as much oor Spaans

as much

Likewise, similarly, in a similar manner.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


verb adverb
And we all learned as much from each other as we did from the instructors.
Y aprendimos tanto los unos de los otros, así como de los profesores.


interjection adverb
This is our community and you being our visitors, it is just as much yours.
Esta es nuestra comunidad, y al ser nuestros visitantes es igualmente suya.

lo mismo

I said as much when we adopted the practice of adding sugar to wine.
Dije lo mismo cuando aprobamos la práctica de añadir azúcar al vino.


Novels aren't being read as much as they were in the past.
Las novelas no se están leyendo tanto como solía ser.

tanto como

Novels aren't being read as much as they were in the past.
Las novelas no se están leyendo tanto como solía ser.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

you need at least twice as much
necesitas por lo menos el doble
I have as much right as you to be heard
tengo tanto derecho como tú a que se me escuche
as much as you can
tanto como pueda · tanto como puedan · tanto como puedas
I have as much money as he has
tengo tanto dinero como él
twice as much
doble · dobles
Mario travels as much as Luis does
Mario viaja tanto como Luis
so much as
apenas · incluso
the kids work as much as the parents
los niños trabajan tanto como los padres
Alberto was shouting as much
Alberto gritaba tanto


Advanced filtering
That’s as much as the wind spirits would tell him.
Es todo cuanto le decían los espíritus del viento.Literature Literature
I told him as much, both through the blood tie and out loud, and he sighed.
Se lo dije, tanto por el lazo de sangre como en voz alta, y él suspiró.Literature Literature
The world needed that regime as much as ever.
El mundo necesita ese régimen tanto como siempre.UN-2 UN-2
To feel like you do, I'll have to eat as much as you.
Me siento como tú, comeré tanto como tu comas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There seemed to be ten times as much traffic.
Parecía haber diez veces más tráfico.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You spend ten times as much on clothes as me any day.”
Gastas en «trapitos» diez veces más que yo.Literature Literature
In reality, there was as much denim as leather, and the looks were disinterested.
En realidad, había tanta tela vaquera como cuero, y las miradas eran de indiferencia.Literature Literature
After all, it was freeing him from an embarrassing situation as much as it was her.
Después de todo, así le libraría de una situación embarazosa.Literature Literature
As much as possible about the characteristics of the measuring tools should be learned.
Es preciso informarse lo más posible de las características de los instrumentos de medición.Literature Literature
It's not as much fun without you.
No es tan divertido sin ti.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The great Virgil already said as much: Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes.”
Ya lo dijo el gran Virgilio: Timeo Danaos et dona ferentis.Literature Literature
It’s my life as much as yours.’
Es mi vida tanto como la tuya.Literature Literature
"""But our grandmother told me as much as she could on her deathbed."
Pero nuestra abuela me contó todo lo que pudo en su lecho de muerte.Literature Literature
"""Maybe being a friend of the Dragon Reborn isn't as much protection as it used to be."""
—Quizá ser amigo del Dragón Renacido no da tanta protección como solía.Literature Literature
By now, he must wonder as much as the Queen does, why Verity has not returned.
A estas alturas, debe de preocuparle tanto como a la reina el hecho de que Veraz no haya regresado.Literature Literature
“I can’t get into everything, but I’ll tell you as much as I can.
No puedo entrar en detalles, pero te contaré lo que pueda.Literature Literature
“You seem to like it as much as we do.”
—Te gusta tanto como a nosotros, parece.Literature Literature
I do give back as much as my accountant says I have to.
Yo devuelvo tanto como mi contador me ordena.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He let his hand fall limply, as if his own body were as much to blame.
Y dejó caer la mano inerte, como si su cuerpo también fuera culpable.Literature Literature
She has her own home to tend to, and soon she won’t be able to do as much.
Tiene su propia casa que atender y dentro de poco no podrá hacer gran cosa.Literature Literature
This readiness characterized the nineteenth century, and existed in Marx as much as in his contemporaries.
Esta predisposición caracterizó al siglo XIX y existió en Marx tanto como en sus contemporáneos.Literature Literature
The crowds bored him as much as laboratories and power plants now did.
Las multitudes le aburrían ahora tanto como los laboratorios y las plantas de energía.Literature Literature
This is Markku’s photo-stream I hope do you enjoy it as much as me.
Esta es la galeria de Markku espero que os guste tanto como a mi.Common crawl Common crawl
But, um... not as much as she took.
Pero, no tanto como se tomó ella.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""Now I wait only to let these armies do each other as much harm as possible."
—Ahora sólo aguardo a dejar que esos ejércitos se hagan el uno al otro tanto daño como sea posible.Literature Literature
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