affordability ratio oor Spaans

affordability ratio

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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A commonly accepted affordability ratio for water supply and sanitation is 4 % of household income [33].
En la UniversidadEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Commission guidance refers to 4% of household income as a commonly accepted affordability ratio, i.e. the total water bill ( drinking water and waste water ) can represent 4% of household income21.
Toma el maldito gatillo yaelitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
Commission guidance47 refers to 4% of household income as a commonly accepted affordability ratio, i.e. the total water bill ( drinking water and waste water ) can represent 4% of household income.
¿ Qué esperas que Dios haga por ti?elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
As a supplement to traditional tenant default insurance, this scheme targets all tenants who are not covered by a classic tenant default insurance contract, and whose affordability ratio is between # and # per cent
Siempre me preguntan qué aprendí en los camposMultiUn MultiUn
However, the Commission stresses that given the multidimensional nature of water values and the fact that the 4% affordability ratio is indicative, the setting of the final ratio falls within the remit of Member States.
En caso de extrema urgencia, las medidas o formalidades nacionales en cuestión serán comunicadas a la Comisión inmediatamente después de su aprobaciónelitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
As a supplement to traditional tenant default insurance, this scheme targets all tenants who are not covered by a classic tenant default insurance contract, and whose affordability ratio is between 30 and 50 per cent.
Ellos les piden que se pregunten, en conciencia, algo muy simple: «¿tengo confianza en la Comisióno no?».UN-2 UN-2
Recommendation 5 The Commission should: ( a ) encourage Member States to implement a responsible waste water tariff policy and to adapt, where necessary, the legal provisions in the area of water pricing so tariffs cannot be lower than the commonly accepted affordability ratio of 4%; ( b ) encourage Member States to see that public owners, such as municipalities, ensure that sufficient funding will be available for necessary maintenance and renewal of waste water infrastructure.
Y si hoy viviera, nos diría a los doselitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
As for paragraph # (b) (v), no data is available on the number of persons whose housing costs are proportionately higher than a government-set limit of affordability as a ratio of income
En el contexto del Acuerdo, las Partes acuerdan lo siguienteMultiUn MultiUn
As for paragraph 44 (b) (v), no data is available on the number of persons whose housing costs are proportionately higher than a government-set limit of affordability as a ratio of income.
Un poco de estragón, romero, madera para el fuegoUN-2 UN-2
Housing affordability Presently, the price-earning ratio for a terraced house stands at # and for a median priced apartment at about
Es buena personaMultiUn MultiUn
Moreover, the Norwegian authorities have activated a wide range of borrower-based measures: a combination of limits to loan-to-value (LTV) ratios and debt-to-income (DTI) ratios, and affordability tests.
¿ Qué sucedió?Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
There is no government set limit of affordability, based upon ability to pay as a ratio of income
No comprendemos el poder del mal,... el poder de la muerteMultiUn MultiUn
To stabilize the ratio of debt to GDP, we can afford to aim a little bit lower.
Los importadores presentarán sus solicitudes de certificados A durante los cinco primeros días hábiles siguientes al # de febrero para el primer subperíodo (de junio a agosto), al # de mayo para el segundo subperíodo (de septiembre a noviembre), al # de agosto para el tercer subperíodo (de diciembre a febrero) y al # de noviembre para el cuarto subperíodo (de marzo a mayoLiterature Literature
We analysed the percentage of these medicines available, the median price versus the international reference price (expressed as the median price ratio) and affordability in terms of the number of days’ wages it would cost the lowest-paid government worker to purchase one month of treatment.
yo sola no puedo hacer nada para ayudarteWHO WHO
Thus, by Greek standards, a rent-to-income ratio exceeding # per cent certainly indicates a problem of affordability
No sabía que los hombres pudieran hacer esas cosasMultiUn MultiUn
Ageing, rising dependency ratios and a smaller productive population threaten the affordability and sustainability of public budgets for social policies.[
Pensaba... al menos moriré primeroEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Financial conditions remain attractive in the mortgage market, with interest rates and affordability ratios at record lows.
¡ Quieto, cosmonauta!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
French lenders can be more rigorous about assessing affordability ratios than, say, US or UK banks.
Pero entonces, él decidió unir sus fuerzas con un aliado inusualParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Financial conditions remain attractive in the mortgage market, with interest rates and affordability ratios at all-time lows.
Sin citas, es una emergenciaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
There are no set criteria for assessing whether housing expenses are affordable, based on ability to pay or as a ratio of income
Algo de inteligencia, de LAPD hay alguna cosa?MultiUn MultiUn
There are no set criteria for assessing whether housing expenses are affordable, based on ability to pay or as a ratio of income.
El Centro continúa esforzándose, con la esperanza de haber completado la documentación para el primer semestre deUN-2 UN-2
There are exceptional circumstances where a higher percentage can be obtained or a higher affordability ratio can be considered.
¿ Recuerda que le dije que no tenía dinero?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In Spain, the maximum affordability ratio or debt-to-income is between 30% and 40%, this includes all existing debt.
Y mucho menos la plata que recibe por matar buenos cristianosParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Number of households whose housing expenses are above any government-set limit of affordability, based on ability to pay or as a ratio of income
¿ Puedo hablar con usted?UN-2 UN-2
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