a longing look oor Spaans

a longing look

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una mirada anhelante


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He pulled free, and while his mother made incoherent whispers of entreaty, gave Calvin a long look.
Se soltó y, mientras su madre emitía varios susurros incoherentes de súplica, miró fijamente a Calvin—.Literature Literature
Lara and Nicolas exchanged a long look of sudden comprehension.
Lara y Nicolas intercambiaron una larga mirada de repentina comprensión.Literature Literature
“You have a really strange way of seeing things ...” Franz said after taking a long look at him.
—La verdad, tiene usted una manera extraña de ver las cosas... —dijo Franz después de haberlo reflexionado largo tiempo—.Literature Literature
Rio exchanged a long look of understanding with Elijah.
Rio intercambió una mirada de entendimiento con Elijah.Literature Literature
They exchanged a long look, both inhaling the scent of Wyatt’s grandmother.
Ellos intercambiaron una larga mirada, mientras inhalaban el aroma de la abuela de Wyatt.Literature Literature
Lorn gave her a long look, and for a moment Arthur thought he might relent.
Lorn la miró con detenimiento, y por un instante Arthur pensó que claudicaría.Literature Literature
Jasper gave Maria a long look that, she thought, had in it a measure of surprised respect.
Jasper dedicó a Maria una mirada prolongada que, según ella interpretó, contenía una pizca de respeto inesperado.Literature Literature
Man and wife exchanged a long look, and at last Rodrigo nodded.
Marido y mujer intercambiaron una mirada, y al final Rodrigo asintió.Literature Literature
He took one look at Jamie, then a long look at Elizabeth, then returned his gaze to Jamie.
Le echó una mirada a Jamie, luego una larga mirada a Elizabeth, luego regresó sus ojos hacia Jamie.Literature Literature
In the patio, Laura took a long look at the young caretaker, as if she’d known him forever.
En el patio, le dirigió una larga mirada el joven cuidador, como si la conociese de siempre.Literature Literature
Duncan exchanged a long look with his brother and knew he was thinking the same thing.
—Duncan miró a su hermano, consciente de que ambos estaban pensando en lo mismo.Literature Literature
The captain exchanged a long look with Sergio, almost in disbelief.
El capitán intercambió una larga mirada con Sergio, casi incrédulaLiterature Literature
He took a long look at the hills that surrounded the holler.
Echó un largo vistazo a las colinas que rodeaban la hondonada.Literature Literature
Before he left, Samson took a long look at the empty cages, then stared at me.
Antes de irse, Sansón miró largo rato las jaulas vacías y luego a mí.Literature Literature
He gave me a long look before he turned around and left my apartment.
Me dio una larga mirada antes de que él se dio la vuelta y salió de mi apartamento.Literature Literature
Benjamin and Robert shared a long look.
Benjamín y Robert intercambiaron una larga mirada.Literature Literature
He doesn’t answer right away; instead he gives me a long look that I’ve come to recognize.
No me contesta de inmediato, sino que me mira de una forma que he aprendido a reconocer.Literature Literature
Pol gave Emily a long look, his tired face reflecting astonishment at her sarcasm.
Pol dirigió una larga mirada a Emily; en su rostro cansado había sorpresa por el sarcasmo de Emily.Literature Literature
The Xorlarrin spellspinner stepped back and took a long look at the Baenre warrior.
El Xorlarrin hilador de conjuros dio un paso atrás y le echó una larga mirada al guerrero Baenre.Literature Literature
“They took a long look at me and the circle and the fire and fell back to regroup.
Vieron el círculo y el fuego y se retiraron para reagruparse.Literature Literature
Pete passed it to Bob, who took a long look at the photo.
—Pete se lo entregó y Bob dio una larga ojeada a la fotografía—.Literature Literature
He gave Kilfoyle a long look, as if some sort of double message were being sent.
—Lanzó una larga mirada a Kilfoyle, como si estuviera mandándole una especie de doble mensaje.Literature Literature
He gave me a long look, with hard, cold eyes.
Me miró largamente, con ojos fríos, duros.Literature Literature
Little Phil glanced again at the impossible word and took a long look at the picture.
El pequeño Phil tiró otro vistazo a la imposible palabra y miró detenidamente la estampa.Literature Literature
He turned to find the captain and Blue exchanging a long look.
Después se volvió y se encontró al capitán y a Blue intercambiando una larga mirada.Literature Literature
31570 sinne gevind in 233 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.