artistic type oor Spaans

artistic type

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tipo artístico

I can tell by looking at you, you're not the artistic type.
Puedo decir mirándolo, que no es del tipo artístico.

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“She obviously likes the artistic type.”
Está claro que le gustan los artistas.Literature Literature
I didn't know I was a con artist type.
No sabía que yo era el tipo de un artista del timo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She’s more the artistic type, I think.
Es más del tipo artístico, creo.Literature Literature
One of those artist types, huh?
Uno de esos tipos de artista, eh?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“What I’m saying,” I said, “is there are other hotels much more geared, you know, to artistic types.
—Lo que digo es que hay otros hoteles mucho mejor equipados —dije—, ya sabe, de estilo artístico.Literature Literature
Artists and artistic types must go it alone.
Los artistas y los tipos artísticos deben vivir solos.Literature Literature
“You artistic types are so gloom and doom,” Mike said without judgment.
—Vosotros los artistas lo veis todo tan negro —dijo Mike sin emitir juicio—.Literature Literature
Except, on second thought, I also tend to go for young artistic types.
Aunque, pensándolo bien, también me van los jóvenes con pinta de artista.Literature Literature
“I meant,” he said, softer, “that as a salesman you are basically an artist type.
—Quería decir —dijo, más suave—, que, como agente de ventas, usted es básicamente un tipo artístico.Literature Literature
Theo is a chronic drug user, and Estelle and her boyfriend Catfish are artist types.
Theo consume drogas de forma crónica, y Estelle y su novio Pez Gato son artistas.Literature Literature
Artistic types aren’t morning people.
La raza artística no es gente mañanera.Literature Literature
‘Oh, you know . . . artistic types always seem to have restless souls.
—Bueno, ya me entiendes... parece que las personas con talento artístico siempre son de espíritu inquieto.Literature Literature
“Well, you know artist types,” the other one says.
—Bueno, ya sabes cómo son los artistas —dice la otra mujer—.Literature Literature
“My father’s the artistic type, you could say.
—Mi padre es del tipo artístico, se podría decir.Literature Literature
In spite of her beautiful friends, Tibby was identified more with the disaffected artist types.
A pesar de sus bellas amigas, a Tibby se la identificaba más con el grupito de artistas contestatarios.Literature Literature
You’re an artistic type, a serious observer of life, why kill your talent?
Eres un tipo artístico, un observador serio de la vida, ¿por qué vas a desperdiciar tu talento?Literature Literature
Anyway, this designer, he’s one of those long-haired artistic types, and you never know with them.
... Bueno, pues el interiorista ese es uno de esos artistas melenudos, y con ésos nunca se sabe.Literature Literature
You're the artist type.
Tú eres un bohemio.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I'm tired of messing around with these... dorky-ass nice guys... and sensitive-artist types.
Estoy cansada de mezclarme con esos chicos simpáticos e imbéciles que se creen artistas sensibles.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I mean, you're a hedonistic, free spirit, artist type, and even you didn't do that.
Eres una artista hedonista de espíritu libre y ni siquiera tú hiciste eso.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Here is precisely the definition of the artist type, or the creative type generally.
Esta es justamente la definición del artista o, en general, del tipo creativo.Literature Literature
I mean, you're a hedonistic, free spirit, artist type, and even you didn't do that.
Quiero decir, tu eres una hedonista, un espíritu libre, del tipo artista, y nunca has hecho eso.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You don’t sleep in galleries, unless you’re some tedious performance artist type.
Uno no duerme en las galerías de arte, a no ser que sea uno de esos aburridos artistas de performance.Literature Literature
They're both artist types.
Son los típicos artistas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You're more the artistic type.
Tu eres más del tipo artístico.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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