Through the Looking-Glass oor Spaans

Through the Looking-Glass

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A través del espejo y lo que Alicia encontró allí

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Through the Looking Glass
A través del espejo - Parte 1
Imaginations Through the Looking Glass
Imaginations Through The Looking Glass


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The Mission Council joined hands and passed together through the Looking Glass.
Los consejeros de la Misión se dieron la mano y pasaron todos juntos a través del Espejo.Literature Literature
LEWIS CARROLL Alice Through the Looking Glass Come not between the dragon and his wrath.
LEWIS CARROLL Alicia a través del espejo «No te interpongas entre el dragón y su furia.»Literature Literature
All kinds of adventures happen through the looking glass.
Toda clase de aventuras ocurren a través del espejo.Literature Literature
Through the looking glass.
A través del espejo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was named after the line in Alice Through the Looking Glass with which this chapter opened.
Se denominaba así por el pasaje de Alicia a través del espejo que se cita al principio de este capítulo.Literature Literature
The quote he chose was from Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass.
La cita que eligió estaba sacada de A través del espejo, de Lewis Carroll.Literature Literature
We saw the first—they’re called Through the Looking-Glass—the night Josh Lamb had his epileptic fit.
Habíamos visto el primer programa —lo llaman A través del espejo— la noche en que Josh Lamb tuvo su ataque de epilepsia.Literature Literature
Through the looking-glass, and what Plato found there.
A través del espejo y lo que Platón encontró allí.scielo-title scielo-title
It is like the house in Alice Through the Looking Glass.
Es como la casa en Alice Through Looking Glass.Literature Literature
Since the phone call that had sent her through the looking glass into another life.
Desde aquella llamada telefónica que le había hecho cruzar el espejo y penetrar en otra vida.Literature Literature
We're through the looking glass here, people.
Nos están observando, chicos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Do you feel as if you’ve stepped through the looking glass, Alice?”
¿Te sientes como si hubieras atravesado el espejo, Alice?Literature Literature
(The Queen to Alice, Through the Looking-Glass, Chapter 2, Lewis Carroll, 1832–98.)
(La reina a Alicia, .4 través del espejo, capítulo 2, Lcwis Carroll, 1832-1898.)Literature Literature
Could I really step through the looking glass and wonder if I like it there?
¿Podría finalmente atravesar el espejo y preguntarme si me gusta lo que hay al otro lado?Literature Literature
Through the looking glass you'll find what you are looking for.
A través del espejo encontrarás lo que buscas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Borges’s epigraph is drawn from a passage in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass worth quoting in full.
El epígrafe de Borges proviene de un pasaje de «Detrás del espejo» de Lewis Carroll y merece citarse en forma completa.Literature Literature
I am a far, far better guide through the looking glass than Jen Lindley could ever be.
Yo soy mejor guía de lo que Jen pueda llegar a ser.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
" Alice Through the Looking Glass.
De " Alicia a través del espejo ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I am sending you, with this, a print of the proposed frontispiece for Through the Looking-glass.
«Le envío, junto con ésta, una reproducción del frontispicio proyectado para A través del espejo.Literature Literature
"But this time we were going through the looking-glass together"" (p. 25 )."
Pero esta vez pasábamos juntas a través del espejo» (pág. 25).Literature Literature
‘When you took me to Hereford Square,’ said Georgie, ‘you took me through the looking glass.
—Cuando me llevaste a Hereford Square —dijo Georgie—, me hiciste atravesar el espejo.Literature Literature
let' s take a look through the looking glass where you' il find your answer
Echemos una mirada al espejo donde encontraremos la respuestaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Through The Looking-Glass?
¿A través del espejo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This group of superhumans were based on characters from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass.
Este grupo de superhumanos se basa en los personajes de Lewis Carroll, A través del espejo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
–THE RED QUEEN, LEWIS CARROLL’S THROUGH THE LOOKING-GLASS I’ve always been terrible at sports.
La Reina Roja, Alicia a través del espejo, de LEWIS CARROLL Siempre he sido malo para los deportes.Literature Literature
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