Southern Rhodesia oor Spaans

Southern Rhodesia

eienaam, naamwoord
(historical) A former British colony, later known as Rhodesia, now known as Zimbabwe

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República de Zimbabwe




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Committee concerning the Question of Southern Rhodesia
Comité sobre la Cuestión de Rhodesia del Sur


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
‘Only in Southern Rhodesia could such a thing happen’ we locals were reminded by the people from outside.
La loca es mi mamáLiterature Literature
The Witnesses were winning the battle in Southern Rhodesia.
Consiguenos algo para usar!jw2019 jw2019
Called Southern Rhodesia (1911–64), it became a self-governing British colony in 1923.
¡ No puedo parar de fumar!Literature Literature
In Southern Rhodesia (now simply called Rhodesia), the battle to remove restrictions on Kingdom activity continued.
Prepara el helicópterojw2019 jw2019
There would have been no ‘communist party’ in Southern Rhodesia without such an inspirational character.
Todo saldrá bien, BuntLiterature Literature
I live abroad these days – Southern Rhodesia.
Dimensiones y forma del convertidor o convertidores catalíticos (volumen, etc.): ...Literature Literature
Soon afterwards, he volunteered for the Royal Air Force and trained as a pilot in Southern Rhodesia.
Hubo un tiempo en el cual los océanos se bebieron Atlántida... y del levantamiento de los hijos de Aryas, eran tiempos increiblesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
All the refugees did well in Southern Rhodesia.
Vestuario, tontitoLiterature Literature
'Born 1945 in Southern Rhodesia.
No puedo recordar los detallesLiterature Literature
It was the first European study group in Southern Rhodesia, with about seventeen persons showing interest.
Bien, te veo esta noche, no faltesjw2019 jw2019
I adored these clothes – nothing like them could have been worn then in Southern Rhodesia.
El cuarto programa de acción está sirviendo de pauta en todos los Estados miembros pero sus objetivos no deben terminar en el programa sino que necesitamos continuarlos y mejorarlos en un quinto programa de acción.Literature Literature
In Southern Rhodesia all the house servants were male, whereas in South Africa they were and are female.
adopción de disposiciones jurídicas que establezcan requisitos sobre los vertidos de aguas residuales (incluidos los límites temporalesLiterature Literature
In 1942, the European brothers in Southern Rhodesia published the booklet Jehovah’s Witnesses: Who Are They?
Se la pueden llevar al juicio. iAbre!jw2019 jw2019
From there, we were reassigned shortly afterward to Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).
¡ Habladles de algo vos también!jw2019 jw2019
It was the beginning of a new chapter for the Kingdom work in Southern Rhodesia.
¡ Suelten los presos! ¡ Ya!jw2019 jw2019
Assistant Legal Adviser to the Governor of Southern Rhodesia (1979-1980)
¿ Y si no quiere acordarse de mí?OyeUN-2 UN-2
Assistant Legal Adviser to the Governor of Southern Rhodesia
Me parece bienMultiUn MultiUn
There you will see a small landlocked country known as Zimbabwe (formerly Southern Rhodesia and Rhodesia).
Ninguna objeciónjw2019 jw2019
To counteract this, the Society’s Cape Town office printed a tract entitled Religious Intolerance in Southern Rhodesia.
No voy a morir por ti, putajw2019 jw2019
¿ Crees que podrías amar a un hombre con un auténtico Fu Manchú?jw2019 jw2019
Where was the black proletariat at this meeting, let alone in Southern Rhodesia?
Dicen que hace días que no comesLiterature Literature
Why did not help ever arrive to the enslaved and betrayed people of the then Southern Rhodesia?
Lo hiciste, cariñoLiterature Literature
A family man in Southern Rhodesia was confronted with such a barrier.
Está convencido de que, puesto queel territorio de la UE abarca varios husos horarios, las redes eléctricas transfronterizas facilitarán el suministro energético en los períodos de máximo consumo y al mismo tiempo reducirán radicalmente las pérdidas derivadas de la necesidad de mantener capacidades de producción de serviciojw2019 jw2019
Now this was my mother’s chief and dearest demand for her life in Southern Rhodesia.
Soy una negada en todo menos en mi trabajoLiterature Literature
Later he moved to Southern Rhodesia in search of work and ended up entering the pioneer ranks.
Brindo por Uds., amigosjw2019 jw2019
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