Vader oor Spaans


An evil fictional character in the Star Wars universe, Dark Lord of the Sith.

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Vader (band)
Vader (banda)
Darth Vader is running for president of Ukraine.
Darth Vader se presenta a presidente en Ucrania.
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Darth Vader

An evil fictional character in the Star Wars universe, Dark Lord of the Sith.
Darth Vader is running for president of Ukraine.
Darth Vader se presenta a presidente en Ucrania.

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Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader
Darth Vader: El Señor Oscuro
Darth Vader
Anakin Skywalker · Darth Vader


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Vader had sworn that he had killed this man, and yet, here he was at the Palace.
Vader había jurado que había matado a ese hombre, y aun así, él estaba aquí en el Palacio.Literature Literature
As he had so often told Vader, the Force was the true power in the universe.
Como frecuentemente le había dicho a Vader, la Fuerza era el verdadero poder que regía todo el universo.Literature Literature
There was no gloating in his voice, no hint of satisfaction at having won out over Vader’s resistance.
No había regodeo en la voz ni asomo de satisfacción por haber vencido la resistencia de Vader.Literature Literature
“Yes, but that was not your responsibility,” the Emperor said with a glance at Darth Vader across the platform.
—Sí, pero esa no era tu responsabilidad —dijo el Emperador lanzando una mirada a Darth Vader a través de la plataforma—.Literature Literature
I also think, Lord Vader, that there is much that she could learn from you.”
También creo, Lord Vader, que allí es donde ella podría aprender bastante de ti.Literature Literature
“Back away,” the Emperor commanded, and Vader and the captain fell back.
—Retírense —ordenó el Emperador, y Vader y el capitán se retiraron.Literature Literature
Vader looked at the Emperor and said nothing.
Vader miró al Emperador y no dijo nada.Literature Literature
But the torments Darth Vader’s interrogation droid put her through were almost too much to bear.
Pero los tormentos que el droide de interrogación de Darth Vader le impuso fueron casi demasiados para soportar.Literature Literature
On August 2, 1992 at a house show in Baltimore, Maryland, a scheduled title match between Sting and WCW World Heavyweight Champion Big Van Vader was canceled after Jake Roberts (kayfabe) injured Sting.
El 2 de agosto de 1992, un combate por el título programado entre Sting y la WCW World Heavyweight Champion Big Van Vader fue cancelada después de que Jake Roberts (kayfabe) heridos Sting.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No, they just haven’t told her that Vader and the Emperor are coming.
No, simplemente es que no le han dicho que Vader y el Emperador vienen.Literature Literature
"""Trever and I broke into the Temple and overheard the head Inquisitor Malorum with Darth Vader."
Trever y yo nos colamos en el Templo y oímos hablar al Inquisidor Malorum con Darth Vader.Literature Literature
But like Thrawn, Vader knew when to remain silent.
Sin embargo, al igual que Thrawn, Vader sabía cuándo guardar silencio.Literature Literature
Vader was intrigued by the details of each experiment.
Vader estaba intrigado por los detalles de cada experimento.Literature Literature
I cannot defeat Vader alone.
No puedo derrotar a Vader solo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“No, it is because she died young, while her vader was working on the Paradise.
—No, es porque murió joven, mientras su padre trabajaba en el Paraíso.Literature Literature
The wide golden sleeve of the costume Vader has bid Neel to wear swings as he changes his grasp on my hand.
—La amplia manga dorada del traje que Padre manda ponerse a Neel se agita al cambiar la manera de sostenerme la mano.Literature Literature
Vader bowed deeply as the Emperor terminated the signal.
Vader se inclinó profundamente mientras el Emperador cortaba la transmisión.Literature Literature
Somehow Vader had survived, perhaps by escaping in his fighter before the station had erupted.
De alguna manera, Vader había logrado sobrevivir, escapando en su caza antes de que la estación hiciera explosión.Literature Literature
In February 2000 he defeated Vader to earn his third Triple Crown reign.
En febrero de 2000 venció a Vader y así se coronó por tercera vez como campeón Triple Crown.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"""I’m the only one Vader will believe."
—Soy el único al que Vader creerá.Literature Literature
“The ship is nearly powerless,” Vader said.
—La nave apenas tiene potencia —dijo Vader—.Literature Literature
All of a sudden I know who Vader is painting.
De repente, caigo en la cuenta de a quién está pintando Padre.Literature Literature
"""HoloNet News has learned that he is known in the highest circles as Lord Vader,"" the commentator said."
Noticias HoloRed ha sabido que es conocido en altas instancias como Lord Vader dijo el comentarista.Literature Literature
Luke enters a cave and fights with the specter of Darth Vader.
Luke entra en una cueva y lucha contra el espectro de Darth Vader.Literature Literature
"""That claim has been made before,"" Vader said."
—Esa afirmación ya se ha hecho antes —dijo Vader—.Literature Literature
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