archaea oor Spaans


Plural form of archaeon.

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Moreover, certain viruses’ size and genetic repertoire is comparable with that of bacteria, archaea, or small eukaryotes.
Además, el tamaño y la variedad genética de algunos virus son comparables con los de las bacterias archaea o eucariotes pequeños.

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An intricate functional model of Okazaki fragment maturation in the Archaea was therefore pieced together.
Es muy raro, no, como tu cuerpo lo hacecordis cordis
The theme coordinator of marine biodiversity stated that the northern Indian Ocean region is expected to have rich biological diversity, but the Ocean Biogeographic Information System database has only 34,989 records of species from the Indian Ocean, including plantae (1,690 species), animalia (30,894 species), archaea (4 species), bacteria (864 species), chromista (773 species), fungi (75 species) and protozoa (689 species) (see annex VIII).
La cuenta de resultado económico y el balance publicados por laAgencia con respecto al ejercicio # se presentan de forma sintética en los cuadros # yUN-2 UN-2
Archaea were originally described as extremophiles living in extreme environments, such as hot springs, but have since been found in all types of habitats.
El solicitante pedirá la reconducción confirmando por escrito que no se ha introducido ninguna modificación y, a falta de información en contrario, el organismo notificado prorrogará la validez del período contemplado en el puntoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They successfully expressed and purified recombinant proteins from different archaea and bacteria species for structural, biochemical, biophysical and functional characterisation.
Claro, cielocordis cordis
Comparison of the A. aeolicus genome to other organisms showed that around 16% of its genes originated from the Archaea domain.
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Not all of these morphologies are known among the Archaea.
no determinadaLiterature Literature
Organisms thought to be found in the human microbiome, however, may generally be categorized as bacteria, members of domain Archaea, yeasts, and single-celled eukaryotes as well as various helminth parasites and viruses, the latter including viruses that infect the cellular microbiome organisms (e.g., bacteriophages).
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None of these groups have been found in archaea so far, though a new group of FBPases (FBPase IV) which also show inositol monophosphatase activity has recently been identified in archaea.
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Bacteria Normal Archaea Extreme Eukaryote Each cell has nucleus.
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Most known riboswitches occur in bacteria, but functional riboswitches of one type (the TPP riboswitch) have been discovered in archaea, plants and certain fungi.
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Originally found defending single-celled bacteria and archaea against invading viruses, naturally occurring CRISPR uses two main components.
niños están o muertos o muriendo debido a un envenenamiento por radiación a consecuencia de un accidente en una planta nuclearted2019 ted2019
With bacteria archaea, the chromosome is integrated into the cell, but we recently showed that we can do a complete transplant of a chromosome from one cell to another and activate it.
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A microbial mat is a multi-layered sheet of microorganisms, mainly bacteria and archaea.
Es bueno y sale barato, amaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Already what were thought to be bacteria for generations have been found to compose, instead, two great domains of microorganisms: true bacteria and one- celled organisms the archaea, which are closer than other bacteria to the eukaryota, the group that we belong to.
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So I think it's quite a fascinating prospect that the methane we see in Mars'atmosphere might just be produced by organisms like archaea living below the Martian surface.
Con el fin de garantizar que este sistema funcione sin trabas, los solicitantes de registro tendrán que cumplir determinadas obligacionesOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A sports car would have to drive at 6,000 km/h to rival the archaea.
Cuando un transporte al que sea aplicable el régimen de tránsito comunitario comience y deba terminar en el interior del territorio aduanero de la Comunidad, se deberá presentar en la oficina de partida el boletín de entrega TRLiterature Literature
It has been found in certain Archaea and Bacteria but was first discovered in species of methanogenic Archaea.
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Researchers cultured relevant model species of archaea to gain a better understanding of how archaea adapt to energy stress and its associated effects.
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All its species are methanogenic archaea.
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Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya are three . . 5.
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Instead, chemosynthetic archaea and eubacteria form the base of the food chain.
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The DARCLIFE (Deep subsurface archaea: Carbon cycle, life strategies, and role in sedimentary ecosystems) project was established to study these poorly understood benthic microorganisms.
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The structure of a CDP-alcohol phosphotransferase from archaea was determined, providing for the first time insight into the reaction mechanism of this family of membrane-embedded enzymes.
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Archaea can also perform amazing feats—they are among the fastest creatures on Earth, for instance.
En el estado estacionario,las concentraciones de bosentan en plasma fueron de # a # veces más elevadas que con bosentan soloLiterature Literature
At the base of Woese’s tree are three trunks, or domains: Bacteria, Archaea and Eucarya.
Las normas de origen enunciadas en las notas # y # del apéndice # (a) del anexo # de la Decisión no #/# se aplicarán hasta el # de junio de # en lugar de las normas de origen establecidas en el apéndice # del anexo # de dicha DecisiónLiterature Literature
207 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.