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Vittorino Veronese
Vittorino Veronese


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It is amazing how, in spite of the enormous workload he had to bear daily at the Editrice, Vittorino still found enough time to offer his generous commitment to reconstruct school in Italy: he joined the association of Catholic teachers (AIMC) from the start, when it was founded by Carlo Carretto and Maria Badaloni in 1944, and he even became a member of its national council, uninterruptedly, from 1946 to 1968, and vice-president from 1946 to 1952, attending most meetings of the board of directors in Rome, making frequent trips to take part in numerous events organized by the association in local branches.
Es sorprendente que, aunque el enorme peso del trabajo que tenía que sostener cada día en la Editrice, Vittorino encontraba el tiempo para ofrecer generosamente su ayuda para la obra de reconstrucción escolar en Italia: él se inscribió enseguida a la asociación de los maestros católicos AIMC, constituida en 1944 por iniciativa de Carlo Carretto y Maria Badaloni y fue nada menos que consejero nacional, desde 1946 hasta 1968, y vicepresidente, desde 1948 hasta 1952, presenciando la mayor parte de las reuniones romanas del directivo de la institución y viajando a menudo para participar a los numerosos congresos asociativos en las distintas sedes locales.Common crawl Common crawl
The site identified, in the Corcolle/San Vittorino area, is clearly inappropriate due to environmental, archaeological, landscape and urban planning constraints.
El emplazamiento de Corcolle/San Vittorino es, con toda evidencia, una elección inadecuada, dados los condicionamientos medioambientales, arqueológicos, paisajísticos y urbanísticos.not-set not-set
In these pages Vittorino showed clearly he had made his own the school model of activist-catholic background, according to which the teacher had an important role, and he had refused the foreign experiences of active school, which tended to reduce the role of the teacher in favour of a hypothetical increase of the pupil’s autonomy. According to the young teacher, apart from handing out notions, a teacher should arouse intellectual and creative energy in his pupils, he had to enliven the school community and to be a witness of immortal values and to make his pupils a living community.
Vittorino demuestra claramente en estas paginas que utilizó un modelo escolar de caracter activista-católica, por eso tenemos que atribuir una gran importancia al maestro, y rechazar las experiencias extranjeras de escuela activa, que tendían a valorizar la función del docente hacia un hipotético incremento de la autonomía de los alumnos; además que dispensador de conocimientos, en la visión madura del joven, él tenía que suscitar en sus alumnos estímulos intellectuales y creativos, tenía el deber de animar la comunidad escolar, de ser portador de valores immortales, de transformar sus alumnos en una viva comunidad.Common crawl Common crawl
During a three years' residence in Mantua where Vittorino held the celebrated humanistic school "La Giocosa", he rapidly acquired a competent knowledge of Latin under his teaching, supporting himself meanwhile by giving lessons in Greek, and by copying manuscripts of the ancient classics.
Durante un período de tres años residió en Mantua, donde Vittorino creó la célebre escuela humanista La Giocosa, adquirió rápidamente un conocimiento competente de latín bajo su enseñanza, apoyándose por su parte dando clases en griego, y copiando manuscritos de los clásicos antiguos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vittorino, I can't cope anymore!
¡ Vittorino, ya no soporto más!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
After a reflection of a few years, following a path illuminated by the confrontations with padre Gemelli and Giancarlo Brasca, on 19th December 1943 Vittorino applied to join the Pious association of Missionari della Regalità di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo, founded by the rector himself in 1928 in order to form laymen particularly devoted to the service in favour of Università Cattolica and of various forms of mission in connected areas, such as the Opera della Regalità or the Azione Cattolica.
