approach an obstacle oor Spaans

approach an obstacle

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abordar un obstáculo


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Bond eventually approached an obstacle that was impossible to steer around.
Cuando se diluye Filgrastim ratiopharm en una solución para perfusión de glucosa # mg/ml (al # %), es compatible con el vidrio y diversos plásticos como PVC, poliolefina (copolímero de polipropileno y polietileno) y polipropilenoLiterature Literature
In addition, robots needed to become more versatile and adaptable in order to aid people in a variety of different situations; walking on uneven ground, for example, or approaching an obstacle.
El pueblo de Novgorod te pide que seas su príncipecordis cordis
No horse would approach such an obstacle.
¿ Alguna vez viste números así?Literature Literature
the centralised nature and approach might become an obstacle to the programme ownership and effectiveness;
La emperatriz es un demonio cuando se enfadaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Our generation needs an approach for overcoming obstacles and thriving amid chaos more than ever.
Planificación de la producciónLiterature Literature
The impulse to invest only in proven approaches should not be an obstacle to supporting promising ones.
Antes de usar ActrapidLiterature Literature
The current lack of a unified approach was an obstacle to efforts aimed at institutionalization, which also hampered the role that middle-income countries could play both within the United Nations and within the international trading system.
Ha quitado el freno de manoUN-2 UN-2
The current lack of a unified approach was an obstacle to efforts aimed at institutionalization, which also hampered the role that middle-income countries could play both within the United Nations and within the international trading system
Una rapsodia hermosa de amor y juventudMultiUn MultiUn
146 Fourthly, the applicants consider that the Commission’s approach constitutes an obstacle to privatisation and that it is in conflict with the 2004 Decision, which had made the grant of restructuring aid conditional on the privatisation of BB.
¡ Fuera.. fuera!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Does it not consider that the abandonment of the secular approach is an insurmountable obstacle in the way of the current negotiations with the European Union?
Para eso... tengo un secretonot-set not-set
Adopting an integrated approach provides an opportunity to deal with such obstacles, assuming that the unavoidable transaction costs, implicit in any integrated approach, are effectively controlled.
He caído terriblemente bajoUN-2 UN-2
Adopting an integrated approach provides an opportunity to deal with such obstacles, assuming that the unavoidable transaction costs, implicit in any integrated approach, are effectively controlled
Las aguas delimitadas por una línea que comienza en el punto situado a #° #′ de latitud norte, #° #′ de longitud oeste; después con rumbo oeste hasta los #° #′ de longitud oeste; después con rumbo sur hasta los #° #′ de latitud norte; después con rumbo este hasta los #° #′ de longitud oeste; después con rumbo norte hasta el punto de partidaMultiUn MultiUn
Does the approach we take here create an obstacle for thinking about death?
El anexo # del Acuerdo queda modificado como sigueLiterature Literature
That cannot be a reasonable approach to the concept of an obstacle.
Gracias, StuEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
An obstacle from moving away from an audit approach to preventative measures is the way tax administration’s efficiency is measured.
Ni usted tampocoeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Furthermore, this approach is based on the assumption that there is no need to subject effectiveness as between the parties to notification or registration and, to the contrary, such an approach could create an obstacle to transactions that serve security purposes but are based on informal sale or lease techniques (e.g. retention-of-title sales, financial leases or hire-purchase agreements
Pide a la Comisión que garantice que las empresas cumplan sus responsabilidades sociales y financieras, actúen de forma responsable y sean leales para con todas las partes implicadas, incluidas las autoridades regionales y locales y las comunidades de las regionesen que están establecidasMultiUn MultiUn
Furthermore, this approach is based on the assumption that there is no need to subject effectiveness as between the parties to notification or registration and, to the contrary, such an approach could create an obstacle to transactions that serve security purposes but are based on informal sale or lease techniques (e.g. retention-of-title sales, financial leases or hire-purchase agreements).
Lamento llegar tardeUN-2 UN-2
Best practices - An approach to overcoming the existing obstacles
¿ Se te zafó un tornillo o qué?not-set not-set
Expectation is a human attitude, but it is an obstacle to the approach of higher manifestations.
¿ Sabes qué día es hoy?Literature Literature
Wishful thinking is an obstacle to anything approaching sober realism.
Yo te lo dije!Europarl8 Europarl8
Such an approach must also consider obstacles to development of a self-sustaining aquatic ecosystem, such as water quality and ecological requirements.
Ya no quiero practicar la medicinaspringer springer
He’d always said the best way to overcome an obstacle was to approach it in a manner that was least expected.
Le decíamos que tenía que salir en la teleLiterature Literature
It is also clear that very soon Armenia will start to refer to its forthcoming elections, especially when neutral parties to the process do not hesitate to comment on the approaching elections as an obstacle to an active and result-oriented peace process.
¿ Sabes lo que se dice?UN-2 UN-2
It is also clear that very soon Armenia will start to refer to its forthcoming elections, especially when neutral parties to the process do not hesitate to comment on the approaching elections as an obstacle to an active and result-oriented peace process
No sé exactamente lo que pasará ahora, pero quiero que recuerdes que eres un perro fantástico, MarleyMultiUn MultiUn
Such an approach diverts attention from the true obstacles we are facing.
Ahora se me acerca una lluvia de partículasUN-2 UN-2
567 sinne gevind in 20 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.