TIDS oor Spaans


Travel Industry Designator Service, a unique code given to a non-IATA accredited travel agency to allow bookings with suppliers.

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TID · datos de identidad de amenaza · perturbación móvil en la ionosfera
Jaktens Tid
Jaktens Tid


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Where there is a failure to comply with the parametric values laid down in accordance with Article 5 occurs defined for radon and for the TID from natural sources , the Member State concerned shall immediately assess whether the failure poses a the level of the risk to human health.
Bueno, volveremos a medicarlos por la mañanaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
We can get tid of a bad style and keep the good.
Una y otra vezLiterature Literature
Anti-Mycobacterial Isoniazid # mg QD (Indinavir # mg TID
Para involucrarteEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
The TID shall be calculated from the volumetric radionuclide activity rates and the dose coefficients laid down in Annex III, Table A of Directive 96/29/Euratom or more recent information recognised by the competent authorities in the Member State.
¡ Vaya si eres lenta!not-set not-set
"""You can think about that later,"" Tid said."
Duración del régimen de ayuda o de la ayuda individualLiterature Literature
This lack of genealogy has one major implication: if you want to wait for a thread to terminate, you need to specify which one you are waiting for by passing the proper tid to pthread_join().
El segundo cuadrante, por favorCommon crawl Common crawl
Factoring-in of cumulative alpha and beta components The TID derives from the doses generated by all the radionuclides present in water, be these of the alpha or beta type.
Te haré medio vampironot-set not-set
CLONE_SETTID Write the TID back to user space.
No pude mantenerlo fueraLiterature Literature
The TID shall be calculated from the radionuclide activity concentration and the dose coefficients laid down in Table (A) of Annex III to Directive 96/29/Euratom or more recent information recognised by the competent authorities in the Member State.
Seis palabrasnot-set not-set
Where tid it go?
En la Directiva #/#/CEE se establece que, con el fin de tener en cuenta los distintos niveles de protección para las obras de construcción a escala nacional, regional o local, puede ser necesario categorizar los productos en los documentos interpretativos por sus propiedades respecto a los requisitos esencialesOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Indinavir AUC: # % Indinavir Cmin: # % (Relative to Indinavir # mg TID alone
Es una antigua novia.Lo sabíasEMEA0.3 EMEA0.3
If the suspect has been arrested under the provisions of the Prevention of Terrorism Act or the Emergency Regulations by a police officer attached to the CSU, unless transferred to the TID the suspect shall be detained until produced before a magistrate at the relevant CSU.
¿ Qué diablos es esta mierda que está sucediendo?UN-2 UN-2
A Member State is not required to monitor drinking water for tritium or radioactivity to establish and radon with a view to establishing the total indicative dose (TID) where it is satisfied on the basis of other monitoring that the levels of both tritium and of the calculated total indicative dose are well below the parametric value.
La decisión de conceder ayuda comunitaria debería también tener en cuentanot-set not-set
Among his first releases are Dimmu Borgir's first album For all tid and most releases by Graveland after their departure from Lethal Records.
¿ Por una humilde prostituta?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
3.6 On the other hand, the EESC is of the opinion that the long-lived radionuclides polonium (Po-210) and lead (Pb-210) should be included in the definition of the Total Indicative Dose (TID).
No, sé que no lo sabíasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Where the following formula is satisfied, Member States may assume that the TID is less than the parametric indicator value of 0.1 mSv/year and no further investigation shall be required: The TID is the committed effective dose for one year of intake resulting from all the natural radionuclides whose presence in a water supply has been detected, excluding tritium, potassium–40, radon and short-lived radon decay products.
Podría resultar particularmente conveniente, por ejemplo, difundir de manera amplia las experiencias de la Plataforma Tecnológica Europea del Acero, la Plataforma para el carbón limpio y la Plataforma tecnológica Waterborne, que ofrecen ya un balance sólidonot-set not-set
The TID is the committed effective dose for one year of intake resulting from all the radionuclides whose presence in a water supply has been detected, both of natural and artificial origin, excluding tritium, potassium–40, radon and short-lived radon decay products.
Muy gracioso, chutney dangerfieldEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Member States shall define the extent of resampling necessary, and the deadlines to meet, to ensure that the measured values are representative for an average activity concentration for a full year that the parametric value defined for the TID has in fact been exceeded.
Tenemos un problemanot-set not-set
Monitoring of drinking water for Total Indicative Dose (TID) shall be carried out where a source of artificial or enhanced natural radioactivity is present within the catchment and it cannot be shown on basis of other surveillance programmes or investigations that the level of TID is well below its parametric indicator value 0.1 mSv/year.
Previa consulta al Comité de las RegionesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
‘total indicative dose’(TID) means the committed effective dose for one year of ingestion resulting from all the radionuclides whose presence in water supply has been detected, either of natural or of artificial origin, excluding potassium-40, radon and short-lived radon decay products;
Hay fallos estructurales por toda esta líneaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
What is a Private Line #, IATA # and TIDS #?
Ese no es su hijoCommon crawl Common crawl
was hungry tid without any reason.
Son dos camisas y un pantalónOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He has alleged that he was tortured by TID personnel during his detention and interrogation.
Will es un hombre fuerte.Va a sobrevivirUN-2 UN-2
Calculation of the Total Indicative Dose (TID) The TID is the committed effective dose for one year of intake resulting from all the radionuclides whose presence in a water supply has been detected, both of natural and artificial origin, excluding tritium, potassium–40, radon and short-lived radon decay products.
Val Waxman hace su película de vuelta con Galaxie Pictures.- ¿ Y si él hunde la película?- ¡ No hundirá nada!not-set not-set
Screening for compliance with total indicative dose (TID) 1.1.
Yo tengo razón, tú estás equivocadonot-set not-set
206 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.