De todas maneras, al inicio de los años cuarenta, en Brescia, la redación de “Scuola italiana moderna” se enriqueció de nuevos jóvenes colaboradores, seleccionados por don Tedeschi y por el mismo Chizzolini, entre los cuales recordamos Rinaldini, Monchieri, Nardini, Comassi, Salucci. Gracias a los recuerdos de algunos de ellos podemos reconstruir las actividades de un bienio frenético y dramático, que el grupo vivió sin descomponerse: de las meditaciones sobre el evangelio después del horario del trabajo, a los encuentros en la parroquia de los Filippini con padre Bevilacqua, Lodovico Montini, La Pira, Lazzati, a la constitución del Grupo de Actividades Sociales, taller de análisis y de reflexión socio-política en vista de la caída del régimen; sus reuniones tenían lugar en la misma redacción de la revista hasta la noche.Common crawl Common crawl
A profound correspondence in the way they conceived the figure of the teacher stood out too, as Vittorino da Feltre «was able to acutely enter his pupils’ psychology, which he studied deeply, in its deficiencies and aptitudes, so as to make his educational action suitable to personal needs and vocations», with his own lessons, «endowed with humanistic enthusiasm and together vibrant with spirituality (...) he opened his eyes to beauty and his soul to the poetry of duty» . This was the task a teacher had, according to Vittorino da Feltre: «to transfuse into life, together with education, the supreme good of faith and to put all the good of life in the service of faith», being convinced that «teaching is spiritual fatherhood that expresses itself through love» .
Se dedicó de manera total al apostolado, pero sin fanatismo.Common crawl Common crawl
Helped by Doctor Briosi, Chizzolini also organized first aid classes for young volunteers belonging to «Charitas», mainly university students belonging to Fuci or secondary school students, in order to prepare them to rescue the injured in case of bombings: Vittorino himself, a red cross on his arm, joined them in assisting the unlucky victims of violence. On 2nd March 1945 those young men brought the friend and teacher the news that the house on the corner of via Pusterla (now via Turati) and piazzale Arnaldo which hosted his mother, Elisa Cominassi, and his sister Elda, had collapsed under the bombs.
La segunda guerra mundial permitió a Chizzolini, delegado a los Aspirantes y responsable de la sección mestros de la Acción Católica de Brescia, ampliar además el ámbito de la propia actividad en la diócesis: con el grupo de la “Charitas” cada domingo por la mañana en el convento de S. José organizaba la asistencia espiritual y material a los pobres: primero se celebraba de la Eucaristía, en el curso de la que uno de los jóvenes del grupo reflexionaba; después de la visita médica, una iniciativa del licenciado Francesco Montini, hermano del futuro pontífice, que en un establecimiento había creado un minúscolo ambulatorio y daba gratuitamente medicinas a quien los necesitaba; después el almuerzo común, en las habitaciones de la primera planta del monasterio, o, en ocasión de la Navidad y de la Pascua, en el interior del obispado.Common crawl Common crawl
In the pages of an essay written in 1939, meant to sketch the figure and the educational work of Vittorino da Feltre, we can see he is so busy in highlighting the similarity between the humanist’s choices and his own, that feels like reading Chizzolini’s spiritual autobiography. Indeed, Vittorino da Feltre had decided to renounce taking monastic vows as soon as «he sensed the fecundity of his educational mission, which could verge on the priestly one», so «he gave up writing and hid his profound science, he did not live for himself, he did not ask for goods unless he could use them for his aim, he avoided praise, which could take away humility and the force to feel himself nothing compared to the idea» .
Entonces, a partir de 1935, Chizzolini hizo suyo el famoso principio de Tovini: “nuestras Indias son las escuelas!”.Common crawl Common crawl
Vittorino’s only female pupils were the two daughters of the Gonzaga ruler of Mantua.
Las únicas alumnas de Vittorino, fueron las dos hijas del gobernante Gonzaga de Mantua.Literature Literature
The humanist school master Vittorino da Feltre drew up a timetable for the students.
Vittorino da Feltre, humanista y maestro de escuela, diseñó un horario para los estudiantes.Literature Literature
Cassinelli was born in Genoa, and attended the catholic college Vittorino da Feltre in the same city.
