amazingly oor Spaans


Difficult to believe; strange but true.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


difficult to believe
The bird flies amazingly quickly.
El pájaro vuela increíblemente rápido.


to a wonder-inspiring extent
Yes, the date palm is very pleasing to the eye and amazingly fruitful.
De modo que son muy agradables a la vista y asombrosamente fructíferas.


The bones of birds are also amazingly designed.
Los huesos de las aves también están extraordinariamente diseñados.


Sales are amazingly brisk.
Las ventas son sorprendentemente vigorosas.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

she is amazingly insensitive to the cold
es sorprendentemente insensible al frío
she did it amazingly astonishingly well
lo hizo asombrosamente bien


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
And soon, amazingly, he felt himself stronger than the beast.
La medida en cuestión fue descrita inicialmente por las autoridades eslovacas como ayuda de salvamentoLiterature Literature
He was amazingly generous to his own home town, Italica in western Spain.
Ya veo, siento no habértelo dichoLiterature Literature
But the police have been amazingly quiet since.
Curso dado a las resoluciones del ParlamentoLiterature Literature
‘We came to visit Herr Schiller,’ said Stefan in an amazingly calm voice.
Vamos por élLiterature Literature
You're doing amazingly well.
Podría alguno de uds. por favor llamar a los de limpieza y pedirles que limpien mi Denali?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Amazingly enough, he didn’t make one.
Ahora veré a los otros presos.Señor, llame al SgtoLiterature Literature
Amazingly, within seconds, Dmitri strolls out of the mansion and across the grass toward us.
No me preocupoLiterature Literature
Ruby won them all and, more amazingly, never capsized.
Te haré medio vampiroLiterature Literature
He had shot up amazingly in the last eight or nine months.
Que ponernos el manto de la no- violencia,Para encubrir la impotencia. "Literature Literature
“And he’s amazingly good at every sport: sword fighting, ax throwing, archery, you name it.
¡ Larguémonos ya!- ¿ Tú que dices, Dan?Literature Literature
The Dragon skin was amazingly frightening when you were stoned.
Si el cuarto criterio de la sentencia Altmark (eficacia) se hubiera respetado, el déficit de explotación debería haber bajadoLiterature Literature
Sometimes, amazingly, workers would recognize something of their own.
¿ Qué me da? ¿ Dónde?Literature Literature
But it's funny, because you also feel amazingly powerful.
Por favor, ¿ ya podemos irnos a casa?Literature Literature
“I promise that you will be amazingly pleased with yourself when you finally hold your baby in your arms.”
No, yo no estoy llorandoLiterature Literature
I have an amazingly good contact in the Barcelona police force.
Dejé la coca en el bar con unas chicasOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Amazingly enough, I’m the first person they’ve offered the part to.”
Aquí están los formularios que Travis firmóLiterature Literature
Not because I'd broken the law again - amazingly - but because I was asked to play a gig there.
¿ Ni un " tantito "?Literature Literature
Amazingly, the gates along the river inside the city had been left open by the unsuspecting or drunken Babylonians.
Debo limpiar ésto antes de que lo vea mamájw2019 jw2019
He was the gardener, and as it turned out he was amazingly good at his job.
¿ Encontraron algo?- NadaLiterature Literature
The old man was amazingly strong.
Hace un año, un ovni cayó en Nuevo MéxicoLiterature Literature
She’s not always easy to deal with, but he’s amazingly clever with her, and I know he won’t let me down.
Duración de la inmunidadLiterature Literature
There was no doubt about it, thought Jenna, the duckling was real—and so, amazingly, was Septimus.
Por supuesto que síLiterature Literature
Amazingly, Nyla already signed better than some of the Guardians ever had.
¿ Por qué me preguntas eso?Literature Literature
And Cecily had amazingly found a wonderful man to love and marry.
¡ Vamos, come!- Que no quiero platoLiterature Literature
There are young children in her own family, amazingly.
Así que la escribí, sin saberlo, como una tragedia griegaLiterature Literature
206 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.