around my neighborhood oor Spaans

around my neighborhood

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por mi barrio


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I think I'll hang up some of these posters around my neighborhood.
Creo que pondre alguno de estos posters en mi vecindario.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then she explained the route we would take around my neighborhood, twice for her, once for me.
Entonces me explicó la ruta que seguiríamos por mi barrio: ella, dos veces y yo, una.Literature Literature
That' s how many bullets were zinging around my neighborhood growing up
Es el número de balas que pasaban por el vecindario donde crecíopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Now I was chasing strange women around my neighborhood.
Ahora estaba persiguiendo a mujeres desconocidas por el barrio.Literature Literature
As I locked up, I turned to look around my neighborhood for what might be the last time.
En cuanto cerré con llave, me volví para contemplar mi vecindario, quizá por última vez.Literature Literature
I want to go home, see my parents, and walk around my neighborhood in broad daylight.
Quiero irme a casa, ver a mis padres y caminar por el barrio a plena luz del día.Literature Literature
Around my neighborhood, waiting for Catherine to settle in.”
Por mi barrio, esperando a que Catherine subiera a su habitación.Literature Literature
She followed me as I wandered in circles around my neighborhood.
Ashley vino detrás mientras yo vagaba en círculos por mi barrio.Literature Literature
She was walking around my neighborhood with a shopping bag.
Ella paseaba al lado de la alcaldía de Batignoles, con una bolsa de compras.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To take my mind off things, I took a walk around my neighborhood.
Para distraer mi mente, fui a dar una vuelta por el barrio.Literature Literature
I stapled posters around my neighborhood with the only picture of us, the one we took together outside the dog shelter.
Pegué carteles por todo el barrio con la única foto que tenía nuestra, la que nos hicimos fuera de la perrera.Literature Literature
You can try asking around my neighborhood to see if anyone saw anything, but everybody is usually in bed by eleven.""
Podéis preguntarles a los vecinos, por si alguien vio algo, pero a las once de la noche suelen estar todos acostadosLiterature Literature
There's a weird rumor going around in my neighborhood.
Hay un extraño rumor... que recorre todo mi vecindario.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There's a weird rumor going around in my neighborhood.
Hay un extraño rumor... que recorre todo el vecindario.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Surely I could walk around my own neighborhood in broad daylight without a weapon.
Seguramente podría recorrer mi propio barrio a plena luz del día sin ir armada.Literature Literature
Oh, why, Eddie, my boy, that's loose change I picked up... in ships and treasure chests lying around in my neighborhood.
Pues, Eddie, hijo mío... son centavitos que fui recogiendo... en barcos y arcones con tesoros que estaban por allí en mi vecindario.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This so called doctor paraded me around my own neighborhood, like some kind of a derelict mother who didn't even know her own son.
Este supuesto doctor me exhibió por el vecindario, como una mala madre que ni conoce a su hijo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
My steps slowed, and I looked around the neighborhood, searching my brain.
Mis pasos se desaceleraron, y miré alrededor del vecindario, buscando mi cerebro.Literature Literature
This so called doctor paraded me around my own neighborhood,like some kind of a derelict mother who didn' t even know her own son
Este supuesto doctor me exhibió por el vecindario, como una mala madre que ni conoce a su hijoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
I walk there slowly, looking around at my old neighborhood, noticing things I never noticed before.
Voy paseando lentamente, mirando mi viejo barrio, observando cosas que nunca había observado antes.Literature Literature
"""If a vampire is hanging around the neighborhood, my guess is he knows all about the others."
─Si un vampiro anda rondando por el vecindario, supongo que lo sabe todo sobre los otros.Literature Literature
I was a bit early, so I took the time to look around at my new neighborhood.
Llegué un poco temprano, así que me tomé un instante para contemplar mi nuevo barrio.Literature Literature
And now to tie this sweater around my waist and walk around the neighborhood.
Y ahora, a atar este suéter a mi cintura y dar una vuelta por el vecindario.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And when Fred exercised the right de seigneur around the neighborhood, my grandfather took a couple of the puppies.”
Y cuando Fred se dedicó a inseminar a parte del vecindario canino, mi abuelo se quedó con un par de cachorros.Literature Literature
At my son’s age, I was walking and cycling around the neighborhood alone with my friends.
A la edad de mi hijo, yo andaba y circulaba en bicicleta por el barrio solo con mis amigos.Literature Literature
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