Tzeentch oor Spaans


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He told them about the knife shaped like the symbol of Tzeentch, and the incident in the temple of Shallya.
Les habló del cuchillo con forma de símbolo de Tzeentch y del incidente en el templo de Shallya.Literature Literature
“And we can always offer his soul to Tzeentch afterwards.
—Y siempre podremos ofrecerle su alma a Tzeentch más tarde.Literature Literature
Tsien-Tsin, the Dark Lord to whom he pledged his service, was known here as Tzeentch.
Tsien-Tsin, el Señor Oscuro al que él prestaba sus servicios, era conocido como Tzeentch.Literature Literature
‘We have traitors in our—’ ‘Followers of Tzeentch!’
Tenemos traidores en nuestro... —¡Seguidores de Tzeentch!Literature Literature
Raezazel the Cunning was tasked with finding such souls and delivering them to Tzeentch.
Raezazel el Malicioso era el encargado de encontrar esas almas y entregárselas a Tzeentch.Literature Literature
'It is good to see you, my friend,' the High Priest of Tzeentch said.
—Me alegro de verte, amigo mío —declaró el sumo sacerdote de Tzeentch—.Literature Literature
The force of the paradox was too much even for a servant of Tzeentch.
La fuerza de aquella paradoja era demasiada, incluso para un sirviente de Tzeentch.Literature Literature
It was one of the many gifts Tzeentch had granted him.
Era uno de los muchos regalos que le había otorgado Tzeentch.Literature Literature
My lord Tzeentch won your war a long, long time ago.'
Mi señor Tzeentch ganó vuestra guerra hace ya mucho, mucho tiempo.Literature Literature
The Time of Changes is coming, and you and I will have worked some of blessed Tzeentch’s strongest magic.
La Era de los Cambios se avecina, y tú y yo habremos logrado ejercer una parte de la bendita magia de Tzeenatch.Literature Literature
It is not for nothing that Tzeentch is known as the God of Many Faces.
No por nada es conocido Tzeentch como el Dios de las Muchas Caras.Literature Literature
Those who do not abase themselves before the Powers of Ruin, and most especially my master Tzeentch, will be destroyed.
Los que no se humillen ante los Poderes Malignos, y en especial ante mi señor Tzeentch, serán destruidos.Literature Literature
‘This will be a great victory for our master Tzeentch!’
—¡Esto será una gran victoria para nuestro amo Tzeentch!Literature Literature
Cults of Tzeentch prayed for help.
Los cultos de Tzeentch suplicaban ayuda.Literature Literature
He was revelling in the glorious changes wrought by Tzeentch upon Wolfenburg.
Se deleitaba con los gloriosos cambios forjados por Tzeentch en Wolfenburgo.Literature Literature
Tzeentch would rule, and there would be no law but Chaos.
Tzeentch reinaría, y la única ley que prevalecería sería el Caos.Literature Literature
It was an act that would win him great favour in the eyes of Tzeentch.
Era un acto que le ganaría gran favor a los ojos de Tzeentch.Literature Literature
Truly he, Vendhal Skullwarper, was the chosen of Tzeentch.
Verdaderamente, él, Vendhal Deformacráneos, era el elegido de Tzeentch.Literature Literature
It was said that each number represented just one barb on just one feather of the Great God Tzeentch.
Se decía que cada número representaba tan sólo una barba de una de las plumas del Gran Dios Tzeentch.Literature Literature
He was recalling the advice he had once received from one wise in the ways of Tzeentch.
Recordó el consejo que una vez le había dado un sabio adepto a Tzeentch.Literature Literature
When Tzeentch swallowed up the galaxy and all was Chaos, Valinov would be a god.
Cuando Tzeentch absorbiera la galaxia y todo se convirtiera en Caos, Valinov sería un dios.Literature Literature
It was the warp rift, the gateway to the warp into which Raezazel had promised to deliver souls for Tzeentch.
Era la grieta, la puerta de la disformidad a la que Raezazel había prometido enviar las almas de Tzeentch.Literature Literature
Powerful as they were, there were plenty more sorcerers willing to follow Tzeentch’s favoured champion.
Por muy poderosos que fuesen, había otros muchos brujos ansiosos de seguir al campeón favorito de Tzeentch.Literature Literature
To that end, he had set in train impulses which no one but he and blessed Tzeentch himself could see.
Para ello había puesto en marcha impulsos que sólo él y el mismísimo y bendito Tzeentch podían ver.Literature Literature
Each one wore his own heraldry, but each of them had the symbol of Tzeentch emblazoned upon his power armour.
Cada uno mostraba su propia heráldica, pero todos llevaban el símbolo de Tzeentch grabado en la servoarmadura.Literature Literature
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