another one looks at him oor Spaans

another one looks at him

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

otra lo mira


otro lo mira


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He's on another planet, look at him.
Está en otro planeta, míralo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She saw him look at one man, dismiss him mentally, then look at another and finally face the third.
Claire vio que miraba a uno y que lo desdeñaba mentalmente; luego miró a otro y finalmente al tercero.Literature Literature
Go on, take another good look at him
Vamos, échale un buen vistazoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Bart Francis, another lieutenant on the staff, looked at him and said, “Really, Roland, that’s hardly proper.”
Bart Francis, otro teniente del estado mayor, le echó un vistazo y comentó: —En verdad, Roland, eso no es correcto.Literature Literature
Go on, take another good look at him.
Vamos, échale un buen vistazo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She also knew after one look at him that another foolish outburst on her part might snap his leash.
También sabía, después de mirarlo, que otro tonto arrebato de su parte podría hacerle perder los estribos.Literature Literature
They told one another that he was a bad man, and they kept on coming in to have another look at him.
Se decían una a otra que era un hombre malo pero seguían yendo para volver a mirarlo.Literature Literature
‘I kinda figured on that, too,’ she replied, and took another slow drag on her cigarette and looked at him.
—También imaginaba algo así —contestó ella, y dio otra lenta calada a su cigarrillo y le miró.Literature Literature
Finally, another MP at a desk looked over papers the first one gave him, then at me.
Finalmente, otro pm sentado a un escritorio miró unos papeles que le entregó el primero y luego me miro a mí.Literature Literature
The three remaining at the table looked after him, then back at one another.
Los tres que quedaron en la mesa lo miraron, luego se miraron entre sí.Literature Literature
Jack’s three partners looked at one another, then at him.
Los tres socios de Jack se miraron unos a otros y luego a él.Literature Literature
He said the congregation looked at one another, then at him. . . .
Dijo que los de la congregación se miraron los unos a los otros, entonces lo miraron a él. . . .jw2019 jw2019
The two crewmen glanced at one another and then looked at Chubs, as if waiting for him to give them orders.
Los dos tripulantes se miraron el uno al otro y luego miraron a Chubs, como si esperaran recibir órdenes suyas.Literature Literature
They turned their heads to look at one another, first him, now her, then stared ahead again, disbelieving.
Giraban la cabeza para mirarse, ora él, ora ella, y luego volvían a mirar al frente, incrédulos.Literature Literature
His security detail looked at one another, but followed him.
Los miembros de su destacamento de seguridad se miraron entre ellos, pero le siguieron.Literature Literature
In the far corner the German backpackers clutched one another and tried not to look at him.
En la esquina más alejada, los mochileros alemanes se aferraban el uno al otro y trataban de no mirarlo.Literature Literature
All three looked at one another, then at him.
Los tres se miraron el uno al otro, y luego fijaron su vista en él.Literature Literature
A burly man with a grim face and a nearly bald head aimed another one of those strange-looking handguns at him.
Un hombre fornido con cara lúgubre y la cabeza casi calva apuntó una de aquellas extrañas armas hacia él.Literature Literature
Two street women went past, holding one another by the waist and looking brazenly at him.
Pasaron dos muchachas cogidas de la cintura y mirándole descaradamente.Literature Literature
Mia stared at him blankly and took another look at the bloodied corpse on the ground.
Mia lo miró con expresión vacía y volvió a posar los ojos en el cadáver ensangrentado que yacía en el suelo.Literature Literature
His three crew members hesitated, looked at one another, and climbed in after him.
Los tres miembros de su tripulación dudaron, se miraron los unos a los otros y se subieron tras él.Literature Literature
Zane watched as his brothers all looked at one another before turning back to him.
Zane observó a sus hermanos mirándose los unos a los otros antes de volverse hacia él.Literature Literature
Jabba and Zorba looked at one another as if they had expected him to say those very words.
Jabba y Zorba se miraron el uno al otro como si hubieran esperado que dijera esas mismas palabras.Literature Literature
The mutters started again and we all looked at one another, sure that we had misheard him.
Los murmullos empezaron otra vez y nos miramos unos a otros, seguros de que habíamos oído mal.Literature Literature
Oh, God . . . that fucking hard-on so gave him another reason not to look at Jane.
Oh, Dios... aquella jodida erección, le dio otra razón para no mirar a Jane.Literature Literature
229 sinne gevind in 147 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.