Settlement oor Spaans


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Layla reached an Aboriginal settlement in safety.
Layla llegó a un asentamiento aborigen de modo seguro.

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/ˈsɛtəlmənt/, /ˈset.l.mənt/ naamwoord
The state of being settled.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


A colony that is newly established; a place or region newly settled
Layla reached an Aboriginal settlement in safety.
Layla llegó a un asentamiento aborigen de modo seguro.


A colony that is newly established; a place or region newly settled
Many were on isolated farms or in scattered settlements.
Muchos de ellos estaban en granjas aisladas o en poblados dispersos.


(law) A disposition of property, or the act of granting it
Reports said they came close to a settlement.
Los informes dijeron que ellos están cerca de un acuerdo.

En 59 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

colonia · liquidación · colonización · arreglo · transacción · pago · pueblo · colonía · solución · resolución · población · finiquito · convenio · saldo · localidad · poblamiento · instalación · acantonamiento · cancelación · cierre · el acuerdo · el asentamiento · el establecimiento · el pago · el poblado · entero · finalización · hundimiento · implantación · la colonización · la resolución · rancherío · saldos · satisfacción · sedimentación · composición · ajuste · barrio · villa · decisión · componenda · asiento · pensión · asignación · domicilio · establecimiento · avenencia · ciudad · barriada · ranchería · vinculación · feria · acuerdo extrajudicial · arreglo amistoso · arreglo extrajudicial · asentamiento israelí · asentamiento judío · colonia judía · solución amistosa

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Soortgelyke frases

Exchange Delivery Settlement Price
precio de liquidación
frontier settlement
acuerdo fronterizo · avanzada
marginal settlement
asentamiento marginal
base settlement
asentamiento de base
urban settlement
Phoenix Islands Settlement Scheme
Proyecto de Colonización de las Islas Fénix
United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation
Fundación de los Naciones Unidas para el Hábitat y los Asentamientos · UNHHSF
dispute settlement procedure
procedimiento de solución de controversias · procedimiento de solución de diferencias
cluster-type settlement


