achievement indicators oor Spaans

achievement indicators

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

indicadores de los logros

UN term

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Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

achievement indicator
indicador de logros
indicator of achievement or objective
indicador de logros u objetivos
indicators of achievement
indicador de progreso


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The main programme objectives, expected achievements and achievement indicators for # are explained in annex # to document # dd
RECONOCIENDO que la Cumbre Mundial del Desarrollo Sostenible de # llamaba a los gobiernos a promover el refuerzo de la investigación y el desarrollo sobre diversas tecnologías energéticas, incluidas las energías renovables, la eficiencia energética y las tecnologías energéticas avanzadasMultiUn MultiUn
Achieving indicator targets
el importe de la ayuda recibida por la organización de productores se abonará a los correspondientes productores individualesUN-2 UN-2
Verifiable achievement indicators
A casa, antes que ChrisUN-2 UN-2
The verifiable achievement indicators will be:
Eres un imbécilUN-2 UN-2
Processing of 19,000 payments to Member States, staff and vendors, and fulfilling achievement indicators
A dos vueltasde la meta, Viren intenta ahora adelantar a PrefontaineUN-2 UN-2
The verifiable achievement indicators for the anti-organized-crime programme are indicated below
¡ Londres, Jesús!MultiUn MultiUn
Indicators of achievement: under indicator of achievement (c) (i), replace “transport safety” with “road safety”
Eres una espíaUN-2 UN-2
(a) In reporting achievement indicators, data on least developed countries has been provided.
¡ Porque te trato de hablar y no me escuchás!UN-2 UN-2
The assessment will take into account any achievement indicators that may have been stated in the decisions themselves.
No pudieron vender la granja después del crimenUN-2 UN-2
UNICEF agreed with the Board's recommendation that it monitor detailed, measurable and achievable indicators for all its entities
Precauciones especiales que deben adoptarse durante su empleoMultiUn MultiUn
iii) Verifiable achievement indicators
Por supuesto,, es obvio!MultiUn MultiUn
The new budget should also establish the necessary achievement indicators for training activities.
Total delartículo # # Complementos e indemnizaciones diversosUN-2 UN-2
Percentage of programmes with at least 75% of their annual workplan outputs that achieved indicator targets
Oh là là!Estais preciosas!UN-2 UN-2
The assessment will take into account any achievement indicators that may have been stated in the decisions themselves.
Tonterías de que el diablo estaba en BlackmoorUN-2 UN-2
These offices generate and develop inter-institutional coordination processes to achieve indicators of effectiveness and efficiency
Tu mierda chauvinistaMultiUn MultiUn
Achievement indicators:
Vale.Me alegro de veros, chicosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Even a casual examination of Mary Beth’s financial achievements indicates that she was a financial genius.
Se convirtió en fósilLiterature Literature
Somalia thanked Cuba for its presentation and the achievements indicated in the national report.
Sé quien fueUN-2 UN-2
Work towards greater consistency and objectivity in data collection for, and presentation of, its key achievement indicators
Pues algo es seguro, no está aquí en KansasUN-2 UN-2
Even a casual examination of Mary Beth's financial achievements indicates that she was a financial genius.
Anuncio de contratación PE/#/S- Director (Grupo de funciones AD, grado #)- Direcciónpara las Relaciones con los Grupos políticosLiterature Literature
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