The Beverly Hillbillies oor Spaans

The Beverly Hillbillies

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

The Beverly Hillbillies

Yeah, I had a big crush on the blonde from the Beverly Hillbillies.
Sí, me gustaba muchísimo la rubia de The Beverly Hillbillies.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
That’s The Beverly Hillbillies,” Roach corrected him.
Vendías hachís en Boyle HeightsLiterature Literature
I swear, they rerun that thing more than " the beverly hillbillies. "
Vestuario, tontitoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She married Robert M. Leeds, director of The Beverly Hillbillies, in 1971; they divorced in 1980.
Disculpe, señoraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"""Luckily for him, I've got twenty episodes of The Beverly Hillbillies on tape."
Tú y yo fuimos éramos muy unidos, MilesLiterature Literature
The Beverly Hillbillies: widowed hick makes a bundle on bubbling crude . . . oil, that is . . . black gold!
¿ Cómo has llegado?Literature Literature
“We're the Beverly Hillbillies visiting the White House,” Christopher commented.
Pense que Doris era mi amigaLiterature Literature
“I think that’s the granny from The Beverly Hillbillies.”
Sí, pero me encanta hacerloLiterature Literature
They end up broke but have a lot of flashy toys, and resemble the Beverly Hillbillies.
Los negocios alrededor del mundo se paralizan...... mientras las líneas incandescentes originan incendios incontroladosLiterature Literature
It's the "Beverly Hillbillies," basically.
Puedo hacer esoted2019 ted2019
"The Ballad of Jed Clampett" (listen) - used as the theme for the Beverly Hillbillies television series.
¿ Usted y su esposa alguna vez se separaron?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Let's do the Beverly Hillbillies next.”
La verdad me parece tan patente, Sra.Donaly...... que no dudo que podré persuadir al jurado...... si su marido decidiera ir tan lejosLiterature Literature
There were no really wrinkly people around, unless you count Granny on The Beverly Hillbillies.
Devuélveme el delantalLiterature Literature
Yeah, I had a big crush on the blonde from the Beverly Hillbillies.
el número de homologación exigido en el puntoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Beverly Hillbillies and Deliverance, and the showdown between Enkidu and Gilgamesh in the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Pobre FranzQED QED
We now return to The Beverly Hillbillies Down Under.
Creo que me gustaría esoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Beverly Hillbillies, Suddenly Susan, Armageddon.
Una característica específica de la electricidad es que no puede almacenarse económicamente una vez producidaLiterature Literature
TV HISTORY There were 95 fewer episodes of I Love Lucy made than episodes of The Beverly Hillbillies.
Prácticamente ya está condenadoLiterature Literature
If there are 274 episodes of The Beverly Hillbillies, how many episodes of I Love Lucy are there?
Estamos puliéndoloLiterature Literature
"""Luckily for him, I've got twenty episodes of The Beverly Hillbillies on tape."
Si alguna de las dos ramas de la Autoridad Presupuestaria planteara dentro de ese plazo razones debidamente justificadas, será de aplicación el procedimiento previsto en el artículoLiterature Literature
Jack leaves him watching The Beverly Hillbillies, as impassive as ever.
No puedo recordar los detallesLiterature Literature
I Love Lucy had ended and the next show up was The Beverly Hillbillies, Blocker’s favorite of the night’s lineup.
¡ Pidan ambulancias!Literature Literature
I couldn't take any more and I already look like the Beverly Hillbillies with the chair tied to the roof.
Lizzie estuvo ahí para miOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I’m talking the girlwho served coffee to the banker lady on The Beverly Hillbillies during thesecond act of one episode.
Por los que dejarásLiterature Literature
They performed "The Ballad of Jed Clampett", which was used as the theme for the television show The Beverly Hillbillies.
No es mi cocheWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That same year, he played the role of stuffy English butler Arthur Pinkney in two episodes of The Beverly Hillbillies.
Maremotos arrasarán las costasWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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