teme que su esposa Sempronia esté tramando con su amante matarlo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Other than my wife, Julia Sempronia, whom I married when I achieved my present rank.
Aparte de mi esposa, Julia Sempronia, con quien me casé cuando alcancé mi rango actual.Literature Literature
Perhaps if she had not looked so much like Sempronia . . .
Quizá si no me hubiera recordado tanto a Sempronia...Literature Literature
BEFORE anyone could disembark, he boarded, shouldered his way past Plutonius and Sempronia.
Antes de que nadie pudiera desembarcar, él subió a bordo y pasó junto a Plutonio y Sempronia ignorándolos.Literature Literature
I had never liked Plutonius or Sempronia.
Nunca me habían gustado Plutonio ni Sempronia.Literature Literature
But this has something to do with Sempronia and that charioteer, doesn’t it?’
Pero tiene que ver con Sempronia y su auriga, ¿no es cierto?Literature Literature
Aunt Sempronia graciously handed a cake over to Waif too.
Tía Sempronia también le dio graciosamente otro pastelillo a Waif.Literature Literature
Perhaps if she had not looked so much like Sempronia...
Quizá si no me hubiera recordado tanto a Sempronia...Literature Literature
"""A female slave is scarcely protection, let alone companionship,"" Sempronia reproved."
—Una esclava no es ninguna protección, y mucho menos una compañía digna —me reprendió Sempronia.Literature Literature
Stop and think about your charming wife Sempronia whom I must still interrogate ... You still refuse to answer?
Piense en su encantadora esposa Sempronia, a la que todavía he de interrogar...Literature Literature
The best informants on Sempronia's circle of intimates, I decided, would be found at the Senian Baths.
Los mejores informantes sobre los amigos de Sempronia se encontrarían, supuse, en los baños de Senia.Literature Literature
Sempronia planted a kiss on her grandchild’s forehead, then told the girl to take him from the room.
Sempronia plantó un beso en la frente de su nieto y luego le dijo a la muchacha que lo sacara de la habitación.Literature Literature
The ambassador's daughter, Julia Sempronia.'
La hija del embajador, Julia Sempronia.Literature Literature
Aunt Sempronia followed him in a sizzle of expensive silks, calling, Good-bye, both of you!
Tía Sempronia le siguió, envuelta en el rumor de su cara ropa de seda, y dijo: «¡Adiós a los dos!».Literature Literature
"""Sempronia, you see, is not like other women."
Sempronia, verás, no es como las demás mujeres.Literature Literature
Her object achieved, Sempronia called for Thraso and ordered him to show us out.
Cumplido su objetivo, Sempronia mandó llamar a Thraso y le ordenó que nos guiase hasta la salida.Literature Literature
"Aunt Sempronia's voice said, ""Of course she's all right, Berenice."
La voz de tía Sempronia dijo: —Pues claro que está bien, Berenice.Literature Literature
The beautiful Sempronia was present.
La hermosa Sempronia se hallaba presente.Literature Literature
‘I’m here to speak to Julia Sempronia.’
—He venido para hablar con Julia Sempronia.Literature Literature
Were Diocles and Sempronia lovers?
¿Eran amantes Diocles y Sempronia?Literature Literature
I suppose Sempronia was there, as well.
Supongo que Sempronia estaba allí también.Literature Literature
90 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.