anti-Zionist oor Spaans


adjektief, naamwoord
Expressing or exhibiting anti-Zionism; opposed to Zionism.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


adjective nounmasculine;feminine
one who is opposed to Zionism
Al Haq is an NGO, anti-Zionist, yes...
Al Haq es una asociación no gubernamental, antisionista, sí...

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That Sasun was anti-Zionist was not unappealing to Gertrude.
El hecho de que Sasun fuera antisionista no dejaba de tener su atractivo para Gertrude.Literature Literature
One can acknowledge Israel’s right to exist and still be an anti-Zionist (or “post-Zionist”).
Uno puede reconocer el derecho de Israel a existir y, sin embargo, ser un antisionista (o «postsionista»).Literature Literature
How many times do I have to tell you, we're Socialist Non-Orthodox Jewish Anti-Zionist Glaswegians.”
¿Cuántas veces tendré que decirte que somos judíos socialistas, no ortodoxos y antisionistas de Glasgow?Literature Literature
That is the road to an anti-Zionist revolutionary movement.
Ese es el camino para un movimiento revolucionario antisionista.Literature Literature
Indeed, modern anti-Zionist rhetoric portrays Israel's goal as domination of the whole Middle East.
De hecho, la retórica antisionista moderna habla del objetivo de Israel de dominar todo el Oriente Próximo.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
They reflect current mainstream opinion more than leftist anti-Zionists do.
Ellos reflejan la opinión de la corriente principal de hoy en día más de lo que la refleja la izquierda anti-sionista.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Anti-Zionist zingers zipped by: “Islam—not Israel!”
Aparecieron activistas antisionistas que aullaban: —¡Islam sí, Israel no!Literature Literature
A mass anti-Zionist rally was announced for a date a few days before Passover.
Se anunció una manifestación antisionista para unos días antes de la Pascua judía.Literature Literature
One understands better why he is at the same time Zionist and anti-Zionist.
Y resulta más comprensible por qué es al mismo tiempo sionista y antisionista.Literature Literature
When he came out, he was suddenly this super-hardline anti-Zionist.
Cuando volvió, de repente era un anti-sionista intransigente.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In July, the Iraqi government passed an anti-Zionist law.
En julio, el gobierno iraquí aprobó una ley antisionista.Literature Literature
The Satmer sect is anti-Zionist while the Chabad sect supports the State of Israel.
La secta satmer es antisionista mientras que la jabad apoya el Estado de Israel.Literature Literature
I suppose by now, my father would be called an anti-Zionist.
Supongo que ahora mi padre sería considerado anti sionista.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Anti-Zionist measures: Pappe 115–17.
Medidas antisionistas: Pappe 115-117.Literature Literature
His program included a fanatically anti-Jewish stand that pleased the anti-Zionist Arabs.
Figuraba en su programa una fanática posición antijudía que agradó a los árabes antisionistas.Literature Literature
I am not anti-Semitic, only anti-Zionist.
No soy antisemita, sólo soy antisionista.Literature Literature
His parents were first-generation immigrants, devout Communists, atheists, and anti-Zionist Jews.
Sus padres eran emigrantes de primera generación, comunistas devotos, judíos antisionistas y ateos.Literature Literature
Mordecai Bernstein was one of the leaders of the Jewish anti-Zionist socialist party in Poland, the Bund.
Mordecai Bernstein era uno de los líderes del partido socialista anti-sionista judío de Polonia, el Bund.Literature Literature
Some of the descendants of the Vilna Gaon's students established the extremely anti-Zionist Neturei Karta movement.
Algunos de los descendientes de los estudiantes del Gaón de Vilna establecieron el extremadamente antisionista movimiento Neturei Karta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Therefore, he was recruited by the anti-Zionistanti-imperialist” faction of the AA(M).
Por lo tanto, se incorporó a la facción «antimperialista» de AA(M), crítica con el sionismo.Literature Literature
»The Palestinians are an anti-Zionist invention of the Sheik.«
Los palestinos son una invención antisionista de los jeques.Literature Literature
What especially confused people in their response was the new anti-Zionist emphasis.
Lo que confundió de manera especial a las personas en sus reacciones fue el nuevo énfasis antisionista.Literature Literature
Howe had been totally anti-Zionist previously and then turned suddenly after 1967.
Howe había sido un visceral antisionista con anterioridad, pero cambió repentinamente de parecer después de 1967.Literature Literature
Al Haq is an NGO, anti-Zionist, yes...
Al Haq es una asociación no gubernamental, antisionista, sí...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
His experience there turned him into a staunch Arab nationalist and anti-Zionist.
Su experiencia en Londres le hizo un decidido nacionalista árabe y antisionista.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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