annoy oor Spaans


/ənɔɪ/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(transitive) To disturb or irritate, especially by continued or repeated acts; to bother with unpleasant deeds.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


to disturb or irritate
This will teach you not to annoy other people.
Esto te enseñará a no molestar a otras personas.


To make someone rather angry or impatient; to cause annoyance.
Hacer que alguien se vuelva más enojado o impaciente.
It isn't what he says that annoys me but the way he says it.
Lo que me fastidia no es lo que dice sino la manera en que lo dice.


to disturb or irritate
Those who annoy foreign women
Esos que me agobian cuando estoy por el extranjero

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Soortgelyke frases

is always annoyed
siempre está enojado
it annoys me to
I am annoyed
estoy enfadado · estoy enojado · estoy molesto
so annoying
how annoying!
¡qué fastidio!
were I to refuse, they'd be very annoyed
to get annoyed
aburrido · alterado · bravo · cabreado · caliente · cansado · contrariada · contrariado · disgustado · enfadado · enojado · enojoso · fastidiado · harto · insatisfecho · irritada · irritado · molesta · molesto · mosqueado · picado · revuelto
he gets annoying
se pone pesado


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“I finally got a reaction out of Madame Glacier,” he said, still looking annoyed.
—Finalmente he logrado que la señora de hielo reaccione —dijo, todavía molesto.Literature Literature
Whole place is annoying.
Todo el lugar es irritante.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I know I shouldn’t have taken on this army job, because that annoyed you.
Sé que no debí aceptar este empleo en el ejército, porque te molestaba.Literature Literature
To them the price they pay for not being annoyed in these matters is worth it.
A vista de ellos vale la pena pagar el precio que pagan para que estas cosas no les molesten.jw2019 jw2019
To be honest with you that kind of annoyed me a lot, because I always thought it was really lazy.
Para serte honesto, me molestó un poco, porque siempre pensé que era un poco vago.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I don’t want anyone’s wife to be annoyed with me.
No quiero que sus mujeres se enojen conmigo.Literature Literature
There were times when having a servant was annoying.
Había ocasiones en que tener servicio resultaba un estorbo.Literature Literature
I'm not pulling rank, Ben, but I'll be beyond annoyed if you walk out that door.
No impongo mi rango, Ben pero me molestaré si sales por esa puerta.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
she contended, annoyed by the constant verbal attacks.
le respondió con fastidio por los continuos ataques verbales.Literature Literature
Its presence annoyed him, though he could hardly have had a quieter neighbor.
Su presencia le turbaba, aunque hubiese sido difícil tener un vecino más tranquilo.Literature Literature
Zoe tied off the strip, increasingly annoyed at what, to her, were patently ridiculous questions.
—Zoe desató la tira, sintiéndose cada vez más incómoda con unas preguntas, para ella, completamente absurdas—.Literature Literature
My grandmother, so as not to annoy or give my grandfather a hard time, accepted everything without complaint.
Mi abuela, para no hacerlo sufrir, para no ocasionarle un mal rato, aceptó sin chistar.Literature Literature
Renata was greatly annoyed when I said that she must come to Coney Island with me.
Renata sintió gran contrariedad cuando le dije que debía venir conmigo a Coney Island.Literature Literature
Does your partner have any annoying little habits?
¿Tiene tu pareja alguna costumbre que te moleste?Literature Literature
Ameena, I noticed with some satisfaction, looked slightly annoyed with both of them.
Y me di cuenta, con cierta satisfacción, de que Amina parecía ligeramente molesta con los dos.Literature Literature
She was teasing, but I was annoyed with myself.
-Era una broma, pero yo estaba enojada conmigo mismaLiterature Literature
So annoying!
¡ Qué molesto!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If you were to show up at her birthday party, take a few pictures with her and her annoying friends, man, it would be like you were family.
Si pudieras aparecerte en su fiesta de cumpleaños y tomarte unas fotos con ella y sus amigos haría como si fuéramos familia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
With an annoyed sigh, Danny finally yanked it open and snapped, “They’re all sleeping, come back later.”
Con un suspiro de contrariedad, Danny finalmente abrió y es espetó: —Todos duermen, vuelva más tarde.Literature Literature
Iphiginia momentarily forgot that she was annoyed with Marcus.
Ifigenia por un instante se olvidó de que estaba enojada con Marcus.Literature Literature
Please don't try to break my concentration by annoying me.
Por favor, no intente romper mi concentración molestándome.Literature Literature
I was beginning to get annoyed with myself.
Empezaba a estar molesta conmigo misma.Literature Literature
But it was hard, since I didn’t find her interruptions nearly as annoying as I had at the beginning of the semester.
Pero resultaba difícil, dado que sus interrupciones no me alteraban como al principio del semestre ni por asomo.Literature Literature
‘He shot something,’ Cormac says, annoyed with his baby brother.
—Le disparó a algo —contesta Cormac, molesto con su hermanito menor—.Literature Literature
He looked at me, annoyed by my interruption.
Me miró, contrariado por la interrupción.Literature Literature
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