Tom Paine oor Spaans

Tom Paine

American Revolutionary leader and pamphleteer (born in England) who supported the American colonist's fight for independence and supported the French Revolution (1737-1809)

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Thomas Paine

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I see you have Tom Paine’s The Rights of Man.
Veo que tiene Los Derechos del hombre de Tom Paine.Literature Literature
" I want to thank you for the Tom Paine Award...
" Quiero dar las gracias por el premio Tom PaineOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It sounded like Adam Rind, or even Tom Paine.
Sonaba a Adam Rind, o incluso a Tom Paine.Literature Literature
Tom Paine has wrested common sense from the commoners.
Tom Paine arrebató el sentido de lo común a los comuneros.Literature Literature
The pioneers were two late Enlightenment thinkers: Tom Paine and the Marquis de Condorcet.
La iniciaron dos pensadores de la Ilustración tardía: Tom Paine y el marqués de Condorcet.Literature Literature
Its title was Common Sense by the radical writer Tom Paine.
Se titulaba Sentido común y su autor era Tom Paine, un escritor radical.Literature Literature
There were no Negroes in Tom Paine or Rousseau.
En Tom Paine y Rousseau no había negros.Literature Literature
Tom Paine has triumphed over Edmund Burke; and the swine are now courted electors.
Tom Paine ha triunfado sobre Edmund Burke, y los cerdos son ahora cortejados electores.Literature Literature
-David Morris Potter [Tom Paine] was as democratic as nature, as impartial as sun and rain.
[Tom Paine] era tan democrático como la naturaleza, tan imparcial como el sol y la lluvia (Marilla M.Literature Literature
Hadn’t Tom Paine penned something similar?
¿Acaso Tom Paine no había escrito algo parecido?Literature Literature
The Brown Book probably had the strongest political impact of any pamphlet since Tom Paine’s Common Sense.
El Libro pardo fue probablemente el panfleto que tuvo un mayor impacto político desde El sentido común de Tom Paine.Literature Literature
His first popular work was Citizen Tom Paine, a fictional account of the life of Thomas Paine.
Su primera obra popular es Citizen Tom Paine (Ciudadano Tom Paine), un cuento sobre la vida de Thomas Paine.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tom Paine, the American revolutionary, published The Rights of Man.
Tom Paine, el revolucionario americano, publicó los derechos del hombre.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The writings of Tom Paine exercised a much wider and more popular influ ence.
Los escritos de Tom Paine ejercieron un influjo mucho más extenso y popular.Literature Literature
I see you have Tom Paine's The Rights of Man.
Veo que tiene Los Derechos del hombre de Tom Paine.Literature Literature
That’s how Tom Paine described prejudice.”
Eso lo dijo Tom Paine para describir al prejuicio.Literature Literature
But after all Tom Paine’s Crisis had been a small paper, and with what results!
Pero, después de todo, Crisis, de Tom Paine, había sido una publicación insignificante, aunque ¡con qué resultados!Literature Literature
We are the revolutionary heirs of Jefferson and Lincoln and Andrew Jackson and Tom Paine.
Nosotros somos los herederos revolucionarios de Jefferson, de Lincoln, de Andrew Jackson, de Tom Paine.Literature Literature
Not every kid in Newark takes as his hero Tom Paine.""
No todos los muchachos de Newark tienen a Tom Paine por héroe.Literature Literature
The American revolutionary Tom Paine, in describing his contemporaries, had thoughts along these lines:
El revolucionario americano Tom Paine, al describir a sus contemporáneos, tuvo pensamientos como el que sigue:Literature Literature
“They can’t put their hands on Tom Paine, so they’ll hang him in effigy,” Nathaniel said.
—No pueden ponerle las manos encima a Tom Paine, por eso van a colgar su efigie —dijo Nathaniel—.Literature Literature
If Tom Paine stands at one extreme, William Miller the Adventist stands at the other.
En un extremo figura Tom Paine, en el otro el adventista William Miller.Literature Literature
Sounds like one of Tom Paine’s effusions to me.”
A mí me recuerda a una de las efusiones de Tom Paine.Literature Literature
As Tom Paine warned, inuring us to lies lays the groundwork for many other evils.
Como advirtió Tom Paine, acostumbrarse a las mentiras pone los cimientos de muchos otros males.Literature Literature
Tom Paine, whose book " Common Sense "
Tom Paine, cuyo libro " Sentido Común "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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