aiming mistake oor Spaans

aiming mistake

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“My nephew is aware that you are here, Miss Aimes, make no mistake of that.
Ah, dejame que te muestro algoLiterature Literature
When it comes to you from so far, with such sureness of aim, you can't mistake it and you can't resist.
No te va a ir bien en los negocios, ya lo veoLiterature Literature
However, he made the mistake of aiming too low and left his head open.
Te conozco, Sun Kwon, y que no eres una asesinaLiterature Literature
And I don’t aim to make that mistake again.
Yo no la conozcoLiterature Literature
He fired cannon of various sizes at targets while Von Sternfeld corrected his aim and explained his mistakes.
¡ No enciende!Literature Literature
My only mistake was aiming too high
¡ Querías ir a Palm Springs!opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Thy mark is feeble age, but thy false dart Mistakes that aim and cleaves an infant’s heart.
Sentada ahí, sollozó durante una hora, pobre tontaLiterature Literature
My only mistake was aiming too high.
Vuelvo con ellos, HarryOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
For some philosophers think that it is a mistake to aim for a reductive definition of colour at all.
Sólo quería felicitarte por tu próxima bodaLiterature Literature
You realize that it’s a mistake to aim for a better life, if it comes at the cost of worsening someone else’s.
Ritonavir puede inducir la glucuronidación de metadonaLiterature Literature
This book aims to learn from that mistake.
Bueno, usted es mayorLiterature Literature
She aimed at all our possible mistakes.
¿ Bollos de carne humana?Literature Literature
Well, it looks like there's no mistaking that they're aiming for us.
Si vamos a tener un bebé, tenemos que mantenernos limpiosOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But Student made a serious mistake in his plan aimed for mid-afternoon.
Se que solo soy un niño para tiLiterature Literature
I’m aiming to tell the truth; though mistakes are, I suppose, inevitable.
Van a morir de todas formasLiterature Literature
Kane made the mistake of pausing to aim.
en nuestra ultima sesion, descubrimos por que dejo sus estudios rutinarios... y comenzo a viajar con los gorilas, quedandose con ellos, hasta en las noches. nuestro proximo objetivo es descubrir por que... mireLiterature Literature
Oral amendments may only be taken if they aim at correcting factual or language mistakes.
Que entierren a la mujer muertaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
�I made a mistake with my flights, Aim, that�s all.
Cool quiere decir estupendoLiterature Literature
It is important to stress that any such program would be entirely unacceptable even if it incorporated measures aimed at avoiding "mistakes" such as the downing of a plane transporting an American missionary family last year.
Las Comunidades tendrán los recursos propios asignados, de conformidad con las normas fijadas en los siguientes artículos, para asegurar, de conformidad con el artículo # del Tratado constitutivo de la Comunidad Europea (denominado en
Many accuse him of using the term “nutritional death” as a euphemism with the aim of covering up the mistakes of the CCP.
que quieren dar un hijo en adopción?gv2019 gv2019
I raised my arm immediately, nice and straight, but I made the mistake of trying to aim at the head.
Al disparar sale un pico...... seguido de un alambre diseñado para soportar tu peso.Ya veo. ¿ Y si necesito soporte adicional?Literature Literature
The most common mistake in this regard is aiming too pessimistically
¿ Ya te parece?Literature Literature
399 sinne gevind in 18 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.