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Violet family

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violet family

a family of order Parietales including the genera Viola, Hybanthus, Hymenanthera, Melicytus

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New York was wonderful, and Violet’s family and friends embraced me with open arms.
Nueva York estuvo fantástico y la familia y los amigos de Violet me recibieron con los brazos abiertos.Literature Literature
Violet's family has been punished.
La familia de Violeta ha sido castigada.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She’s fixed herself up with Violet Simmons’ family, she’s got a room in their house in Hammersmith.
Se ha instalado con la familia de Violet Simmons: tiene una habitación en su casa de Hammersmith.Literature Literature
“But we’re your family,” Violet protested.
—Pero somos tu familia — protestó Violet—.Literature Literature
After all, Violet and her family were trapped here when China closed.
Al fin y al cabo, se quedó atrapada con su familia en este país cuando se cerraron las fronteras de China.Literature Literature
Hannah said that Lady Violet had employed families before.
Hannah había dicho que lady Violet había admitido antes madres con hijos.Literature Literature
Having no other family, Violet had sold everything she had and left Massachusetts.
Como no tenía más familia, Violet vendió todo lo que tenía y dejó Massachusetts.Literature Literature
We’re a family, Violet, and soon you won’t be alone here.”
Somos una familia, Violet, y muy pronto ya no estarás sola.Literature Literature
Just like him, Violet seemed addicted to family showdowns and tear-jerkers.
Igual que él, Violet parecía ser adicta a las confrontaciones y melodramas familiares.Literature Literature
Almost as soon as they arrived, Violet packed the whole family off to Gutcher’s photographic studio.
En cuanto la familia llegó a Partageuse, Violet se los llevó a todos al estudio fotográfico Gutcher's.Literature Literature
“Whisper, whisper, whisper, about how Violet was in the family way and not by Eddie.
Todos murmuran, murmuran, murmuran, diciendo que Violet estaba embarazada, y que el padre no era Eddie.Literature Literature
My band: Mike Bordin and family; Merilee, Abby and Violet; Blasko and his wife Carol; Adam Wakeman and his family.
A mi banda: Mike Bordin y familia, Merilee, Abby y Violet; Blasko y su esposa Carol; y Adam Wakeman y familia.Literature Literature
Outside our family, well ...” “Violet, can you think of any reason that your mom would want to hurt Will?”
Comparado con el resto del mundo, pues... —Violet, ¿te parecería posible que tu madre lastimara a Will?Literature Literature
How could she walk away from that when Violet was therefore the only family she had left?
¿Cómo podía alejarse de Violet cuando ella era la única familia que le quedaba?Literature Literature
I was doing it for Darren, for Violet and Liam, for our family.
Lo hacía por Darren, por Violet y Liam, por nuestra familia.Literature Literature
Families are starving, Violet.
¡Las familias se mueren de hambre, Violet!Literature Literature
When Violet was an infant, the family moved to Austinmer, south of Sydney.
Cuando Violeta era bebé, la familia se trasladó a Austinmer, al sur de Sydney.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To force herself back into the context of her family she remarked: “Violet wants to go to university.
A fin de obligarse a regresar al contexto de su familia, Mary Anne comentó: —Violet desea ir a la universidad.Literature Literature
Simon was the first Violet she'd seen outside her family.
Simon era el primer violeta que veía fuera de su familia.Literature Literature
Violet was from a good family, exactly the kind of young lady who would make a perfect marchioness.
Violet provenía de una buena familia, y era justo el tipo de joven dama que podría llegar a ser una perfecta marquesa.Literature Literature
By the end, Violet scarcely knew a single family who had not lost someone.
Violet apenas conocía una familia que no hubiera perdido a alguien.Literature Literature
Gavina had long since decided that Violet was one of the family.
Gavina había decidido hacía ya mucho tiempo que formaba parte de la familia.Literature Literature
He had all the time he needed to learn everything there was to know about Violet Huntingdon-Cross, and her family.
Disponía del tiempo necesario para averiguarlo todo sobre Violet y su familia.Literature Literature
Attending three Anglican services each Sunday, the Cecil family was devoutly religious; Violet was an atheist.
La familia Cecil, que asistía a tres oficios anglicanos cada domingo, era piadosamente religiosa; Violet era atea.Literature Literature
Among the crowd are Krista and her family, in their matching violet coats.
Entre la muchedumbre están Krista y su familia, con sus chaquetas moradas a juego.Literature Literature
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