Spanish influenza oor Spaans

Spanish influenza

(pathology) An influenza pandemic that spread to nearly every part of the world between 1918 and 1920, killing from 20 to 100 million people.

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gripe española

The old herald had to run a bogus story on Spanish influenza.
El antiguo Herald tuvo que publicar una historia falsa sobre la gripe española.

influenza española

Portugal: the Spanish influenza. GALPIN:
La misma que siguió el evento de Fátima en Portugal, la Influenza Española.

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Spanish Influenza

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I was seventeen, and I was dying of the Spanish influenza.”
Tenía diecisiete años y me estaba muriendo de gripe española.Literature Literature
The scientific community reconfirms the severity of the Spanish influenza.
La comunidad científica reafirma la gravedad de la llamada “gripe española”.jw2019 jw2019
The great Spanish Influenza epidemic.
Durante la gran epidemia de gripe española.Literature Literature
Portugal: the Spanish influenza. GALPIN:
La misma que siguió el evento de Fátima en Portugal, la Influenza Española.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Spanish Influenza, they called it, but I always figured it was worked up by the Huns some ways.
Gripe española, la llaman, aunque siempre he pensado que más bien fue creada, de algún modo, por los boches.Literature Literature
It occurred during the Spanish Influenza.
Había ocurrido durante la epidemia de gripe española.Literature Literature
Our largest jump in population occurred during the Spanish influenza outbreak of 1918.
Nuestro aumento más grande de población se produjo durante la gripe española en 191838.Literature Literature
Deslys contracted a severe throat infection caused by the spanish influenza pandemic in December 1919.
Deslys contrajo una severa faringitis secundaria a la pandemia de gripe española en diciembre de 1919.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I was in bed, seriously ill with the dreaded Spanish influenza that was sweeping the world.
Yacía gravemente enfermo, presa de la terrible gripe española que azotaba al mundo.jw2019 jw2019
Of Spanish influenza, after the war.
De gripe española, después de la guerra.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Blessed be the Spanish influenza that carried him off.
Bendita la gripe española que se lo cargó.Literature Literature
The Spanish influenza of 1918/19 killed 20 million people.
La gripe española (1918-1919) exterminó a veinte millones de seres humanos.jw2019 jw2019
Yes, polio, Spanish influenza...
Sí, contra la polio, la gripe española.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In this room I had had the Spanish influenza and the clock nightmare.
En aquella habitación había pasado la gripe española y la pesadilla del reloj.Literature Literature
First Spanish influenza then Russian Bolshevism swept the world.
Primero la gripe española, y luego el bolchevismo ruso, sacudieron el mundo.Literature Literature
The name of the threat was Spanish influenza.
Esa amenaza era la gripe española.Literature Literature
But it might have been the Spanish influenza.
Pero podía haber sido la gripe.Literature Literature
That's when Carlisle found me dying of Spanish influenza.
Cuando Carlisle me encontró muriendo de la Peste Negra.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dying of Spanish Influenza
Moria de la gripe españolaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Typhoid broke out, followed by the worldwide epidemic of Spanish influenza.
Estalló la fiebre tifoidea, seguida por una epidemia mundial de gripe española.Literature Literature
It was not long afterwards that an epidemic of Spanish influenza swept haphazardly through Europe.
Poco después una epidemia de gripe española azotó al azar diversos lugares de Europa.Literature Literature
And we would have done exactly that had Magic Gourd not fallen sick with Spanish influenza.
Y nos habríamos marchado, de no haber sido porque Calabaza Mágica cayó enferma de la gripe española.Literature Literature
Died of the Spanish influenza on her fifth day off the boat.
«Murió de gripe española en su quinto día de viaje en barco.»Literature Literature
In addition to that there was dysentery, cholera, and the Ispanka, the Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918–1919.
A dichas enfermedades se unían la disentería, el cólera y la Ispanka, la pandemia de gripe española de 1918 y 1919.Literature Literature
Since that day in November of 1918, the killer virus Spanish influenza hasn't been heard from .
Desde ese día de noviembre de 1918 no se ha oído nada acerca del virus asesino de la influenza hispánica.Literature Literature
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