Yellow White-eye oor Spaans

Yellow White-eye

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Ambon Yellow White-eye
Anteojitos de Ambon
Yellow-spectacled White-eye
Anteojitos ojigualdo
Yellow-throated White-eye
Anteojitos goliamarillo
Yellow-fronted White-eye
Anteojitos frentigualdo
Buru Yellow White-eye
Anteojitos de Buru


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The creature wallowed in the swells and scanned the water with one of its mammoth yellow-white eyes.
La criatura flotó entre las olas y escrutó el agua con uno de sus enormes ojos blancoamarillentos.Literature Literature
It’s a rounded oblong of opaque blue glass, with four yellow and white eye shapes on it.
Es un cristal azul opaco, redondeado y oblongo, con cuatro dibujos en forma de ojos amarillos y blancos.Literature Literature
These birds are small, with brown and white speckles, yellow eyes, and white eyebrows.
Son aves pequeñas, moteadas de castaño y blanco, con ojos amarillos y cejas blancas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They are different from us: little yellow people with white eyes.
Son distintos de nosotros: gente pequeña y amarilla con ojos blancos.Literature Literature
The genes for yellow body and white eye color, in contrast, are just 1.4 cM apart.
Los genes para cuerpo amarillo y ojos blancos, en cambio, solo están separados 1,4 cM.Literature Literature
Gray fur, yellow eyes, white teeth, sunk into the back of Richard’s neck.
Piel gris, ojos amarillos, dientes blancos, hundidos en la parte de atrás del cuello de Richard.Literature Literature
She could see his red skin and the yellowed whites of his eyes, his defensive rounded shoulders.
Podía recordar su piel roja y los blancos amarillentos de sus ojos, sus hombros redondeados a la defensiva.Literature Literature
For one he was dehydrated, that much was clear from his complexion and the yellowing whites of his eyes.
Para empezar estaba deshidratado, eso era evidente por el tono de su tez y el color amarillento del blanco de sus ojos.Literature Literature
He was still frightened, so frightened that the yellow white of his eyes showed in the ash-colored face.
Todavía estaba asustado; tanto, que el blanco amarillento de sus ojos se destacaba intensamente en el rostro ceniciento.Literature Literature
He started a little back at that, and the small veins in his yellow eye-whites grew inflamed with blood.
Retrocedió un poco al oírla y las venillas del blanco de sus ojos amarillos se inflamaron de sangre.Literature Literature
One was grayish-blue with striking yellow eyes, the other gray-and-white striped with blue eyes.
Uno de ellos era gris azulado, con imponentes ojos amarillos; el otro, gris veteado de blanco y con ojos azules—.Literature Literature
The trembling tip danced around in the red corner of the yellowed white of Jake’s right eye.
La temblorosa punta bailó alrededor del rabillo rojo del amarillento ojo derecho de Jake.Literature Literature
Yellow eyes gleaming, white teeth ready for the kill.
Ojos amarillos centelleando, dientes blancos dispuestos a matar.Literature Literature
The woman with her strange yellow eyes and white hair would be a big help.
La mujer de extraños ojos amarillos y cabello blanco le sería de gran ayuda.Literature Literature
White tongue, yellow eyes, red nose...
Lengua blanca, ojos amarillos, nariz roja...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
White tongue, yellow eyes, red nose
Lengua blanca, ojos amarillos, nariz rojaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Typical blue Pantoran skin, yellow eyes, lavender-white hair pulled back in a ponytail.
La típica piel azul pantorana, ojos amarillos, cabello blanco con reflejos lavanda recogido en una coleta.Literature Literature
Smudged face, white eyes, yellow pocket of light, obscure body and legs and ore car, were gone.
Cara tiznada, ojos blancos, bolsa amarilla de luz, cuerpo oscuro y piernas y vagoneta, habían desaparecido.Literature Literature
The whites of her eyes were yellowed, but her teeth were dazzling white.
El blanco de los ojos era amarillento, pero los dientes eran de una blancura deslumbrante.Literature Literature
The whites of his eyes were yellow and his teeth were salty white.
El blanco de sus ojos era amarillento, los dientes de un blanco salino.Literature Literature
Her face was flushed; her eyes were glazed, and the peculiar yellowness that sometimes filmed her eye-whites was gone.
Estaba ruborizada; sus ojos brillaban, y ese peculiar tono amarillento que a veces los nublaba había desaparecido.Literature Literature
The whites of his eyes weren’t actually white, but faintly yellow.
El blanco de los ojos no era realmente blanco, sino más bien amarillento.Literature Literature
The white thing with yellow eyes is real.
La cosa blanca de ojos amarillos es real.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ekkbar’s yellow eyes turned almost white with fear over his slip.
Los ojos amarillos de Ekkbar se volvieron casi blancos de miedo ante su desliz.Literature Literature
A desperate localized agony inside his head, red, yellow and white waves behind his eyes.
Una desesperada agonía concentrada en la cabeza, oleadas rojas, amarillas y blancas detrás de los ojos.Literature Literature
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