anything but that oor Spaans

anything but that

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

cualquier cosa antes que eso


todo menos eso

I wanna try to say anything but that, but it was in my head.
He intentado decir todo menos eso, pero estaba en mi cabeza.

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"""Later, he regretted teaching me anything, but that's life."""
Más tarde lamentó habérmelo enseñado, pero así es la vida.Literature Literature
Anything but that exasperating wait.
Cualquier cosa antes que aquel exasperante tiempo de espera.Literature Literature
Anything but that!
¡ Lo que sea, menos eso!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No offense or anything, but... that's kind of sad.
Sin ofender... pero es triste.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The interior was anything but that.
Mas, en realidad, su interior era todo menos esto.Literature Literature
That's what we called the place, but it was anything but that.
Así le decíamos al lugar, pero no se le parecía en nada.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No one will know anything but that he fell in an accident.”
Nadie sabrá nada excepto que se cayó por accidente.Literature Literature
Neither heard anything, but that could be because they're out of effective range for their receivers.
Ninguna pudo oír nada, pero eso podría deberse a que se encuentra fuera del alcance efectivo de sus receptores.Literature Literature
For those girls I was with were anything but that.”
Porque aquellas con las cuales estaba eran todo menos esoLiterature Literature
I can bear anything but that.’
Puedo aguantar cualquier cosa menos eso».Literature Literature
“Oh, yes,” Gillian said, her mind refusing to consider anything but that one attractive thought.
—Oh, sí — dijo Gillian, negándose a considerar otro pensamiento que no fuera ése tan atractivo.Literature Literature
I can deal with anything but that.”
Puedo lidiar con cualquier cosa menos con eso.Literature Literature
"Claudius, Hamlet's ""mighty opposite,"" is anything but that; he is a master of""shufHing,"" no more."
"Claudio, el ""poderoso oponente"" de Hamlet, no lo es en absoluto; es apenas un maestro ""de la artimaña""."Literature Literature
And there wasn’t any reason to suspect it would be anything but that.
Y no había ninguna razón para sospechar que sería otra cosa.Literature Literature
Otherwise people never believe it; they say, 'Anything but that!'
De otro modo, las personas jamás creen eso; dicen: «¡Cualquier cosa menos eso!».Literature Literature
Ivan Chernovsky sounded calm, but Natasha knew from long association that the man was anything but that.
Ivan Chernovsky parecía calmado, pero Natashya sabía, después de haber trabajado largo tiempo con él, que no lo estaba.Literature Literature
It should’ve been anything but that.
Debería haber sido cualquier cosa menos eso.Literature Literature
Anything but that which must be done.
Lo que fuera, salvo lo que debe hacerse.Literature Literature
JAVI CRUZ: Once I saw those pictures, I wasn’t thinking about anything but that.
JAVI CRUZ: Una vez que vi esas fotografías, no pensaba en otra cosa.Literature Literature
Anything but that!
¡ Cualquier cosa menos esto!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nay, lord, ask of me anything but that!
—¡No, mi señor, pedidme cualquier cosa menos eso!Literature Literature
Not e- commerce, not e- business, not click- and- mortar, anything but that, e
No e- comercio, no e- negocios...... no con un sitio en Internet y un local en la calle, sólo eopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
I would do anything but that.
Te lo ruego, haría cualquier cosa menos eso.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Back there in the apartment you said that I didn’t need you for anything, but that isn’t true.
En el apartamento has dicho que no te necesitaba para nada, pero no es verdad.Literature Literature
Oh, gosh, that makes them sound like a maid and a butler, and they're anything but that.
Ay, Dios, eso les hace parecer una asistenta y un mayordomo, y no pueden estar más lejos de serlo.Literature Literature
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