Subject Object Verb oor Spaans

Subject Object Verb

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Object Verb Subject
Objeto Verbo Sujeto
Subject Verb Object
Sujeto Verbo Objeto
Verb Object Subject
Verbo Objeto Sujeto
Verb Subject Object
Verbo Sujeto Objeto


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The basic word order is subject-object-verb, but constituents may be extraposed to the right of the verb.
RepetidamenteWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unlike most Songhai languages, Koyra Chiini has no phonemic tones and has subjectverbobject word order rather than subjectobjectverb.
Tenemos que protestar contra las repercusiones de la pobreza que se dejan sentir mucho más entre las mujeres.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Verbs consist of long strings of morphemes in the following array: Stem + Voice + Negation + Tense/Aspect + Agreement Khalaj employs subjectobjectverb word order.
Nos resulta muy difícil encontrar una línea de discurso que exprese esta honda preocupación por la situación en Corea del Norte y que, al mismo tiempo, no venga a exacerbar el conflicto.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As we have seen, questions can be easily formed by rearranging the order of the sentence from subjectverbobject to verbsubjectobject.
Finca de Buckingham PenshurstWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Another indication of this is the subjectobjectverb basic word order, which Dogon shares with such early Niger–Congo branches as Ijoid and Mande.
¿ Tú qué demonios crees que estamos haciendo?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Having a native speaker allow you to deconstruct their grammar, by translating these sentences into past, present, future, will show you subject, object, verb, placement of indirect, direct objects, gender and so forth.
En serio, me alegra que lo hayan hechoted2019 ted2019
Like Mande languages, the Senufo languages have a subjectobjectverb (SOV) constituent order, rather than the subjectverbobject (SVO) order which is more common in Gur and in Niger–Congo as a whole.
El águila quería comerse al perro.Lo salvé, y después vino y se llevó mi teléfonoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Compare, for example: Basque is sometimes called an SOV (i.e. subjectobjectverb) language, but as one can see, the order of elements in the Basque sentence is not rigidly determined by grammatical roles (such as subject and object) and has to do with other criteria (such as focus and topic).
Oh, dulce señorita... con la cara como un óvalo de cremaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When it was over he pronounced the usual sentence: subject, verb, object.
¿ Nunca te vas a acostar?Literature Literature
Each sentence was a genuine subject-verb-object compound.
Todo está en ordenLiterature Literature
Most English sentences follow one pattern: Subject-Verb-Object or Subject Complement.
En seguida vienen con su abogado.- ¿ Actuabas aquí a menudo?Literature Literature
Subject, verb, object: the unadorned, impregnable sentence.
Necesito que la cuides un tiempoLiterature Literature
The Gbe languages are tonal, Isolating languages and the basic word order is subjectverbobject.
Tenga cuidado, GenevieveWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Subject, verb, object: Relative Clauses, Conditional Clauses, Conjunctive and Disjunctive Clauses!
Ya basta, quiero un nuevo trabajojw2019 jw2019
Subject, verb, object, modifier.)
Estarás bienLiterature Literature
She showed them a subject-verb-object sentence: “Trudy loves Gar.”
Esperando a que volvieran a caer los dados, me fui a Venice Beach con seis birras y me tocó el gordo cuando localicé a esta rubiaLiterature Literature
In Chinook there is a more far-reaching concord between noun, whether subject or object, and verb.
Asíque, dime, ¿ estás feliz con tu análisis?Literature Literature
An independent clause normally has for its nucleus: subjectverb—(object).
No me preocupoLiterature Literature
I’m tired, subject-verb-object like children’s grammars.
Insta a los Estados miembros a que revisen los modelos sociales que sean ineficaces a la luz de su sostenibilidad financiera y de las dinámicas mundiales y las pautas demográficas, que están sometidas a un cambio constante, a fin de que éstos sean más sosteniblesLiterature Literature
In English, the convention is to place them in the order subject verb object (SVO).
Fue por tus preciosos ojos de perla que le di la zurraLiterature Literature
The basic sentence structure of Italian is subject-verb-object — the same as in English.
En conclusión: las autoridades francesas consideran que este importe no debería considerarse ayuda estatalLiterature Literature
I give clear messages, sentences limited to two or, at the most, three words: subject, verb, object.
El secreto está en mezclarlo bienLiterature Literature
Syntactic similarities include subjectverbobject word order.
Solo eres un policíaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The typical word order is subjectverbobject in most Daju languages, with exceptions such as Sila, and possessed–possessor.
No que yo recuerdeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The case system of the ancestor language, Latin, has been lost, but personal pronouns are still declined with three main types of forms: subject, object of verb, and object of preposition.
No podía dejarte, con todo Io que me necesitasWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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