anti-takeover provision oor Spaans

anti-takeover provision

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

cláusula antiabsorción


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The abolition of anti-takeover provisions from company by-laws.
Primero, No te pareces en nada al DiabloCommon crawl Common crawl
Wang, and I show how stock markets have learned to price anti-takeover provisions.
Y la atropina tiene una paradójica reacción como tranquilizante usado en peces y otro animalesProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Many firms have already eliminated anti-takeover provisions in recent years, removing staggered boards and supermajority requirements for mergers.
¡ Éste es el motivo!News commentary News commentary
In new empirical research, Alma Cohen, Charles C.Y. Wang, and I show how stock markets have learned to price anti-takeover provisions.
Primero, No te pareces en nada al DiabloNews commentary News commentary
Both managements and investors should take market learning into account, paying close attention to the potential increase in market capitalization that eliminating anti-takeover provisions could produce.
¡ Sí!En la iglesia de la Calle Clyde, a lasProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Furthermore, while markets now price anti-takeover provisions, our findings raise the possibility that markets do not (yet) price other governance features whose emergence is relatively more recent.
Coge lo que necesitesNews commentary News commentary
Even if anti-takeover provisions hurt firms’ performance, however, investors may be unable to make trading profits if prices come to reflect the effects of these publicly-known provisions.
Gracias por todo, ¿ eh?News commentary News commentary
It should be emphasized that, while trading on anti-takeover provisions could no longer be used to out-perform the market during the 2000’s, such provisions remain quite consequential for firms’ valuation.
Eso tomará tiempo.- ¿ Dónde está Henry?ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
Thus, while investors can no longer profit by basing their trading decisions on standard anti-takeover provisions, our findings leave open the possibility that an investment strategy based on other features of corporate governance might be worthwhile.
Lo ví en la ciudad ayer, ¿ no es así?News commentary News commentary
For example, the number of governance-related articles in US newspapers tripled from 2000 to 2002, and the number of governance-related resolutions brought to a vote by institutional investors (many focusing on anti-takeover provisions) more than doubled, with both figures remaining at elevated levels ever since.
Las actividades propuestas en este proyecto implicarán a la comunidad científica y técnica en el estudio de cuestiones técnicas concretas y el desarrollo de procesos innovadores que mejoren el rendimiento y la capacidad de evaluación actuales del TPCE, en primer lugar a través de un conjunto de talleres especializados para estudiar ideas nuevas, y en segundo lugar, mediante el desarrollo y el ensayo de las técnicas prometedoras plasmadas en procesos utilizablesProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
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