Cassinelli nació en Génova, y asistió al instituto católico Vittorino da Feltre en la misma ciudad.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vittorino joined the association just at the time of its revival, which was characterized by a more open-minded apostolic vision and which came after a long troubled period, which reached its acme with the temporary dissolution decided by Ezio Franceschini, “Eldest brother” of the Institute, in 1942. This vocational choice definitely and more determinately sanctioned, also from the ecclesiastical point of view, the decision made in his youth to put himself in the most total service of education and school, and allowed him to establish a closer relationship with Franceschini and La Pira, who will become friends and confidants.
Vittorino siguió a la asociación en el momento de su reactivación, que se caracterizó por una visión apostólica más abierta después de un largo periodo de sufrimientos, que llegó un punto importante con la temporanea disolución que Ezio Franceschini, “Hermano Mayor” del Instituto, decidió en 1942: esta elección vocacional sancionaba de manera definitiva y determinada, también para la inclusión eclesial, la decisión de ponerse totalmente al servicio de la educación y de la escuela, y pudo también entablar una relación más directa con Franceschini y La Pira, que van a ser amigos y confidentes.Common crawl Common crawl
Inspired by a growing desire to contribute to the professional growth and moral maturity of teachers in any possible way, towards the end of the 30’s Vittorino, apart from his work in the more and more animated editorial office of the Editrice, also took it upon himself to start writing, together with his friend Marco Agosti, who was responsible for the most philosophical sections, a series of texts for students of Pedagogy, which was to be extremely successful and was successfully started in 1938 with the publication of the volume of Magistero, a historical handbook with readings of philosophy and pedagogy, which will be followed by four other volumes, for a total of 2750 pages.
Entre las páginas de un ensayo de 1939, dedicado a describir la figura y la obra educadora de Vittorino da Feltre, encontramos el profesor concentrado en poner en evidencia la semejanza entre las decisiones del humanista y las suyas propias, de tal manera que parece leer la autobiografía del mismo Chizzolini.Common crawl Common crawl
The Commission under your chairmanship, represented in the Convention by Commissioners Vittorino and Barnier, played an active part in the work on the future of the European Union and watched over the birth of the constitutional treaty right up to the Intergovernmental Conference.
La Comisión bajo su Presidencia, representada en la Convención por los Comisarios Vittorino y Barnier, desempeñó un papel activo en las tareas sobre el futuro de la Unión Europea y supervisó el alumbramiento del Tratado Constitucional justo hasta la Conferencia Intergubernamental.Europarl8 Europarl8
Vittorino Chizzolini was born in Brescia on 3rd January 1907, son of Elisa Cominassi and Vittorio, a blacksmith born in Alone di Casto, in Valsabbia, who had specialised in forging gates, railings and shutters he made together with his brothers in a workshop on the corner of via XX Settembre and via Ferramola.
Vittorino Chizzolini nació en Brescia el 3 de enero de 1907, hijo de Elisa Cominassi y Vittorio, un herrero originario de Alone de Casto, localidad de la Val Sabbia, especializado en la forjadura de vallas, rejas y portones metálicos, que realizaba junto a sus hermanos en el taller que estaba situado en la esquina entre Via XX Settembre y Via Ferramola.Common crawl Common crawl
After 8th September some of the collaborators and the editorial staff, such as Emiliano Rinaldini, the pupil the Professore preferred, left Brescia to take active part in the Resistance, volunteering for the victory of an ideal that Vittorino completely shared, even though he felt the supreme duty not to move from town, in order to protect the Editrice and the magazine: indeed, those were terrible years for the life of La Scuola, which was constantly endangered by the harassment of the officers of the regime, who even imprisoned the Professore, though only for a short time.