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
otwithstanding the provisions of Article # of this Annex, Kosovo shall engage in consultations with a non-majority Community where that Community makes up at least # % of the population of a concentrated settlement with a minimum total population of # inhabitants, with a view to establishing other new municipalities
No obstante, permítanme subrayar que corresponde a los Estados miembros tomar la decisión final.MultiUn MultiUn
Such a step, I believe, will be crucial for a lasting settlement in Somalia
La retribución incluye, además de la remuneración, las cotizaciones a un régimen de previsión-defunción y un seguro de enfermedad-accidente-defunción, el reembolso de los gastos de desplazamiento a aquellos intérpretes independientes que no tengan su domicilio profesional en el lugar de destino, así como el pago de las indemnizaciones de viaje a tanto alzadoMultiUn MultiUn
Our Committee is appalled by these developments taking place at a time when the international community, through the Quartet, is working hard to stop the violence, resume a meaningful political dialogue between the parties and move forward to a negotiated settlement, with a view to realizing a vision of two States, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security.
Voy a fregar las ollas y a lavarme el peloUN-2 UN-2
I commend your work in proposing sustainable development goal 11, which is dedicated to making cities and human settlements “inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” for all.
¿Cuál es la situación en relación con la evaluación científica que está llevando a cabo el Comité científico de productos cosméticos, mencionada por la Comisión el # de enero de # en su respuesta a una pregunta escrita planteada por mi colega Torben Lund (E-#/#)?UN-2 UN-2
The completion of the major transportation and communication network that is under way, as well as the national cadastre, are expected to contribute significantly to the balanced development of our settlements.
Establecer normas técnicas comunes destinadas a evitar que las variaciones en las prácticas relativas a bases de datos de ADN de la policía científica en los Estados miembros puedan acarrear dificultades y resultados inexactos cuando se intercambien los datosUN-2 UN-2
In the Declaration's operative section, African member States reaffirm the Habitat Agenda's commitments endorsed in Istanbul in the areas of adequate shelter for all, sustainable human settlements, enablement and participation, gender equality, financing shelter and human settlements, international cooperation and assessing progress
Calculo que a ti te correspondió, por lo menos, # GrandesMultiUn MultiUn
In such cases, an enterprise measures deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets using the tax rate and the tax base that are consistent with the expected manner of recovery or settlement.
Y en el sótano a prueba de sonidos de su mansión...... nadie podía escuchar sus canciones extravagantes de triunfo y venganza...... que tocaba en su órgano junto con sus ingeniosos músicos de cuerdaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Given the fact that the ESF proceeds to an annual closure of instalments, it can be accepted that for certain current expenses (e. g. gas, electricity, telephone, etc.) the corresponding invoices may be taken into consideration for the settlement of payments beyond the end of the calendar year if actually paid by the final beneficiary before the subsequent submission of the final claim by the Member State (within six months).
Está heridaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
“ # alls upon Governments, in particular developed countries, and international financial institutions to increase their financial contributions to the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation to assist developing countries in the implementation of the Habitat Agenda # the Declaration on Cities and Other Human Settlements in the New Millennium # and the United Nations millennium development goal of achieving a significant improvement in the lives of at least one hundred million slum-dwellers, with due consideration of marginalized groups, by the year
Informe sobre la Agenda Social Renovada [#/#(INI)]- Comisión de Empleo y Asuntos SocialesMultiUn MultiUn
This provision shall be without prejudice to other forms of settlement agreed between creditor and debtor central banks.
ha decidido por adelantado que no se va a defenderEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Urges that approach in the debt settlement should cover all types of debt, including multilateral debt, and all indebted developing countries, and incorporate measures aimed at a once-and-for all reduction arrangement to reduce their debt burden to a scale that would allow them to resume their economic growth and development
¡ Cálmate lunática! voltéate y miraMultiUn MultiUn
In cases where the foreign national needs a travel document, one of the two following documents may be used as a supplement to the work-, residence- or settlement permit:
Destrocé algo, claroEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Among Israel’s most egregious practices are its great colonialist theft of territory through its history of settlement, including land confiscation, the demolition of homes, the expulsion of citizens from their homes and replacing them with foreign settlers, the construction of the racist separation wall, the Judaization of occupied Jerusalem, support for settlers’ oppressive and extremist racist practices against unarmed Palestinians, under the protection of the occupying forces, and the unjust imposition of the blockade against Gaza.
Créeme, chicoUN-2 UN-2
No le gusta nadaEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Until the Palestine refugee problem was ended by a fair and just settlement of the Palestinian question, UNRWA would continue to play an indispensable role in an issue that extended beyond the humanitarian sphere to affect the stability of the entire region.
en el caso de los demás contingentes arancelarios, una prueba establecida con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el artículo # del Reglamento (CEE) no #/# que, además de los datos especificados en ese artículo, incluya los siguientesUN-2 UN-2
The Commission will also further improve the ODR platform, including by making the platform better respond to the needs of its users by providing more targeted information on consumer rights and redress, better directing users to the most appropriate redress tools and better facilitating direct settlements.
Soy una negada en todo menos en mi trabajoEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Because from the day she was married she never saw anyone from the settlement again, not even Túmula.
Cada solicitud se evaluará con arreglo a los criterios establecidos en el programa de trabajo de eContentplusLiterature Literature
In its latest initiative to promote effective and responsive human settlements management, the Government of Nigeria, in collaboration with the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, in April this year launched in Abuja the Global Campaign on Urban Governance.
Voy a sobrevivirUN-2 UN-2
In March 2000, under international pressure, Del Monte was forced to negotiate an agreement with the International Union of Food and Agricultural Workers (IUF) which set a framework for a negotiated settlement.
Sigue hablando, JaskierCommon crawl Common crawl
‘imbalance settlement period’ means the time unit for which balance responsible parties' imbalance is calculated;
No soy amigo suyoeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The Board has also identified risks in the settlement of foreign exchange transactions through central counterparties as well as an increase in foreign exchange losses that merited the attention of the Fund.
¿ Puedo seguir?UN-2 UN-2
Decides that the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, as United Nations focal point for the implementation of the Habitat Agenda, will participate in the Chief Executives Board for Coordination;
Ahora pide lo que quieras, cariñoUN-2 UN-2
We also decided that the United Nations would base its actions on the principles of the sovereign equality of all its Members, the peaceful settlement of international disputes, the non-use or threat of use of force and non-intervention in the internal affairs of States.
¿ Cómo se toca una armonía en tres partes con sólo dos trompas?UN-2 UN-2
Mainstreaming gender perspective in human settlements is crucial in order to achieve full implementation of the Habitat Agenda
Capitán, hemos podido verificar que los anillos son la bitácora del Capitán promelianoMultiUn MultiUn
(134) However, the Commission does not consider that the settlement rules necessarily and effectively preclude a differentiation of the price paid to the farmers.
Propugna la implantación de clases de recuperación para los niños que llegan tarde a la educación y para quienes vuelven a la educación desde el mundo del trabajo, los conflictos o los desplazamientosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
207 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.