Wilkins oor Spaans


eienaam, naamwoord
A patronymic surname.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Hope Wilkins, who's been missing since nine pm.
Hope Wilkins, lleva desaparecida desde las nueve de la noche.
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Maurice Wilkins

And this was Maurice Wilkins. He was trained as a physicist,
Era Maurice Wilkins. Estudió física,
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Roy Wilkins

Well, he had a letter on him addressed to a Roy Wilkins.
Ella llevaba una carta escrita para Roy Wilkins.
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John Wilkins
John Wilkins
Dominique Wilkins
Dominique Wilkins
Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins
Maurice Wilkins
Hugh Percy Wilkins
Hugh Percy Wilkins
Damien Wilkins
Damien Wilkins
Roy Wilkins
Roy Wilkins · Wilkins
Laisha Wilkins
Laisha Wilkins
Gerald Wilkins
Gerald Wilkins
Maurice Wilkins
Maurice Wilkins


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I am so relieved you have returned unharmed, Wilkin.
Estoy muy aliviada de que hayas vuelto ileso, Wilkin.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Building on the work of Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins, they had discovered DNA’s double-helix structure, providing the first glimpse into how organisms inherit and store biological information.
Basándose en el trabajo de Rosalind Franklin y Maurice Wilkins, descubrieron la estructura de doble hélice del ADN, proporcionando el primer vistazo de la forma cómo los organismos heredan y almacenan la información biológica.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Maurice Wilkins came to take a look at the model the next morning.
A la mañana siguiente se presentó Maurice Wilkins para echar un vistazo al modelo.Literature Literature
Look, I've already had a preliminary conversation with the ADA, Ellen Wilkins, who indicated that she wouldn't object.
Mira, ya tuve una conversación preliminar con la fiscal, Ellen Wilkins, que dijo que no se iba a oponer.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""That ol' Major Wilkins,"" the caretaker explained after the man had gone."
—Es el viejo mayor Wilkins —explicó el encargado cuando se hubo marchado el hombre —.Literature Literature
Used with permission from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Utilizado con autorización de: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.Literature Literature
Look at this, Mr. Wilkins.
Mire esto, Sr. Wilkins.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You said yourself that you weren’t sure whether Wilkins was guilty.”
Usted mismo dijo que no estaba seguro de que Wilkins fuera culpable.Literature Literature
"""He had no card, madam,"" said Gargery, with a sneer almost up to Wilkins' standard."
—No tenía tarjeta, señora —dijo Gargery, con una mueca de burla que casi era la de Wilkins—.Literature Literature
“You’re young Wilkins, hasn’t Sheila mentioned you?”
—Es usted el joven Wilkins, ¿no le ha mencionado Sheila?Literature Literature
Not far beyond that, on Cheapside, the house of John Wilkins himself.
No muy lejos de allí, en Cheapside, la casa del mismo Wilkins.Literature Literature
The gun and the extracted bullet were taken to Captain Wilkins.
El arma y la bala extraída del cuerpo fueron enviadas al capitán Wilkins.Literature Literature
And how is Constable Wilkins?”
Y ¿cómo está el agente Wilkins?Literature Literature
"Wilkins said, ""A baby could have crawled up that wall."
Wilkins dijo: – Incluso un niño podría trepar por esa pared.Literature Literature
I appreciate you traveling with Wilkin, kind skeptic.
Agradezco que acompañes a Wilkin, tipo escéptico.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Wilkins but died before it was completed.
Wilkins, pero falleció antes de terminarla.Literature Literature
That was Wilkins of finance.
Ese era Wiklkins, de rentas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You have this gift, Wilkin.
Tienes ese don, Wilkin.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Wilkins, staying where she was and reaching across to a black bowl piled with them.
Wilkins, permaneciendo donde estaba y alargando la mano hacia un cuenco negro lleno a rebosar de naranjas—.Literature Literature
The Hypertext of Wilkins What if we regarded the defect in Wilkins' system as its prophetic virtue?
El hipertexto de Wilkins ¿Y si el defecto del sistema representase su profética virtud?Literature Literature
Rylann put her hand on the table between her and Wilkins, indicating that everything was fine.
Rylann depositó la mano sobre la mesa entre Wilkins y ella, indicándole que estaba todo controlado.Literature Literature
Wilkins, could be seen greeting each other with a holy kiss.
Wilkins, podía verse cómo se saludaban entre ellos con un beso sagrado.Literature Literature
Within a few minutes, anyway, they were at Wilkins's house.
En cualquier caso, unos minutos después estaban en casa de Wilkins.Literature Literature
Well, Wilkins already ruled, so that's it.
Wilkins ya ha fallado, así que... ya está.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Impregnable in righteousness, Mrs Wilkins said, “I have never interfered.”
Inexpugnable en su virtud la señora Wilkins, dijo: —Nunca he interferido.Literature Literature
205 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.