apprize oor Spaans


Verb, werkwoord
To appraise

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


If Da'an didn't apprize you, Mit'gai, then I'm not comfortable doing so.
Si Da'an no le informó, me temo que yo no puedo hacerlo.
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
If Da'an didn't apprize you, Mit'gai, then I'm not comfortable doing so.
Lucharemos juntosOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Urges that the future Member States should from the outset be seen as 'partners' and should be kept fully apprized of the reforms pending in the Union so that they can for their part adapt to changing circumstances and make adjustments to their standards where necessary;
Otro párrafo muy importante es el párrafo g) relacionado con las operaciones coordinadas.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
38 After stating in its application in the main action that a complaint from Van Hool had first been laid before it on 6 October 1993, the Commission pointed out orally on 14 April 1994, then in writing on 15 April, that in fact it had been apprized of the matter by letter of 29 October 1993, as recorded in the case-file.
Ziro el Hutt fue extraído durante una toma de rehenesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
énoncé, expression, formulation — language utterance, linguistic utterance, speech act - informer, mettre au courant de — apprise, apprize, instruct - personnel — force, personnel [Hyper.
Cada cosa... y cada persona... tienen su lugarCommon crawl Common crawl
Are you apprized of my having come to replace Voroshilov?
pueden alterarse a causa de un único fin?Literature Literature
The competent judicial bodies and other relevant instances were apprized of the content of both protocols
También era un arquitecto muy talentosoMultiUn MultiUn
Apprizing Jacob of the fact you are one of the best women he has had the honor of meeting is not a bad thing.”
Cierra con llave por las noches.Abre por la mañanaLiterature Literature
She had nothing but her recent distress to communicate,—and of that, it appeared, he was already apprized.
No obstante, el organismo de intervención podrá designar, de acuerdo con el licitador, otros almacenes para alcanzar la cantidad que figure en la ofertaLiterature Literature
The secretariat shall keep the Council apprized of significant developments on world markets, as well as prospects for production, consumption, exports and imports.
Además, para Italia no está claro el motivo por el cual el Reglamento MDT no podría justificar la adaptación de la asignación al régimen de ayudas, la cual constituye una mera operación financiera destinada a poner en un plano de plena igualdad de trato con los astilleros que ya disfrutaban del régimen a los astilleros que habían presentado una solicitud con arreglo a los términos del Reglamento MTD y todavía no habían podido beneficiarse de la ayuda a falta de fondos asignados (principio general de igualdad de tratoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The judge conducts oral proceedings for the application of these measures, without a formal court hearing, but he must be apprized of the facts before making his ruling
Es tu sueño, hazlopor tu mismoMultiUn MultiUn
He apprized us of the Ordinances which he had already communicated to the Deputies through M. de Sussy.
Se debe conceder a los peces un tiempo adecuado para su aclimatización y adaptación a los cambios en las condiciones de la calidad del aguaLiterature Literature
) I want you to keep me apprized of any developments whatsoever.
Está loca, es una lunáticaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The judge conducts oral proceedings for the application of these measures, without a formal court hearing, but he must be apprized of the facts before making his ruling.
¡ Muevan ese árbol fuera del camino! por supuesto, los arqueólogos nos dicen...... que la rueda es el invento más importante del hombreUN-2 UN-2
"""Is it possible, Sir,"" said she, ""that you have been apprized of the Marquis's conduct?"""
ÉI es sobrino... de Soraia...- De su novioLiterature Literature
The competent judicial bodies and other relevant instances were apprized of the content of both protocols.
Traje un aviónUN-2 UN-2
As for disagreeable scenes, such as the what is ers which form the motif of the Oresteian trilogy, it may not be out of place to remark that they were almost never represented on the stage in sight of the orchestra or spectators, but were supposed always to take place indoors, the audience being apprized of events by groans and by the explanations of the chorus.
Llevé a mi grupo de estadounidenses enfermos a un Hospital cubano para ver si los podían atenderParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Secretariat shall keep the Council apprized of significant developments on world markets, as well as prospects for production, consumption, exports and imports.
Sea lo que sea que insinuesParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
For if those escaped not, refusing the One apprizing on earth, much rather we, who are turning from the One from the heavens,
Yo... no, he estado evitando a tu padreParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
How very strange that until now the Ministers of State and the representatives of the people have alike remained unaware of such conspicuous and undeniable service, and, if apprized of it, have, for reasons of their own, chosen to ignore it!
El encargado ha sido puesto en cuarentena...... y parece que lo ha pescadoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Next Generation of apprizement
El registro de recolección debe llevarse durante la recolección y recoger el número de árboles productivos desglosado por variedades/parcela, la fecha de recolección y las cantidades diarias recolectadasParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
But still as none of them were apprized of the fall of man, so none of them knew of his total corruption.
Sabía que si te traía, acabarías averiguándoloParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The Pacha-chui was in one of the two boats, and was coming with an intention to thank me, and to apprize me of his departure.
En la publicidad hay fotos deParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
We are rarely if ever apprized in advance of the outcome of our efforts to thwart human free will as was the case in which you viewed the Russian technician.”
En adelante, juntos, realicemos su sueñoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Translate apprize from English to Dutch
Su clase de gente, diría yoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Our Lord, having warned us of the dangers which easily beset us at our first entrance upon real religion, the hinderances which naturally arise from within, from the wickedness of our own hearts; now proceeds to apprize us of the hinderances from without, particularly ill example and ill advice.
Eres una espíaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
30 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.