and suddenly oor Spaans

and suddenly

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

y de repente

He'd sat down for a moment to rest his weary legs and suddenly looked up and saw an elderly woman before him.
Se había sentado un momento a dejar descansar a sus piernas cansadas y de repente miró hacia arriba y vio a una anciana ante él.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

suddenly the door opened and Roberto walked in
de pronto se abrió la puerta y entró Roberto
and suddenly all the love songs were about you
y de pronto todas las canciones de amor trataban de ti · y de repente todas las canciones de amor trataban de ti


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Thoughts of the inheritance returned – and suddenly she greeted it as a redemption.
Lista de especies de peces de aguas profundas, pelágicos y demersalesLiterature Literature
A sick, sweet smell assaulted Nicholas's senses, and suddenly he knew he was smelling burnt flesh.
Me quemarán si me cogenLiterature Literature
Earnshaw opened his mouth to tell her and, suddenly, remembering, clamped it shut.
Son términos que, por este uso, están reconocidos internacionalmente, tales como irregular o trabajador emigrante indocumentado, en vez de trabajadores ilegales o inmigración ilegalLiterature Literature
The door opened and suddenly a man was pushing quickly past them.
El Coronel Mekum es su comandanteLiterature Literature
And suddenly, unable to speak, her eyes widened even further, as she stared out at the sea.
Expresa su preocupación por la manera en que se gestionará la transición desde la Administración provisional de la Misión de las Naciones Unidas en Kosovo (UNMIK) a la nueva Oficina Civil Internacional; recuerda a la UNMIK que debe permanecer comprometida en Kosovo hasta que la nueva Oficina se haya organizado y sea plenamente operativa; pide a las Naciones Unidas y a la UE que prevean medios para impedir nuevas pérdidas de expertos internacionales en ámbitos cruciales de la administración habida cuenta, en particular, de que las Instituciones Provisionales de Autogobierno de Kosovo necesitarán tiempo y ayuda para asumir determinados poderes legislativos y ejecutivos de la UNMIKLiterature Literature
One touch, and suddenly her throat opened, the summer air sweet as nectar to her parched lungs.
Por eso sugerimos pedirle al Ml# que encuentre a John Lightwood y recupere el dinero robadoLiterature Literature
I flipped through the first few pages and suddenly stopped.
Deseo ocuparme de esa capillaLiterature Literature
Three years of hearing nothing and suddenly he wanted me to spend the entire summer with him?
El cálculo de la demanda media individual no debe tener en cuenta los años en que la empresa respectiva no haya utilizado sustancias reguladas como agentes de transformaciónLiterature Literature
Their insistent whine grew, and suddenly he could make out the trace of their headlights.
De hecho, ha sido largoLiterature Literature
he realized, and suddenly thought of all those people down in the old mine shaft.
Papá, sé cómo te sientesLiterature Literature
His arm fell and suddenly the Defiant’s double decks of starboard gun batteries erupted with fire.
Aquí viene lo interesanteLiterature Literature
Three strangers turn up, and suddenly... suddenly I’m worried.’
Alguien canceló a último minutoLiterature Literature
It was like having been terminally ill and suddenly recovering.
¿ Entonces por qué no abres la reja?Literature Literature
They've ignored my existence now for twenty-nine years, and suddenly they want to make nice.
La definición de la categoría de productos revestimientos textiles de suelos es conforme con la norma DIN ISOLiterature Literature
He recognized Megan’s handwriting and suddenly the sweat rose and began writhing across his face.
Debemos invertir tanto en la sociedad como en la economía, de modo que las familias tengan un futuro próspero y no deseen violencia para sus hijos.Literature Literature
They stood uncertainly on the corner for a minute and suddenly he asked, “Where are you going now?”
Dile a Genghis Chastity que hay un incendio y todos debemos trabajar juntosLiterature Literature
As a result, Russia’s economic growth is likely to fall sharply and suddenly.
¡ Qué cambio produce en un muchacho!ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Collecting the syntherope, he started to coil it— And suddenly Artoo emitted a startled squawk.
Hola.- Hola, reinaLiterature Literature
She rushed over to her own door and suddenly felt a lot of needles sticking in her back.
¿ Qué tal te sientes ahora, Próculo?Literature Literature
I was the sum of my parts—tears and snot and piss and suddenly viscous shit.
Pero Io más antiguo que se puede tener es esoLiterature Literature
Jessica and Alex soon followed them and suddenly Emily found herself alone with Mark.
No está aquíLiterature Literature
Corrine kept pressing forward and suddenly found herself thrown against Russell, who took her hand.
¿ Les mentiste?Literature Literature
She took it off before the mirror and suddenly invoked Our Lord with rare emphasis.
Primero con el desayuno...... y después con tus acciones abajoLiterature Literature
The bouncers were herding the crowd toward the door and suddenly I was saying good-bye to . . .
No.No puedo creer estoLiterature Literature
And suddenly I knew something was wrong and distorted and out of drawing.
Tu dijiste que yo le gustaba!Literature Literature
117376 sinne gevind in 296 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.