En agosto de 1943 los bombardeos aliados dañaron la Universidad Católica, destruyeron todo el archivio y las publicaciónes de “Pædagogium” y causaron la temporal paralización de todas las actividades: acabado el conflicto mundial, de todas maneras, el Instituto vivió un periodo lleno de tribulaciones, y duró hasta los años cincuenta, pero constituyó una prueba general de la colaboración entre católicos de Milán y de Brescia que será preciosa para los futuros desarrollos de la experiencia.Common crawl Common crawl
On 3 November 2009 the European Court of Human Rights handed down its ruling in the case of Soile Lautsi, an Italian national of Finnish extraction, who in 2002 had asked the Vittorino da Feltre state school in Abano Terme, which her two children were attending, to remove crucifixes from the classrooms.
El pasado 3 de noviembre, el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos se expresó sobre el caso de Soile Lautsi, ciudadana italiana originaria de Finlandia, que en 2002 solicitó al instituto estatal «Vittorino da Feltre» de Abano Terme, al que acuden sus dos hijos, que retirara los crucifijos de las aulas.not-set not-set
In fact the following autumn Vittorino managed to take and pass the admission test to the Institute, where he enrolled on 9th November, choosing between the three available courses the one for teachers of Philosophy and Pedagogy in teacher training schools.
En efecto en el otoño siguente Vittorino pudo afrontar y aprobar la prueba de admisión en el Instituto, donde se matriculó el 9 de noviembre. El eligió entre los tres cursos de diploma disponibles el destinado a la formación de los profesores de Filosofía y Pedagogía para las escuelas magistrales.Common crawl Common crawl
«Scuola italiana moderna» was published quarterly and it absorbed most of the work of 30-year-old Vittorino, who had soon become the soul of the magazine, which he followed with tender loving scrupulous care in every step it took to process it.
él defendía con su palabra y sus escritos la dignidad y la preparación de los maestros italianos contra quien, en el extranjero, dudara de su formación o de la eficacia de su enseñanza, y contra quien, abandonado al propagandismo de ese tiempos, afirmaba la primacía italiana en el ámbito educativo, contraponiendo a la riqueza de las experiencias extranjeras, a menudo informadas por las teorías naturalistas y materialistas, la riqueza de la escuela italiana, arraigada en la tradición católica y latina.Common crawl Common crawl
Since Preti's death in 2009, the party was led by Vittorino Navarra.
Desde la muerte de Preti en 2009, el partido está dirigido por Vittorino Navarra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I would like to invite Mr Vittorino to take the floor.
Quiero invitar al señor Vitorino a que tome la palabra.Europarl8 Europarl8
He learned Latin from Vittorino da Feltre, and made such rapid progress that in three years he was able to teach Latin literature and rhetoric.
Estudió latín con Vittorino da Feltre, y a los tres años ya enseñaba Literatura latina y Retórica.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vittorino was well aware that teachers absolutely needed to be illuminated and supported in their daily toil, so that their personal individual efforts of reading, studying, comparing methods, could be stimulated and fed by the intelligent, loving work of a «friend». This explains the reasons why he paid particular attention, since when he first joined the Editrice, always to control everything scrupulously, to establish a fellowship with authors, to define and maintain a certain style for the magazines he was entrusted with, with courage and without regard for those who failed to respect the style the Editrice traditionally had.
El estudioso, tomando como ejemplo a los educadores más importantes de todos los tiempos, lograba indicar nuevos métodos didácticos y modelos de inspiración aún actuales para sus lectores: Socrates, Vittorino da Feltre, Filippo Neri, Giovanni Bosco, las hermanas Agazzi, Maria Boschetti Alberti, para citar los más amados y estudiados, que habían contribuido a formar en Chizzolini la conciencia del altísimo valor de su propio magistero, sugeriéndole además cómo orientar su incesante búsqueda de métodos didácticos cada vez más eficaces, además de comprender mejor a sí mismo.Common crawl Common crawl
What happened to Vittorino, Alfonso and the others?
¿ Dónde están Vittorino, Alfonso y los otros?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
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