Strong Arms of the Ma oor Spaans

Strong Arms of the Ma

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

Strong Arms of The Ma

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This season contains the show's 300th episode, "The Strong Arms of The Ma".
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"Strong Arms of the Ma"
Gracias, RojoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Strong Arms of the Ma
Es preciso restablecer esta proximidad y restituir a las consumidoras y los consumidores la responsabilidad de sus actos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
A brief clip of the song (Etta James) is heard on Strong Arms of the Ma of the TV series, The Simpsons, when Marge rips the jukebox out of the wall at Moe's Tavern.
Si tiene alguna duda, consulte a su médico o farmacéuticoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Finally, in Santa Cruz, a number of public squares and street markets in areas of strong support for the MAS, were also occupied by groups of armed thugs.
Una muchacha inteligente como Ud., no debería creer los chismes, ¿ verdad?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Like most strong personalities, our regional president Mr Artur Mas has an arm&hand pathology: he is unable to extend his thumb, so deep is his love for the four bars of our flag.
¿ Por qué me mira así de fijo?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
6 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.