around him oor Spaans

around him

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

a su alrededor

The old man drew a large crowd around him by his music.
El anciano atrajo con su música una gran multitud a su alrededor.

alrededor de él

A good programmer will influence everyone around him.
Un buen programador influenciará a todos alrededor de él.

en torno a él

You need to put extra security around him.
Tienes que poner seguridad extra en torno a él.

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Soortgelyke frases

they found him wandering around the streets
lo encontraron deambulando vagando por las calles
I'll go around and see him
iré a verlo
I saw him prowling around here
lo vi merodeando por aquí


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The high belts around him carried hazy bottle-jars that had just been emptied.
Las altas cintas a su alrededor transportaban turbios frascos que acababan de ser vaciados.Literature Literature
Even without audio, it was clear that the man with the gun was yelling at everyone around him.
Incluso sin sonido, estaba claro que el hombre de la pistola estaba gritando a todos los que lo rodeaban.Literature Literature
When he keeps saying, “Ruined,” she puts her arms around him.
Cuando él sigue diciendo «arruinado», lo rodea con los brazos.Literature Literature
So much a part of the world around him, yet master of it at the same time?
¿Ser parte del mundo que lo rodeaba y, no obstante, tan dueño y señor de sí al mismo tiempo?Literature Literature
I step around him and look at Clare.
Doy unos pasos a su alrededor y miro a Clare.Literature Literature
The Furious Abyss closed around him.
La Abismo Furioso se cerró a su alrededor.Literature Literature
“It’s a nice apartment,” he commented, gazing around him.
—Es un bonito apartamento —comentó, mirando a su alrededor—.Literature Literature
He didn’t like his charges feeling anxious or nervous around him.
No le gustaba que las personas que estaban a su cargo se sintiesen nerviosas o ansiosas con él.Literature Literature
Men stretched and stirred around him, as alone as he.
Los hombres se despertaban y se desperezaban a su alrededor, solos como él.Literature Literature
said the duke’s nephew, looking around him as if he had a room full of witnesses.
—repitió el sobrino del duque, fingiendo tomar por testigo a un numeroso auditorio.Literature Literature
Within a few seconds, Wells could scarcely see anything around him.
En cuestión de segundos, Wells apenas veía nada a su alrededor.Literature Literature
Someone whistled, and that’s when Fallon realized everyone had crowded around him.
Alguien silbó y fue entonces cuando Fallon se dio cuenta de que todos se habían reunido a su alrededor.Literature Literature
He had the sleeping bag around him.
Tenía el saco de dormir a su alrededor.Literature Literature
Around him, Mhoram, Ruel, and Terrel stood as still as statues.
A su alrededor, Mhoram, Ruel y Terrel estaban de pie como estatuas inmóviles.Literature Literature
He is not arrogant, but calmly disconnected from all that titters around him.
Sin mostrar arrogancia, avanza con calma, desconectado de todas las risitas que brotan a su alrededor.Literature Literature
Several others were gathered around him.
Varios otros se agrupaban a su alrededor.Literature Literature
He is tormented by the efflorescence of foolishness and waste of all kinds, everywhere around him.
Lo atormenta el general florecimiento de la estupidez y la escoria que lo rodea por todas partes.Literature Literature
Although Wake does not remember writing this book, its storyline seems to be becoming real around him.
Aunque Wake no recuerda haber escrito este libro, su historia parece ser real a su alrededor.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She read to him, and new worlds opened up all around him.
Ella le leía, y nuevos mundos se abrían a su alrededor.Literature Literature
He sees everything around him as a threat.
Veo todo lo que hay a su alrededor como una amenaza.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
His friends shouted more and more enthusiastically around him: ‘Long live Alexander, our young king!
Sus amigos gritaban cada vez más fuerte a su alrededor: —¡Que viva Alejandro, nuestro joven rey!Literature Literature
If we can't get through Bowman, we go around him.
Si no podemos superar a Bowman, le rodearemos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Captain Jackson settled back in his chair while the discussion went on around him.
El capitán Jackson se acomodó en el asiento mientras continuaba la discusión.Literature Literature
Jareg stepped around him, each footfall making the deck shudder.
Jareg paseó a su alrededor, con cada pisada haciendo temblar la cubierta.Literature Literature
Brad tried to step between Billy and me but Billy twisted around him.
Brad intentó ponerse entre Billy y yo, pero Billy se retorcióLiterature Literature
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